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IoT Perishable Goods Network

Example business network that shows growers, shippers and importers defining contracts for the price of perishable goods, based on temperature readings from IoT sensors in the shipping containers.

The business network defines a contract between growers and importers. The contract stipulates that: On receipt of the shipment the importer pays the grower the unit price x the number of units in the shipment. Shipments that arrive late are free. Shipments that have breached the low temperate threshold have a penalty applied proportional to the magnitude of the breach x a penalty factor. Shipments that have breached the high temperate threshold have a penalty applied proportional to the magnitude of the breach x a penalty factor.

The order of events in this scenario is something like this:

The shipment must first be packed by the Grower, and once that occurs, the Grower submits the ShipmentPacked transaction to update the ledger. The transaction chaincode also broadcasts a ShipmentPackedEvent letting interested parties know the Shipment is packed and ready for pickup.

The Shipper picks up the Shipment from the Grower and submits the ShipmentPickup transaction to update the ledger. The transaction chaincode also broadcasts a ShipmentPickupEvent letting interested parties know the Shipment has been picked up and is on its way to be loaded for transport.

The Shipper loads the Shipment onto the container ship and submits the ShipmentLoaded transaction to uploade the ledger. The transaction chaincode also broadcasts a ShipmentLoaded letting interested parties know the Shipment has been loaded onto the container ship.

Along the way, IoT sensors in the cargo container update the blockchain with information about the Shipment

  • Temperature Readings - submitted by TemperatureSensor Participant via TemperatureReading transactions as the container travels to its destination
  • GPS Readings - submitted by GpsSensor Participant via GpsReading transactions as the container travels to its destination

During transport, if the chaincode for the TemperatureReading transaction detects that the agreed-upon temperature boundaries are breached during transport, a TemperatureThresholdEvent is broadcast to interested parties.

When the container ship reaches its destination (Port of New Jersey/New York) a ShipmentInPortEvent is broadcast to interested parties.

When the shipment has been received by the Importer a ShipmentReceived event is broadcast to interested parties.

This business network defines:

Participants Grower Importer Shipper IoTDevice TemperatureSensor GpsSensor

Assets Contract Shipment

Transactions ShipmentPacked ShipmentPickup ShipmentLoaded TemperatureReading GpsReading ShipmentReceived SetupDemo

Events ShipmentPackedEvent ShipmentPickupEvent ShipmentLoadedEvent TemperatureThresholdEvent ShipmentInPortEvent ShipmentReceivedEvent

Submit a ShipmentPacked transaction:

  "$class"; "org.acme.shipping.perishable.ShipmentPacked",
  "shipment": "resource:org.acme.shipping.perishable.Shipment#SHIP_001"

Submit a ShipmentPickup transaction:

  "$class"; "org.acme.shipping.perishable.ShipmentPickup",
  "shipment": "resource:org.acme.shipping.perishable.Shipment#SHIP_001"

Submit a ShipmentLoaded transaction:

  "$class"; "org.acme.shipping.perishable.ShipmentLoaded",
  "shipment": "resource:org.acme.shipping.perishable.Shipment#SHIP_001"

Submit a TemperatureReading transaction:

  "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.TemperatureReading",
  "centigrade": 8,
  "shipment": "resource:org.acme.shipping.perishable.Shipment#SHIP_001"

If the temperature reading falls outside the min/max range of the contract, the price received by the grower will be reduced. You may submit several readings if you wish. Each reading will be aggregated within SHIP_001 Shipment Asset Registry.

If the date-time of the ShipmentReceived transaction is after the arrivalDateTime on CON_001 then the grower will no receive any payment for the shipment.

Submit a GpsReading transaction:

  "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.GpsReading",
  "readingTime": "120000",
  "readingDate": "20171024",

Submit a ShipmentReceived transaction for SHIP_001 to trigger the payout to the grower, based on the parameters of the CON_001 contract:

  "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.ShipmentReceived",
  "shipment": "resource:org.acme.shipping.perishable.Shipment#SHIP_001"

To test this Business Network Definition in the Test tab:

Submit a SetupDemo transaction:

  "$class": "org.acme.shipping.perishable.SetupDemo"

This transaction populates the Participant Registries with a Grower, an Importer and a Shipper. The Asset Registries will have a Contract asset and a Shipment asset.


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added build script to install to local blockchain network







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