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Added: Fix for non-refunded amendments & test case
Modified: accuracyDiv > decimalDiv
Modified: Specification to include behaviour constraint
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adamdossa committed Aug 4, 2018
1 parent 47f926c commit c98aa70
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Showing 5 changed files with 234 additions and 18 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Audit Response - 4th August 2018

All fixes are included in the commit:

## 2.1 - Timestamp Dependence

Agree that miners can impact on whether a vote is extended or not, by selectively censoring votes causing them to fall outside of the initial voting window, or not appear at all.

I think the risk here is small, and generally minor censoring of votes is a known issue with on-chain voting.

## 2.2 - Code Path Analysis

Resolved following the recommended approach of refunding (via `unagreeAmendment`) any funds deposited to cover an amended agreement if either party agrees or disputes the original (non-amended) agreement.

A test case has been added for this.

## 2.3 - External Contract Call Attacks

The `approveAndCall` function in `JURToken` only allows external calls to approved functions, and enforces that the first argument (or chunk of data) corresponds to the callers address. This allows called contracts to rely on calls from `JURToken` to be honest (correctly specify the callers address).

## 4 - Misc. Notes

- `DisputeClosed` has been removed.

- TODOs have been removed.

- Comment on voting behaviour has been amended in `Arbitration.sol` and also added to `JUR Protocol` to reflect the behaviour that a vote can not lead to the currently winning party having more than twice the next best party.

- `accuracyDiv` has improved comments and been renamed to `decimalDiv`, and `decimalMul` has been added for consistency. These functions allow multiplication and division of decimals represented as decimals * 10**18. e.g. `decimalDiv(10 * 10**18, 100 * 10**18) == (10 / 100) * 10**18` and `decimalMul(0.5 * 10**18, 0.5 * 10**18) == 0.25 * 10**18`.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions JUR Protocol
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Expand Up @@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ The rules governing the voting process are:

- any new voter must stake at least 1% of the total amount of votes accrued during the voting process so far.

- following a vote being cast, the winning party can have at most twice as many votes as the next best party, otherwise the vote is rejected.

- the Voting Period lasts 24 hours from the Dispute Dispersals being finalised, unless extended.

- the Voting Period is extended if, at the end of the Voting Period, either of the following is true. In both cases, the Voting Period is extended by a further 30 minutes, after which this logic is reapplied recursively:
Expand Down
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,27 @@ Arbitration Address: 0x3804475d74a3b5261b34d3c8f31af30055058466
✓ 17. party1 withdraws dispersal (zero tokens) (112ms)
✓ 18. party2 withdraws dispersal (180 tokens) - state is now Closed (165ms)
Contract: Arbitration - Refunded Amendment
JUR Token Address: 0x526dd75f0645fb6c071656b92c13e169214fe124
Arbitration Factory Address: 0x8fc1b1def5f7fef63e9bb4b33ac77b02b76a4a6f
✓ 0. initialize token contract and arbitration factory contract (366ms)
Arbitration Address: 0x794d28d7ae66a334ec589dd8dc25de9d8a43b412
✓ 1. create new arbitration - state is unsigned (166ms)
✓ 2. approve arbitration for transfers (120ms)
✓ 3. only parties can sign arbitration
✓ 4. party1 signs arbitration (60ms)
✓ 5. party1 unsigns arbitration (45ms)
✓ 6. party1 resigns arbitration (91ms)
✓ 7. party2 signs arbitration - state is now Signed (85ms)
✓ 8. party2 proposes amendment (74ms)
✓ 9. party1 agrees amendment (262ms)
✓ 10. party1 proposes amendment without authorising additional funding - fail (73ms)
✓ 11. party1 proposes amendment with authorised additional amendedFunding (234ms)
✓ 15. party1 agrees arbitration - party1 is refunded amendement funds (122ms)
✓ 16. party2 agrees arbitration - state is now Agreed (73ms)
✓ 17. party1 withdraws dispersal (twenty tokens) (101ms)
✓ 18. party2 withdraws dispersal (80 tokens) - state is now Closed (156ms)
Contract: Arbitration - Tied dispute
JUR Token Address: 0x1f37801d4db18b6a4cb6a65eced53ccb63ab764e
Arbitration Factory Address: 0x738f23b326d12610a6374de0a12e3f5ce6b9eeca
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46 changes: 28 additions & 18 deletions contracts/Arbitration.sol
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Expand Up @@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ contract Arbitration {

//Initialise state
enum State {Unsigned, Signed, Agreed, Dispute, Closed, DisputeClosed}
enum State {Unsigned, Signed, Agreed, Dispute, Closed}
State public state = State.Unsigned;

