- Description
- Technologies
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Usage
- Visuals
- Contributors
- Roadmap
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
Vita Amet is a full stack, mobile-first application with user authentication designed as an e-commerce site. The user has the ability to sign up, login, and add rental items to their cart and then checkout using Stripe.
- JavaScript
- React
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- bcrypt
- graphqlS
- bootstrap
- react-icons
- jwt-decode
- @emailjs/browser
- @stripe/stripe-js
- Node.js
- verify installation
node -v
npm -v
npm install
npm run seed
npm run develop
.ENV variables:
Magdalena Perry:
Michael Hoyle:
Jasmin Bouasavatdy:
David Aylward:
Anastasiia Ciloci:
- Create server side files
- Create Mongo DB
- Create client side files
- Link Stripe API
- Styling
- Cart
- Rentals
- Checkout
For any additional questions, please reach out to me through email and follow me on GitHub.
Name - Magdalena Perry LinkedIn
Github - magdalenaperry
email - [email protected]