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The project aims to de-congest the national highways by analyzing the road traffic from different toll plazas.

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The project aims to de-congest the national highways by analyzing the road traffic from three different toll plazas. Each highway is operated by a different toll operator with a different IT setup that uses different file formats. My job is to collect data available in different formats and consolidate it into a single file.


In this project I will author an Apache Airflow DAG that will:

  • Extract data from a CSV file.
  • Extract data from a tsv file.
  • Extract data from a fixed width file.
  • Transform the data.
  • Load the transformed data into the staging area.

Task 1.1 - Define DAG arguments

Parameter Value
owner Raphael Malims
start_date today
email [email protected]
email_on_failure True
email_on_retry True
retries 1
retry_delay 5 minutes

Task 1.2 - Define the DAG

Parameter Value
DAG id ETL_toll_data
Schedule Daily once
defualt_args default_args
description Highway Toll Data Using Airflow

Task 1.3 - Task to download data

Create a task that will download the traffic data from data-source: ( and stored into the directory ~ Zen/Airflow-ETL_Toll_Data

Task 1.4 - Task to unzip data

Uncompress the downloaded data into the destination directory.~/Zen/Airflow-ETL_Toll_Data

Task 1.5 - Task to extract data from CSV file

This task should extract the fields Rowid,Timestamp,Anonymized Vehicle number,vehicle type from vehicle-data.csv and save them into a file name csv_data.csv .

Task 1.6 - Task to extract data from tsv file

This task should extract the fields Number of axles, Tollplaza id, Tollplaza code from tollplaza-data.tsv file and save it into a file name tsv_data.csv .

Task 1.7 - Task to extract data from fixed width file

This task should extract the fields Type of Payment code,Vehicle Code from the fixed width file payment-data.txt and save it into a file named fixed_width_data.csv.

Task 1.8 - Task to Consolidate data extracted from previous tasks

This task should create a single csv file names extracted-data.csv by combining data from:

  • csv_data.csv
  • tsv_data.csv
  • fixed_width_data.csv

The final csv file should use the fields in the order given below:

RowidTimestampAnonymized Vehicle numberVehicle typeNumber of axlesTollplaza idTollplaza codeType of Payment code, and Vehicle Code .

Task 1.9 - Define the task pipeline

download_data >> unzip_data >> extract_data_from_csv >> extract_data_from_tsv >> extract_data_from_fixed_width >> consolidate_data >> transform_data


The project aims to de-congest the national highways by analyzing the road traffic from different toll plazas.






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