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Nightly -- Full WAN Network Tests #101

Nightly -- Full WAN Network Tests

Nightly -- Full WAN Network Tests #101

Workflow file for this run

name: Nightly -- Full WAN Network Tests
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 # bookkeeping for incremental builds has overhead, not useful in CI.
name: E2E tests
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Rust
uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
continue-on-error: true
- name: Build safe
run: cargo build --release --bin safe
timeout-minutes: 30
- name: Start a WAN network
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: create
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
security-group-id: sg-0d47df5b3f0d01e2a
subnet-id: subnet-018f2ab26755df7f9
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyE2E
# if we were to run on a PR, use the below
# safe-network-user: ${{ }}"
# safe-network-branch: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
# Specify custom branch to prevent the deployer from fetching the latest release.
# The latest release contains the `network-contacts` feature turned on.
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Check env variables
shell: bash
run: |
echo "Peer is $SAFE_PEERS"
echo "Deployment inventory is $SN_INVENTORY"
- name: Obtain the funds from the faucet
run: |
# read the inventory file
echo "Inventory Path: $inventory_path"
faucet_address=$(jq -r '.faucet_address' $inventory_path)
cargo run --bin safe --release -- wallet get-faucet ${faucet_address}
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Start a client to carry out chunk actions
run: cargo run --bin safe --release -- --log-output-dest=data-dir files upload "./resources" --retry-strategy quick
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Start a client to create a register
run: cargo run --bin safe --release -- --log-output-dest=data-dir register create -n baobao
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Start a client to get a register
run: cargo run --bin safe --release -- --log-output-dest=data-dir register get -n baobao
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Start a client to edit a register
run: cargo run --bin safe --release -- --log-output-dest=data-dir register edit -n baobao wood
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Fetch network logs
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: logs
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyE2E
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Upload local logs
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: local_logs_NightlyE2E
path: |
- name: Stop the WAN network
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: destroy
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyE2E
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
# - name: post notification to slack on failure
# if: ${{ failure() }}
# uses: bryannice/[email protected]
# env:
# SLACK_MESSAGE: "Please check the logs for the run at ${{ env.WORKFLOW_URL }}/${{ github.run_id }}"
# SLACK_TITLE: "Nightly E2E Test Run Failed"
name: Spend tests against network
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Rust
uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
continue-on-error: true
- name: Build testing executable
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test sequential_transfers --test storage_payments --no-run
timeout-minutes: 30
- name: Start a WAN network
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: create
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
security-group-id: sg-0d47df5b3f0d01e2a
subnet-id: subnet-018f2ab26755df7f9
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlySpendTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Check env variables
shell: bash
run: |
echo "Peer is $SAFE_PEERS"
echo "Deployment inventory is $SN_INVENTORY"
- name: execute the spend test
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test sequential_transfers -- --nocapture --test-threads=1
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 45
- name: execute the storage payment tests
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test storage_payments -- --nocapture --test-threads=1
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 45
- name: Small wait to allow reward receipt
run: sleep 30
timeout-minutes: 1
- name: Fetch network logs
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: logs
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlySpendTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Upload local logs
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: local_logs_NightlySpendTest
path: |
- name: Stop the WAN network
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: destroy
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlySpendTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
# - name: post notification to slack on failure
# if: ${{ failure() }}
# uses: bryannice/[email protected]
# env:
# SLACK_MESSAGE: "Please check the logs for the run at ${{ env.WORKFLOW_URL }}/${{ github.run_id }}"
# SLACK_TITLE: "Nightly Spend Test Run Failed"
name: Network churning tests
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- os: ubuntu-latest
wan_logs_path: /home/runner/sn-testnet-deploy/logs
local_safe_path: /home/runner/.local/share/safe
# - os: windows-latest
# node_data_path: C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\AppData\\Roaming\\safe\\node
# safe_path: C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\AppData\\Roaming\\safe
# - os: macos-latest
# node_data_path: /Users/runner/Library/Application Support/safe/node
# safe_path: /Users/runner/Library/Application Support/safe
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Rust
uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- name: install ripgrep
run: sudo apt-get -y install ripgrep
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
continue-on-error: true
- name: Build churn tests
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test data_with_churn --no-run
timeout-minutes: 30
- name: Start a WAN network
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: create
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
security-group-id: sg-0d47df5b3f0d01e2a
subnet-id: subnet-018f2ab26755df7f9
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyChurnTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Check env variables
shell: bash
run: |
echo "Peer is $SAFE_PEERS"
echo "Deployment inventory is $SN_INVENTORY"
- name: Chunks data integrity during nodes churn
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test data_with_churn -- --nocapture
# SN_LOG: "all"
# todo: lower time for testing
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 90
- name: Fetch network logs
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: logs
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyChurnTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Upload local logs
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: local_logs_NightlyChurnTest
path: |
- name: Stop the WAN network
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: destroy
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyChurnTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
