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maliho0803 committed Jun 13, 2019
1 parent ea15832 commit bd93222
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Showing 66 changed files with 21,142 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added examples/frame_00068_rgb.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added examples/frame_00068_rgb_3dmm.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/frame_00068_rgb_3dmm_new.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/frame_00068_rgb_landmark.mat
Binary file not shown.
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import as sio
import numpy as np
import os
import glob
from PIL import Image
from fitting_3dmm.FittingModel import FittingModel
from utility.param_parse import RotationMatrix

face_mode_path = './models/'
#keypoints,mu_shape,segbin,segbin_tri,sigma,symlist,symlist_tri, tex, tri, w
bfm_model = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_Shape.mat')#The Basel Face Model
tri = bfm_model['tri']
mu_shape = bfm_model['mu_shape']
w = bfm_model['w']
sigma = bfm_model['sigma']
keypoints = bfm_model['keypoints']

#mu_exp, sigma_exp, w_exp
expression_model = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_Expression.mat')
mu_exp = expression_model['mu_exp']
sigma_exp = expression_model['sigma_exp']
w_exp = expression_model['w_exp']

mu = mu_shape + mu_exp

#parallel parallel_face_contour
Modelplus_parallel = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Modelplus_parallel.mat')
parallel = Modelplus_parallel['parallel']
parallel_face_contour = Modelplus_parallel['parallel_face_contour']

## Parameter
layer = 3
layer_width = [0.2,0.5,0.8]

base_path = '/data/zhoumi/datasets/IJB-A'

img_folders = glob.glob(os.path.join(base_path, 'real/*'))

for img_folder in img_folders:
dst_folder = img_folder.replace('real', 'real_3dmm')
if not os.path.exists(dst_folder):

img_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(img_folder, '*.jpg'))
for img_path in img_paths:
#load image, 3dmm parameters
mat_path = img_path.replace('.jpg', '_landmark.mat').replace('real', 'real_landmark')

img =
img = np.array(img) / 255.0

height, width, nChannels = img.shape

if os.path.exists(mat_path):
landmarks = sio.loadmat(mat_path)['pts']
pt2d = landmarks.T

pt2d[1, :] = height + 1 - pt2d[1, :]

f, phi, gamma, theta, t3d, alpha, alpha_exp = FittingModel(pt2d, mu, w, sigma, w_exp, sigma_exp, tri, parallel, keypoints, img)

Pose_Para = np.hstack([np.array([phi]), np.array([gamma]), np.array([theta]), t3d, np.array([f])])
Shape_Para = alpha
Exp_Para = alpha_exp

save_name = mat_path.replace('landmark', '3dmm')
sio.savemat(save_name, {"Pose_Para" : Pose_Para, "Shape_Para" : Shape_Para, "Exp_Para" : Exp_Para, "img" : img, "pt2d" : pt2d})

# R = RotationMatrix(phi, gamma, theta)

# express3d = mu_exp +, alpha_exp)
# express3d = np.reshape(express3d, (int(express3d.shape[0] / 3), 3)).T
# shape3d = mu_shape +, alpha)
# shape3d = np.reshape(shape3d, (int(shape3d.shape[0] / 3), 3)).T
# vertex3d = shape3d + express3d
# ProjectVertex = * R, vertex3d) + np.tile(t3d, (vertex3d.shape[1], 1)).T
# ProjectVertex[1, :] = height + 1 - ProjectVertex[1, :] # Fitting结果,模型上每一点在图像上的位置

# sio.savemat('./new.mat', {'ProjectVertex' : ProjectVertex, "tri":tri})
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
import as sio
import cv2
import sys
import os
import glob
from utility.param_parse import *
from utility.ModelCompletionBFM import *
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import numpy as np
from utility.display_face_model import DrawSolidHead
from utility.ImageMeshing import ImageMeshing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from utility.ImageRotation import ImageRotation
from mesh.Zbuffer_mesh import ZBufferTri
from mesh.FaceFrontalization_mesh import FaceFrontalizationMapping, FaceFrontalizationFilling

face_mode_path = './models/'