//Accuracy for division
uint256 constant ACCURACY = 10 ** 18;
//Decimals used for voting token
uint256 constant DECIMALS = 10 ** 18;

modifier onlyParties {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ contract Arbitration {
function agree() public hasState(State.Signed) onlyParties {
hasAgreed[msg.sender] = true;
// If there is an amendment proposed, but not agreed refund all amendment funds
if (amendmentProposed) {
bool allAgreed = true;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < allParties.length; i++) {
allAgreed = allAgreed && hasAgreed[allParties[i]];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,11 +279,11 @@ contract Arbitration {
uint256 deficit = amendedFunding[_sender].sub(funding[_sender]);
require(jurToken.transferFrom(_sender, address(this), deficit));
emit ContractAmendmentAgreed(_sender);
bool allFundedAmendment = true;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < allParties.length; i++) {
allFundedAmendment = allFundedAmendment && hasFundedAmendment[allParties[i]];
emit ContractAmendmentAgreed(_sender);
// If all parties have funded / agreed an amendment, refund any excess and reset proposals
if (allFundedAmendment) {
amendmentProposed = false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,6 +362,10 @@ contract Arbitration {

function _dispute(address _sender, uint256 _voteAmount, uint256[] _dispersal) internal hasState(State.Signed) isParty(_sender) {
require(_dispersal.length == allParties.length);
// If there is an amendment proposed, but not agreed refund all amendment funds
if (amendmentProposed) {
uint256 totalDispersal = 0;
uint256 totalFunding = 0;
Expand All @@ -381,7 +389,6 @@ contract Arbitration {
disputeDispersal[address(0)][allParties[k]] = funding[allParties[k]];
emit ContractDisputed(_sender, _dispersal);
//TODO - fix this
_vote(_sender, _sender, _voteAmount);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,7 +481,7 @@ contract Arbitration {
require(parties[_voteAddress] || (_voteAddress == address(0)));
//Vote must be at least MIN_VOTE of the totalVotes
require(_voteAmount >= totalVotes.mul(MIN_VOTE).div(10**18));
//Vote must not mean the new winning party after the vote has strictly more than the next best party
//Vote must not mean the new winning party after the vote has strictly more than twice the next best party
if (totalVotes != 0) {
address winnerParty;
address bestMinortyParty;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,26 +535,23 @@ contract Arbitration {
//If there were no votes on any minority options (all votes on the winner) then there is no payout
uint256 reward = 0;
if (totalMinorityVotes != 0) {
reward = accuracyDiv(totalMinorityVotes, bestMinorityVotes);
reward = decimalDiv(totalMinorityVotes, bestMinorityVotes);

uint256 eligableVotes = 0;
uint256 stakedVotes = 0;

for (uint256 i = _start; i < Math.min256(userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty].length, _end); i++) {
if (!userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].claimed) {
userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].claimed = true;
stakedVotes = stakedVotes.add(userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].amount);
if (userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].previousVotes >= bestMinorityVotes) {
//nothing left to pay out in rewards, just mark as claimed
userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].claimed = true;
} else {
if (userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].previousVotes < bestMinorityVotes) {
eligableVotes = eligableVotes.add(Math.min256(bestMinorityVotes.sub(userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].previousVotes), userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].amount));
userVotes[msg.sender][winnerParty][i].claimed = true;
require(jurToken.transfer(msg.sender, stakedVotes.add(eligableVotes.mul(reward).div(ACCURACY))));
emit VoterPayout(msg.sender, stakedVotes, eligableVotes.mul(reward).div(ACCURACY));
require(jurToken.transfer(msg.sender, stakedVotes.add(decimalMul(eligableVotes, reward))));
emit VoterPayout(msg.sender, stakedVotes, decimalMul(eligableVotes, reward));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,7 +589,6 @@ contract Arbitration {
* @dev Allows sender (party) to claim their dispersal tokens
function payoutParty() public hasState(State.Dispute) onlyParties {
//TODO: check that vote has actually ended
uint256 newDisputeEnds = calcDisputeEnds();
if (newDisputeEnds != disputeEnds) {
emit DisputeEndsAdjusted(newDisputeEnds, disputeEnds);
Expand All @@ -601,10 +604,17 @@ contract Arbitration {

* @notice Returns division with accuracy of 10**18
* @notice Returns division assuming both inputs are decimals multiplied by DECIMALS
function decimalDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return x.mul(DECIMALS).add(y.div(2)).div(y);

* @notice Returns multiplication assuming both inputs are decimals multiplied by DECIMALS
function accuracyDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return x.mul(ACCURACY).add(y.div(2)).div(y);
function decimalMul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return x.mul(y).add(DECIMALS.div(2)).div(DECIMALS);

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153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions test/01a_refunded_amend_agreement.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
const assertFail = require("./helpers/assertFail");

const ArbitrationFactory = artifacts.require("./ArbitrationFactoryMock.sol");
const Arbitration = artifacts.require("./ArbitrationMock.sol");
const JURToken = artifacts.require("./JURToken.sol");

contract('Arbitration - Refunded Amendment', function (accounts) {

var token;
var arbitrationFactory;
var arbitration;
var party1 = accounts[1];
var party2 = accounts[2];
var voter1 = accounts[3];

