Releases: madgik/exareme2
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version February Release
MIP-543 there is no check that context_id and command_id do not contain underscores
MIP-514 inv deploy, Initializing the monetdb-... fails
MIP-496 Invoke create-configs should remove old config files
MIP-426 Remove scalar output type from UDF generator
MIP-311 Homogenized troubleshooting log generation
MIP-308 CI/CD pipeline definition for single node setup
MIP-522 Refactor Pearson to be SMPC compatible at API level
MIP-521 Refactor PCA to be SMPC compatible at API level
MIP-511 The cdes_metadata_path and celery_tasks_timeout are not dynamic and it is not possible to set them through an env variable.
MIP-506 Data Model Versioning should be introduced in the MIP-Engine.
MIP-144 Move make_unique_func_name away from algorithm flow
MIP-142 Enhance MonetDB container workflow when udflib files are updated
MIP-67 Controller webserver runs in development mode
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version January Release
MIP-513 When a UDF takes 2 relations UDFGen should join them on row_id
MIP-500 Get rid of REAL datatype in favor of DOUBLE
MIP-470 Replace csv_importer with mipdb
MIP-381 Port algorithm Pearson Correlation
MIP-380 Port algorithm PCA
MIP-351 SMPC Coordinator experiment submission
MIP-345 SMPC Data importation through HTTP API
MIP-343 Integrate with external preconfigured SMPC cluster
MIP-341 Feature switch for optional SMPC usage per supporting algorithm
MIP-324 Support single-node deployment mode
MIP-505 Implement random test case generator
MIP-501 UDFArgumentKind and TableType enums are not string represented correctly
MIP-498 TabularDataResult was changed the portalbackend need to be up to date.
- Added privacy constraint on the initial views. Jira
- Stop algorithm execution when node stops responding. Jira
- Create logging module for Controller. Jira
- Create logging module for Node. Jira
- New state and transfer UDFGenerator types. Jira
- Multiple returns supported for state and transfer io types. Jira
- Handle node's rabbitmq being down or going down during algorithm execution. Jira
- Fix for algorithm executor not handling pos args and kw args. Jira
- Fixed the problem where the filter validation was throwing non specific errors. Jira
- Support for dynamic custom/framework log levels. Jira
- Added hepful log messages when rabbitmq is unreachable. Jira
- TableData are now column-stored. Jira
- Added hepful log messages when rabbitmq is unreachable. Jira
- PCA implementation, validation testing and other fixes. Jira
- Replaced csv_importer for loading data with the mipdb. Jira
- Added validation for the filters provided. Jira
- Fixed broken connection when restarting the database. Jira
- Switched from dataclasses to Pydantic on the node tasks dtos. Jira
- Data type conversions from common_actions were merged to DType to group and homogenize the data types. Jira
- Fixed monetdb memory allocation skyrocketing when loading data. Jira