Idea for building simple Tamil Spell Checker came from a conversation with T Shrinivasan from open-tamil team.
Tamil Spell Checker uses below approach to suggest different spellings for a word
- Check whether it is a valid Tamil word using Bloom Filter
- Use Levenstein Distance (edit distance of 2) to suggest words when it is not a tamil word
Project Madurai has good collection of tamil works. Use Project Madurai Crawler to generate Tamil unique word list.
To run it use the below command
Bloom Filter is a space efficient and compute optimized probablistic datastructure designed to tell whether an item is present in a set or not. More information on Bloom Filter can be found in wiki.
- Spellchecker is using Bloom Filter to check whether a word is a valid tamil word or not.
- Bloom Filter Datastructure file has to be created first before using to check validity of a word
To generate Bloom Filter file use the below command
from TamilwordChecker import TamilwordChecker
unique_word_count = 2043478
tamilwordchecker = TamilwordChecker(unique_word_count,"tamil_bloom_filter.txt")
from TamilSpellingAutoCorrect import TamilSpellingAutoCorrect
spellchecker = TamilSpellingAutoCorrect("tamil_bloom_filter.txt","tamilwordlist.txt")
from_spell_checker_list = spellchecker.tamil_correct_spelling("மேக்ம்")
Accuracy of Tamilwordchecker depends on the list of unique words that is there in tamilwordlist.txt. Need to add more unique words from other sources.