A serverless application built with AWS Lambda that manages Rick & Morty characters, integrating with the official Rick & Morty API while allowing custom character creation and modifications.
This application provides a set of serverless APIs to:
- Fetch characters from the Rick & Morty universe
- Create custom characters
- Modify existing characters
- Delete characters
- Search characters by name
The application uses:
- AWS Lambda for serverless compute
- DynamoDB for data persistence
- API Gateway for RESTful endpoints
- AWS SDK v3 for AWS service interactions
- Fetches characters from both the Rick & Morty API and DynamoDB
- Supports pagination and name filtering
- Merges results from both sources
- Endpoint: GET /characters
- Query Parameters:
- page (optional): Page number for pagination
- name (optional): Filter characters by name
- Creates new custom characters
- Validates required fields
- Generates unique IDs
- Endpoint: POST /characters
- Required fields:
- name
- status
- species
- gender
- origin
- location
- Updates existing characters
- Validates required fields
- Endpoint: PUT /characters/{id}
- Required fields:
- id
- name
- status
- species
- gender
- origin
- location
- Deletes characters by ID
- Endpoint: DELETE /characters/{id}
- Query Parameters:
- id (required): ID of character to delete
GET /characters
"id": 1,
"name": "Rick Sanchez",
"status": "Alive",
"species": "Human",
"gender": "Male",
"origin": "Earth",
"location": "Earth",
"source": "canonical"
POST /characters
"name": "Custom Rick",
"status": "Alive",
"species": "Human",
"gender": "Male",
"origin": "Earth C-137",
"location": "Citadel of Ricks"
- TABLE_NAME: DynamoDB table name
- API_URL: Rick & Morty API base URL
- SANITIZER_FUNCTION: (Optional) Lambda function name for character sanitization
- The application uses a merge strategy to combine results from the external API and custom characters.
- Character IDs are generated using timestamp and random number combination.
- Deleted characters are soft-deleted using a deleted_at timestamp.