This is a simple alarm application of android (version 2.2.x - 2.3.3, 4.x).
sleep tunes (e.g.1h) wake-up tunes w vibration
application starts
Alarm set ------------------> ..... Alarm time --------------->
press "set alarm" button display google calendar/Gmail etc..
If you want to stop vibration only, please use "stop vibration" menu
- Put your music file into /sdcard/music directory of android device
- Prepare m3u format play list for sleep (named sleep.m3u) and wakeup (named wakeup.m3u). m3u file contains one music filename in one line.
- Put playlists and stop.m4a file in /sdcard/music/ directory of android device.
- Download apk file from or Build malarm and install it on android device
- Run malarm on android device
- Enjoy!
You can change path to playlist and music files by "Playlist directory" preference screen
- Xperia acro
- Android 2.3.4 (API level 10)
- 480x854 (WVGA+) screen
- Android 4.0.4
- Android 4.1.2
- Android 2.1 emulator (API level 7)
- Android 2.2 emulator (API level 8)
- Android 4.0 emulator
Basically m3u format. Podcast is supported by adding podcast XML url like following
The first episode is played.
- Music stops when DRM decoding failed
- merge restartMusic from podplayer
- try to get title from music file (m4a, mp3)
- display web site list as activity and provide editor
- use muliselect of preference support?
- add UI to add music to playlist
- add more test cases
- music list (up, down, delete)
- make COOL widget to set alarm (make clock widget?)
- fix bugs
- alarm switch is off when timer expired and wakeup sound starts
- press Now! button on 12:00 - 12:59 (noon)
- time picker is set 00:x
- long press set alarm button -> rotate screen -> then notification disappears but alarm is set
- alarm set -> pause music from menu -> notification title is incorrect
- add controlls to notification
- play, next, previous, pause
- handle error
- add on error method to listener
- stop playing on phone call
- requires READ_PHONE_STATE permission, then should be liked to the privacy policy of this app
- easy/simple play list
- e.g. record voice like "wakeup!" and use it
- preset voice
- using miku?
- read text on web using text to speech
- use Compatibility Test Suite to test
- use gradle to build
- download robotium and scirocco jar from repository
- but ant is enough and fast....
- merge PlayserService from podplayer project
- add UI to widen WebView area
- use playlist created by Google music player
- add UI to select playlist for wakeup and sleep.
- Write more detail to help page
- how to create playlist
- how to create customized url list file
- add preference to avoid network access from web viewer
- add network preference, disable/enable
- e.g. display photo
- show music title as a notification, not filename
- add play button on volume preference to check volume
- show mark on playing music in playlist preference
- improve UI to create and edit playlist
- improve accessibility
- add introduction guide or tutorial to create playlist
- improve wording especially one of notification
- parse preference.xml to test preference easily. (remove lookup and table)
- add preference to set silent mode or restore volume
- change notification icon while playing music
- change webview into photo view, movie player...
- separate webview part from main activity
- add UI to play ringtone on VolumePreference to check volume
- hide time picker after malarm is set? (or count down?)
- scale of web contents
- move current playing position when playlist is edited
- add mode to display alert dialog if device is not charged when alarm is set
- fix UI update bug when sleep timer expires (broadcast -> activity)
- conditional playlist
- Sunday, holiday playlist etc...
- setAlarm -> Activity quits
- double touch of webview
- label text is updated when music is stopped or alarm is canceled
- check default config value
- fix bug when native player is used....
- support HVGA, WVGA, WVGA+ resolution
- localize: Germany, French, Chinese
- support multiple episode of podcast?
- support shuffle of music
- Design for tablets
- record wakeup time
- gift app with audio files
- e.g. buy some music files from google play
- e.g. mp4 file which recorded my playing the piano (free audio)
- config music files, playlist and web site list, pack and send to friend
Create file and set sdk.dir property to location where you installed android SDK
sdk.dir=<path to android SDK>
In project top directory execute following command
ant debug
malarm-debug.apk will be created in bin directory, if successed
start android emulator
emulator -avd <avdname>
install application on android emulator
adb install bin/malarm-cmd.apk
(build.xml and *.property files are created by android create command) or install app using ant
ant installd
There is a GUI automated test using Robotium, named malarm_test
- URL list specification
- if malarm/urllist.txt exists in external storage(e.g. SD card), it is used as url list file url list file is a text file which contains title followed by tab and its url par line you can specify slide show contents in asset e.g. file:///android_asset/local/step.html
- otherwise, url list specified by UI is used pref_url_list_value in values/arrays.xml is used
- MultiListPreference is based on the following web page
- Alarm application starts when user push appwidget of malarm.
- Dropsync is a useful Android app!
- To use @Overrides annotation, use following eclipse setting
- Notification.setLatestEventInfo is removed.....
Takashi Masuyama < [email protected] >