#face_contour, face_contour_line, face_contour_front, face_contour_front_line
face_contour_trimed = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_face_contour_trimed.mat')
face_contour = face_contour_trimed['face_contour']

#keypointsfull_contour, parallelfull_contour
face_fullmod_contour = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_fullmod_contour.mat')
keypointsfull_contour = face_fullmod_contour['keypointsfull_contour']
parallelfull_contour = face_fullmod_contour['parallelfull_contour']

face_tri_mouth = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_tri_mouth')

face_keypoints = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_keypoints')
keypoints = face_keypoints['keypoints']

#keypoints,mu_shape,segbin,segbin_tri,sigma,symlist,symlist_tri, tex, tri, w
bfm_model = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_Shape.mat')#The Basel Face Model
tri = bfm_model['tri']
mu_shape = bfm_model['mu_shape']
w = bfm_model['w']

#mu_exp, sigma_exp, w_exp
expression_model = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_Expression.mat')
mu_exp = expression_model['mu_exp']
sigma_exp = expression_model['sigma_exp']
w_exp = expression_model['w_exp']

#Model_FWH, vertex_noear_BFM
FWH_model = sio.loadmat(face_mode_path + 'Model_FWH.mat')
Model_FWH = FWH_model['Model_FWH']#The Full Face Model
vertex_noear_BFM = FWH_model['vertex_noear_BFM']
vertex_noear_BFM = np.transpose(vertex_noear_BFM)

tri_mouth = face_tri_mouth['tri_mouth']

tri_plus = np.hstack((tri, tri_mouth))
layer_width = [0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3]
mu = mu_shape + mu_exp

base_dir = '/data/zhoumi/datasets/IJB-A'
img_folders = glob.glob(os.path.join(base_dir, 'real/*'))

for img_folder in img_folders:
dst_folder = img_folder.replace('real', 'syn')
if not os.path.exists(dst_folder):

img_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(img_folder, '*.jpg'))
for img_path in img_paths:
#load image, 3dmm parameters
mat_path = img_path.replace('.jpg', '_3dmm.mat').replace('real', 'real_3dmm')
param_3dmm = sio.loadmat(mat_path)
img =
img = np.array(img) / 255.0
Exp_Para = param_3dmm['Exp_Para']
Pose_Para = param_3dmm['Pose_Para']
Shape_Para = param_3dmm['Shape_Para']

#construct 3D face
f, phi, gamma, theta, t3d = ParaMap_Pose(Pose_Para)

R = RotationMatrix(phi, gamma, theta)
P = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
alpha = Shape_Para
alpha_exp = Exp_Para

express = np.matmul(w_exp, alpha_exp)
express = np.resize(express, (int(express.shape[0] / 3), 3))

shape = mu + np.matmul(w, alpha)
shape = np.resize(shape, (int(shape.shape[0] / 3), 3))
vertex = shape + express
# print(vertex)

vertex_full, tri_full = ModelCompletionBFM(vertex, tri_plus, Model_FWH)
vertexm_full, temp = ModelCompletionBFM(vertex_noear_BFM, tri_plus, Model_FWH)

# print(img)
height, width, nChannels = img.shape
# print(height, width, nChannels)

ProjectVertex = np.matmul(f * R, np.transpose(vertex)) + np.transpose(np.tile(t3d, (vertex.shape[0], 1)))
ProjectVertex[1, :] = height + 1 - ProjectVertex[1, :]
# DrawSolidHead(ProjectVertex, tri)
# sio.savemat('./ProjectVertexrtex.mat', {'Vertex': ProjectVertex, 'tri':tri})