# TODO: re-enable the below scripts once we have proper way to restart nodes.
# Currently on remote network (not local), the nodes do not handle restart RPC cmd well. They reuse the same
# log location and the logs are over written. Hence the scripts might give false outputs.
# - name: Verify restart of nodes using rg
# shell: bash
# timeout-minutes: 1
# # get the counts, then the specific line, and then the digit count only
# # then check we have an expected level of restarts
# # TODO: make this use an env var, or relate to testnet size
# run : |
# restart_count=$(rg "Node is restarting in" "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Restart $restart_count nodes"
# peer_removed=$(rg "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable" "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable $peer_removed times"
# if [ $peer_removed -lt $restart_count ]; then
# echo "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable times of: $peer_removed is less than the restart count of: $restart_count"
# exit 1
# fi
# node_count=$(find "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -type d | awk -F/ 'NF==9' | grep -E "/12D3KooW" | wc -l)
# echo "Node dir count is $node_count"
# # TODO: reenable this once the testnet dir creation is tidied up to avoid a large count here
# # if [ $restart_count -lt $node_count ]; then
# # echo "Restart count of: $restart_count is less than the node count of: $node_count"
# # exit 1
# # fi
# - name: Verify data replication using rg
# shell: bash
# timeout-minutes: 1
# # get the counts, then the specific line, and then the digit count only
# # then check we have an expected level of replication
# # TODO: make this use an env var, or relate to testnet size
# run : |
# fetching_attempt_count=$(rg "FetchingKeysForReplication" "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Carried out $fetching_attempt_count fetching attempts"
# node_count=$(find "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -type d | awk -F/ 'NF==9' | grep -E "/12D3KooW" | wc -l)
# if [ $fetching_attempt_count -lt $node_count ]; then
# echo "Replication fetching attempts of: $fetching_attempt_count is less than the node count of: $node_count"
# exit 1
# fi
# Only error out after uploading the logs
- name: Don't log raw data
if: always() && matrix.os != 'windows-latest' # causes error
shell: bash
timeout-minutes: 10
run: |
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.local_safe_path }}"/client/logs | awk 'length($0) > 15000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo "We are logging an extremely large data"
exit 1
# node dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/safenode1/safenode.log
#faucet dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/faucet/logs/faucet.log
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}"/*/*/*/ | awk 'length($0) > 15000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo "We are logging an extremely large data"
exit 1
# sanity check
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.local_safe_path }}"/client/logs | awk 'length($0) > 1000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo "Sanity check pass for local safe path"
# node dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/safenode1/safenode.log
#faucet dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/faucet/logs/faucet.log
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}"/*/*/*/ | awk 'length($0) > 1000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo "Sanity check pass for wan logs path"
# - name: post notification to slack on failure
# if: ${{ failure() }}
# uses: bryannice/[email protected]
# env:
# SLACK_MESSAGE: "Please check the logs for the run at ${{ env.WORKFLOW_URL }}/${{ github.run_id }}"
# SLACK_TITLE: "Nightly Churn Test Run Failed"
name: Verify data location and Routing Table
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- os: ubuntu-latest
wan_logs_path: /home/runner/sn-testnet-deploy/logs
local_safe_path: /home/runner/.local/share/safe
# - os: windows-latest
# node_data_path: C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\AppData\\Roaming\\safe\\node
# safe_path: C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\AppData\\Roaming\\safe
# - os: macos-latest
# node_data_path: /Users/runner/Library/Application Support/safe/node
# safe_path: /Users/runner/Library/Application Support/safe
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Rust
uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- name: install ripgrep
run: sudo apt-get -y install ripgrep
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
continue-on-error: true
- name: Build data location and routing table tests
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test verify_data_location --test verify_routing_table --no-run
timeout-minutes: 30
- name: Start a WAN network
