Releases: madgik/exareme2
Release notes - MIP-Engine - 0.13.0 October Release
MIP-373 Port algorithm Descriptive Statistics
MIP-626 Port algorithm Logistic Regression Cross-Validation
MIP-634 MonetDB doesn't run UDFs when passed an empty table
MIP-661 Sanitize all database queries using query parameters.
MIP-668 Algorithms return wrong results non deterministically
MIP-679 MonetDB throws OSError Connection Refused
MIP-685 Fix for uid generator not being thread safe
MIP-686 SMPC Standalone tests in github actions won't run if the non smpc tests fail
MIP-687 Fix for request_id that could be a uuid.
MIP-695 Federation info in portalbackend does not work with filters.
MIP-696 sklearn preprocessing not imported
MIP-678 Provide the CDEs hierarchy from the engine
MIP-683 Fix SMPC tests after removing node_id column from UDF results
MIP-684 Fix tolerance issue in independent t-test
MIP-688 Upgrade smpc cluster image to v7.0.6.8
MIP-697 MonetDB memory limit in k8s and healthcheck to ensure it's always running
MIP-700 Column names and table names should be escaped.
MIP-704 MonetDB version upgraded to 11.45.7
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version 0.12.0 September Release
MIP-677 Newly added broken pipe tests fail non deterministically
MIP-625 Fix skipped cleanup tests
MIP-629 Port algorithm independent T-test
MIP-628 Port algorithm paired T-test
MIP-383 Port algorithm one-sample T-Test
MIP-322 Provide data & configuration backup and restore process
MIP-671 Add k8s documentation for data loading
MIP-654 MonetDB max # of connections should be modifiable from the env variables (k8s, deployment.toml)
MIP-621 Deploy MIP-Engine in CSCS
MIP-605 Running tasks makes nodes slower progressively.
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version 0.11.0 July-August Release
MIP-632 Celery_app module fixes for "app handling"
MIP-618 Fix expected for ANOVA 1 - way
MIP-608 The SMPC cluster in the standalone tests hangs.
MIP-598 get_node_cdes
error handling in NLA
MIP-579 A dataset of a specific data model cannot exist in more than one node.
MIP-534 Logistic Regression is fetching data directly from local nodes.
MIP-378 Port algorithm Logistic Regression
MIP-655 Mark tests with external deps with 'slow' marker
MIP-651 Test case generator enhancements
MIP-650 Separate queues for system and algorithm calls.
MIP-646 MIP-Engine k8s deployment should also work in one node.
MIP-640 Algorithm Porting - Linear Regression CV - Integration
MIP-639 Algorithm Porting - Linear Regression CV - Validation
MIP-638 Algorithm Porting - Linear Regression CV - Implementation
MIP-635 Refactoring on the NLA
MIP-617 Fix test case generator to get info from metadata instead of directly from db
MIP-615 In NLA the loading of the DMR's data_models,datasets_location and NodeRegistry's nodes are not atomic.
MIP-613 should test much more of the node landscape aggregator functionality
MIP-612 Transform the dev_env_tests to standalone.
MIP-610 UDF generator new feature: deferred output schema
MIP-588 Implement CV prototype using Linear Regression
MIP-536 RelationType output is not working properly
MIP-254 a factory for returning the local nodes addresses
MIP-236 node_registry and celery_app small refactoring
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version 0.10.0 June Release
MIP-619 Fix expected for PCA
MIP-597 mipdb exits with non-zero exit code(s)
MIP-575 Rabbitmq starts using a lot of memory after many algorithms.
MIP-574 Celery leaves rabbitmq connections open.
MIP-377 Port algorithm Linear Regression
MIP-623 k8s new installation steps using microk8s
MIP-622 MonetDB caching in github actions CI doesn't work
MIP-578 Replace dataclasses_json in favor of pydantic in AlgorithmSpecifications
MIP-518 SMPC sum/min/max integration for decimals
MIP-17 Enable parallel processing of the NODE tasks
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version 0.9.0 May Release
MIP-591 Fix algorithm interface attribute mutation in ANOVA
MIP-346 SMPC dynamic client discovery & registration
MIP-344 Include SMPC cluster deployment in Engine stack
MIP-583 Dummy coding methods, executor and node sides
MIP-546 Wait in the CONTROLLER for smpc to be ready before getting the results in the NODE.
MIP-508 Pytest fixtures for all dev_env tests scenarios.
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version 0.8.0 April Release
MIP-582 MIP Engine crashes when 'x' is provided for an algorithm and it doesn't exist in the specs.
MIP-580 releasing and versioning components of mipengine
MIP-576 Cleanup file doesnt reset
MIP-573 If controller background service (node_registry/cleaner) fails there is no error logged.
MIP-563 Currently mipdb cannot be executed into kubernetes
MIP-370 Port algorithm ANOVA 1-way
MIP-313 Audit log generation
MIP-587 The algorithm developer should be able to modify the initial_view_tables.
MIP-584 Integrate portal-backend with 0.7.0 MIP-Engine version
MIP-198 Dataset parameter is handled differently across the services
Release notes - MIP-Engine - Version 0.7.0 March Release
MIP-570 mipdb "actions" table needs more information.
MIP-557 Standalone test fixtures never start, after computer restart.
MIP-554 Fix for algo-executor not passing node specific datasets
MIP-542 In the mipdb mipdb we should be able to rerun load data folder.
MIP-390 Data model semantic versioning
MIP-389 Dataset compatibility matrix
MIP-388 Data Model globally included Dataset broadcasting
MIP-387 Federated landscape validation
MIP-385 Periodic Federation landscape aggregation
MIP-304 Handle node unavailability while running or submitting an experiment
MIP-553 NODE fixtures don't have a proper healthcheck
MIP-548 Licenses in all MIP components
MIP-509 Creation of test data, to be used from algorithm tests