ProjectVertex_full = np.matmul(f * R, np.transpose(vertex_full)) + np.transpose(np.tile(t3d, (vertex_full.shape[0], 1)))
ProjectVertex_full[1, :] = height + 1 - ProjectVertex_full[1, :]
# print(ProjectVertex_full)
face_contour_ind = face_contour
# DrawSolidHead(ProjectVertex_full, tri_full)
# sio.savemat('./ProjectVertex_full.mat', {'Vertex': ProjectVertex_full, 'tri':tri_full})

contlist_src, bg_tri, keypointsfull_contour_pose = ImageMeshing(vertex, tri_plus, vertex_full, tri_full, vertexm_full,
f, phi, gamma, theta, t3d, keypoints, keypointsfull_contour, parallelfull_contour, img, layer_width)

bg_vertex_src = contlist_src[0]
for i in range(1, len(contlist_src)):
bg_vertex_src = np.hstack([bg_vertex_src, contlist_src[i]])

# print(bg_vertex_src.shape, ProjectVertex_full.shape, bg_tri.shape, tri_full.shape)
all_vertex_src = np.hstack([bg_vertex_src, ProjectVertex_full])
all_tri = np.hstack([bg_tri, np.transpose(tri_full) + bg_vertex_src.shape[1]])
# sio.savemat('./all_vertex_src.mat', {'Vertex': all_vertex_src, 'tri':all_tri})
# DrawSolidHead(all_vertex_src, all_tri)

phi_delta = 0/180 * np.pi
gamma_delta = 10/180 * np.pi
theta_delta = 0/180 * np.pi
phi_ref = phi
gamma_ref = gamma
theta_ref = theta
while np.abs(gamma_ref) < np.pi / 3:
## 3. Rotating and Anchor Adjustment
# Get delta rotation;
phi_delta = np.abs(phi_delta) * phi / np.abs(phi)
gamma_delta = np.abs(gamma_delta) * gamma / np.abs(gamma)
theta_delta = np.abs(theta_delta) * theta / np.abs(theta)
phi_ref = phi_ref + phi_delta
gamma_ref = gamma_ref + gamma_delta
theta_ref = theta_ref + theta_delta
R_ref = RotationMatrix(phi_ref, gamma_ref, theta_ref)

center_src = np.mean(ProjectVertex_full, axis=1)
center_src[1] = height + 1 - center_src[1]

t3d_ref = center_src - np.mean(np.matmul(f * R_ref, np.transpose(vertex_full)), axis=1)

# print(R_ref.shape, vertex_full.shape, t3d_ref.shape)
RefVertex = np.matmul(f * R_ref, np.transpose(vertex_full)) + np.tile(np.expand_dims(t3d_ref, axis=1), (1, vertex_full.shape[0]))
RefVertex[1, :] = height + 1 - RefVertex[1, :]

Pose_Para_src = np.array([[phi, gamma, theta, t3d[0], t3d[1], t3d[2], f]])
Pose_Para_ref = np.array([[phi_ref, gamma_ref, theta_ref, t3d_ref[0], t3d_ref[1], t3d_ref[2], f]])

contlist_ref, t3d_ref = ImageRotation(contlist_src, bg_tri, np.transpose(vertex_full), tri_full, keypointsfull_contour, parallelfull_contour, Pose_Para_src, Pose_Para_ref, img)

bg_vertex_ref = contlist_ref[0]
for i in range(1, len(contlist_src)):
bg_vertex_ref = np.hstack([bg_vertex_ref, contlist_ref[i]])
all_vertex_ref = np.hstack([bg_vertex_ref, RefVertex])

bg_tri_num = bg_tri.shape[1]
bg_ver_num = bg_vertex_src.shape[1]