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: create
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
security-group-id: sg-0d47df5b3f0d01e2a
subnet-id: subnet-018f2ab26755df7f9
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyDataLocationTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Check env variables
shell: bash
run: |
echo "Peer is $SAFE_PEERS"
echo "Deployment inventory is $SN_INVENTORY"
- name: Verify the Routing table of the nodes
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test verify_routing_table -- --nocapture
timeout-minutes: 5
- name: Verify the location of the data on the network
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test verify_data_location -- --nocapture
SN_LOG: "all"
timeout-minutes: 90
- name: Verify the routing tables of the nodes
run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test verify_routing_table -- --nocapture
timeout-minutes: 5
- name: Fetch network logs
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: logs
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyDataLocationTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
- name: Upload local logs
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: local_logs_NightlyDataLocationTest
path: |
- name: Stop the WAN network
if: always()
uses: maidsafe/sn-testnet-action@main
action: destroy
re-attempts: 3
rust-log: debug
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD }}
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-access-key-secret: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: eu-west-2
do-token: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_DO_PAT }}
ssh-secret-key: ${{ secrets.SN_TESTNET_SSH_KEY }}
node-count: 20
vm-count: 1
provider: digital-ocean
testnet-name: NightlyDataLocationTest
safe-network-user: maidsafe
safe-network-branch: main
# TODO: re-enable the below scripts once we have proper way to restart nodes.
# Currently on remote network (not local), the nodes do not handle restart RPC cmd well. They reuse the same
# log location and the logs are over written. Hence the scripts might give false outputs.
# - name: Verify restart of nodes using rg
# shell: bash
# timeout-minutes: 1
# # get the counts, then the specific line, and then the digit count only
# # then check we have an expected level of restarts
# # TODO: make this use an env var, or relate to testnet size
# run : |
# restart_count=$(rg "Node is restarting in" "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Restart $restart_count nodes"
# peer_removed=$(rg "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable" "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable $peer_removed times"
# if [ $peer_removed -lt $restart_count ]; then
# echo "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable times of: $peer_removed is less than the restart count of: $restart_count"
# exit 1
# fi
# node_count=$(find "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}" -type d | awk -F/ 'NF==9' | grep -E "/12D3KooW" | wc -l)
# echo "Node dir count is $node_count"
# # TODO: reenable this once the testnet dir creation is tidied up to avoid a large count here
# # if [ $restart_count -lt $node_count ]; then
# # echo "Restart count of: $restart_count is less than the node count of: $node_count"
# # exit 1
# # fi
# Only error out after uploading the logs
- name: Don't log raw data
if: always() && matrix.os != 'windows-latest' # causes error
shell: bash
timeout-minutes: 10
run: |
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.local_safe_path }}"/client/logs | awk 'length($0) > 15000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo "We are logging an extremely large data"
exit 1
# node dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/safenode1/safenode.log
#faucet dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/faucet/logs/faucet.log
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}"/*/*/*/ | awk 'length($0) > 15000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo "We are logging an extremely large data"
exit 1
# sanity check
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.local_safe_path }}"/client/logs | awk 'length($0) > 1000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo "Sanity check pass for local safe path"
# node dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/safenode1/safenode.log
#faucet dir structure: ~/sn-testnet-deploy/logs/NightlyChurnTest/NightlyChurnTest-genesis/faucet/logs/faucet.log
if ! rg '^' "${{ matrix.wan_logs_path }}"/*/*/*/ | awk 'length($0) > 1000 { print; exit 1 }'
echo echo "Sanity check pass for wan logs path"
# - name: post notification to slack on failure
# if: ${{ failure() }}
# uses: bryannice/[email protected]
# env:
# SLACK_MESSAGE: "Please check the logs for the run at ${{ env.WORKFLOW_URL }}/${{ github.run_id }}"
# SLACK_TITLE: "Nightly Data Location Test Run Failed"