// =========================================================================
it("0. initialize token contract and arbitration factory contract", async () => {

token = await["sig1"], {from: accounts[0]});
console.log("JUR Token Address: ", token.address);

//Mint some tokens for party1 and party2
await, 50, {from: accounts[0]});
await, 100, {from: accounts[0]});
await, 100, {from: accounts[0]});

//Initialise arbitration contract
arbitrationFactory = await, {from: accounts[0]});
console.log("Arbitration Factory Address: ", arbitrationFactory.address);


it("1. create new arbitration - state is unsigned", async () => {
let tx = await arbitrationFactory.createArbitration([party1, party2], [0, 150], [50, 100], "Do some work...");
arbitration =[0].args._arbitration);
console.log("Arbitration Address: " + arbitration.address);
let party1Dispersal = await arbitration.dispersal(party1);
let party2Dispersal = await arbitration.dispersal(party2);
let party1Funding = await arbitration.funding(party1);
let party2Funding = await arbitration.funding(party2);
assert.equal(party1Dispersal.toNumber(), 0);
assert.equal(party2Dispersal.toNumber(), 150);
assert.equal(party1Funding.toNumber(), 50);
assert.equal(party2Funding.toNumber(), 100);
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 0);

it("2. approve arbitration for transfers", async () => {
await token.approve(arbitration.address, 50, {from: party1});
await token.approve(arbitration.address, 100, {from: party2});
await token.approve(arbitration.address, 100, {from: voter1});

it("3. only parties can sign arbitration", async () => {
await assertFail(async () => {
await arbitration.sign({from: voter1});

it("4. party1 signs arbitration", async () => {
await arbitration.sign({from: party1});

it("5. party1 unsigns arbitration", async () => {
await arbitration.unsign({from: party1});

it("6. party1 resigns arbitration", async () => {
await token.approve(arbitration.address, 50, {from: party1});
await arbitration.sign({from: party1});

it("7. party2 signs arbitration - state is now Signed", async () => {
await arbitration.sign({from: party2});
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 1);

it("8. party2 proposes amendment", async () => {
//Original values: [0, 150], [50, 100], "Do some work..."
//No additional funding required from party 2
await arbitration.proposeAmendment([20, 80], [0, 100], "Do some different work...", {from: party2});
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 1);

it("9. party1 agrees amendment", async () => {
//No additional funding required from party 1
await arbitration.agreeAmendment({from: party1});
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 1);
assert.equal((await arbitration.dispersal(party1)).toNumber(), 20);
assert.equal((await arbitration.dispersal(party2)).toNumber(), 80);
assert.equal((await arbitration.funding(party1)).toNumber(), 0);
assert.equal((await arbitration.funding(party2)).toNumber(), 100);
//Excess funding should have refunded
assert.equal((await token.balanceOf(party1)).toNumber(), 50);
assert.equal((await token.balanceOf(party2)).toNumber(), 0);

it("10. party1 proposes amendment without authorising additional funding - fail", async () => {
//Original values: [20, 80], [0, 100], "Do some different work..."
//Additional funding required from party 1
await assertFail(async () => {
await arbitration.proposeAmendment([0, 180], [100, 80], "Do some other work...", {from: party1});

it("11. party1 proposes amendment with authorised additional amendedFunding", async () => {
//Original values: [20, 80], [0, 100], "Do some different work..."
//Additional funding required from party 1, party 2 gets a refund
await, 50, {from: accounts[0]});
await token.approve(arbitration.address, 100, {from: party1});
await arbitration.proposeAmendment([0, 180], [100, 80], "Do some other work...", {from: party1});
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 1);
assert.equal((await token.balanceOf(party1)).toNumber(), 0);
assert.equal((await token.balanceOf(party2)).toNumber(), 0);

it("15. party1 agrees arbitration - party1 is refunded amendement funds", async () => {
await arbitration.agree({from: party1});
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 1);
assert.equal((await token.balanceOf(party1)).toNumber(), 100);

it("16. party2 agrees arbitration - state is now Agreed", async () => {
await arbitration.agree({from: party2});
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 2);

it("17. party1 withdraws dispersal (twenty tokens)", async () => {
let initialBalance = await token.balanceOf(party1);
await arbitration.withdrawDispersal({from: party1});
let finalBalance = await token.balanceOf(party1);
//Party 1 dispersal is 0
assert.isTrue(finalBalance.sub(initialBalance).toNumber() == 20);

it("18. party2 withdraws dispersal (80 tokens) - state is now Closed", async () => {
let initialBalance = await token.balanceOf(party2);
await arbitration.withdrawDispersal({from: party2});
let finalBalance = await token.balanceOf(party2);
//Party 1 dispersal is 0
assert.equal(finalBalance.sub(initialBalance).toNumber(), 80);
let state = await arbitration.state();
assert.equal(state, 4);


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