## Further adjust z

if gamma > 0:
face_contour_modify = np.hstack([np.array(range(8)), np.array(range(24, 30))])
face_contour_modify = np.array(range(9, 23))

face_contour_nonmodify = np.setdiff1d(np.array(range(keypointsfull_contour.shape[1])), face_contour_modify)
cont = contlist_ref[0]
bin = np.zeros((1, cont.shape[1]))
bin[0, face_contour_nonmodify] = 1
zmax_bin = bin
for i in range(1, len(contlist_ref) - 1):
cont = contlist_ref[i]
bin = np.zeros((1, cont.shape[1]))
bin[0, face_contour_nonmodify] = 1
zmax_bin = np.hstack([zmax_bin, bin])

zmax_bin = np.hstack([zmax_bin, np.zeros((1, contlist_ref[-1].shape[1]))])
zmax_ind = np.where(zmax_bin)
zmax_ind = (zmax_ind[0], zmax_ind[1] + 1)
bin = np.in1d(bg_tri[0, :], zmax_ind) | np.in1d(bg_tri[1, :], zmax_ind) | np.in1d(bg_tri[2, :], zmax_ind)
bin = np.where(bin == True)
zmax_ind = np.unique(np.squeeze(bg_tri[:, bin]))
#all_vertex_ref[2, zmax_ind] = np.max(all_vertex_ref[2, :])

## 4. Get Rotating Result
valid_half = np.zeros((tri_full.shape[0], 1))
symlist_tri = np.hstack([np.array([range(tri_full.shape[0])]), [[0]]])
symlist_tri = np.transpose(np.reshape(symlist_tri, (int(symlist_tri.shape[1] / 2), 2)))

comp_map, tri_ind = ZBufferTri(all_vertex_ref, all_tri, np.zeros((1, all_tri.shape[1])), -1 * np.ones((height, width, 1)))

corres_map, corres_map_sym = FaceFrontalizationMapping(np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1])), tri_ind, all_vertex_src, all_vertex_ref,
all_tri, bg_tri_num, valid_half, vertex.shape[0], tri_plus.shape[1], symlist_tri)
# corres_map = sio.loadmat('./corres_map.mat')['corres_map']
# img = sio.loadmat('./corres_map.mat')['img']
# print(np.max(corres_map), np.min(corres_map))

des_img = FaceFrontalizationFilling(img, corres_map)

save_name = os.path.join(dst_folder, img_path.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '_' + str(gamma_ref) + '.jpg')
des_img = cv2.cvtColor((des_img * 255).astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imwrite(save_name, des_img)

# plt.subplot(1,2,1)
# plt.imshow(img)
# plt.subplot(1,2,2)
# plt.imshow(des_img)

30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions fitting_3dmm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import numpy as np

def FittingExpression(pt2d, pt3d_shape, keypoints1, R, t, s, w, sigma, beta):

s3d = np.matmul(s * R, pt3d_shape)
s2d = s3d[0:2, :]
t2d = np.tile(t[0:2], (1, pt2d.shape[1]))

# Firstly the expression component
m = pt2d.shape[1]
n = w.shape[1]

w2d = np.zeros((2 * m, n))
for i in range(n):
tempdata = np.reshape(w[keypoints1, i].T, (m, 3)).T #第i个特征脸的关键点3D坐标
tempdata2d = np.matmul(s * R, tempdata) #投影到2D上
tempdata2d = tempdata2d[0 : 2, :]
w2d[:, i] = np.squeeze(np.reshape(tempdata2d.T, [-1, 1])) #特征脸上的关键点投影到2D的坐标 w2d = keypoint(T * w)= T * keypoint(w) (T为仿射矩阵,w为特征脸)

#optimize the equation
#要求目标3D model的关键点经过投影后与2D图像关键点重合,作为形状约束
#公式为:优化公式为:||x - T(w * alpha + mu)|| + lambda * alpha' * C * alpha
#求极小值得:(w'T'Tw + lambda*C) * alpha = w'T'x - w'T'T*mu 其中w2d = wT
equationLeft =, w2d )+ beta * np.diagflat(1 / (sigma**2))
equationRight =, (np.reshape(pt2d.T, [-1, 1]) - np.reshape(s2d.T, [-1,1]) - np.reshape(t2d.T, [-1, 1])))
alpha_exp =, equationRight)

return alpha_exp


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