Awesome list of Angular 2 seed repos, starters, boilerplates, examples, tutorials, components, modules, videos, and anything else in the Angular 2 ecosystem
Table of contents:
- Angular 2
- Universal
- TypeScript
- Dart
- Traceur
- Babel
- ES5
- Ionic 2
- Meteor
- NativeScript
- React Native
- Haxe
- Scala
Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.
channel on Freenode IRC Server#angular2
hashtag on Twitter- Gitter Channel
- Angular 2 StackOverflow
- @AngularJS on Twitter
- /r/Angular2 Subreddit
- Angular Group on Facebook
- AngularJS on Google+
- AngularAir podcast and live broadcast
- Adventures in Angular podcast
- ng-newsletter email newsletter
- tryangular2
- Built With Angular 2
#ng-2 Slack Channel
on AngularBuddies (Sign up)#angular2 Slack Channel
on (Sign up)
List of Angular experts you should follow on Twitter (in no particular order). This list is by no means complete.
- @gdi2290
- @jeffwhelpley
- @pkozlowski_os
- @kentcdodds
- @mhevery
- @victorsavkin
- @tbosch1009
- @teropa
- @eggheadio
- @cedric_exbrayat
- Jack Franklin
- Thierry Chatel
- Uri Shaked
- Gonzalo Ruiz de Villa Suárez
- Sharon DiOrio
- John Papa
- Dan Wahlin
- Donald Sutherland
- Christian Weyer
- Todd Motto
- Tim Ruffles
- Wassim Chegham
- Aaron Frost
- Wilson Mendes
- Jared Williams
- Gerard Sans
- Pascal Precht
- Jeff Whelpley
- Raúl Jiménez
- {{ add_expert }}
Directives allow you to attach behavior to elements in the DOM.
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A component is a directive which uses shadow DOM to create encapsulate visual behavior. Components are typically used to create UI widgets or to break up the application into smaller components.
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A View is a core primitive used by angular to render the DOM tree.
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Templates are markup which is added to HTML to declaratively describe how the application model should be
projected to DOM as well as which DOM events should invoke which methods on the controller.
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Every component gets a change detector responsible for checking the bindings defined in its template.
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Angular 1.x has two APIs for injecting dependencies into a directive. Angular 2 unifies the two APIs, making the code easier to understand and test.
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Pipes can be appended on the end of the expressions to translate the value to a different format.
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WebWorker support in Angular2 is designed to make it easy to leverage parallelization in your web application.
When you choose to run your application in a WebWorker angular runs both your application's logic and the
majority of the core angular framework in a WebWorker.
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Http is available as an injectable class, with methods to perform http requests. Calling request returns an EventEmitter which will emit a single Response when a response is received.
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- Ionic
- Angular 2
- Auth0
- thoughtram
- Angular 2 Template Syntax Demystified
- Keynote – Brad Green, Igor Minar and Jules Kremer
- Testing strategies with Angular 2 – Julie Ralph
- Building native mobile apps with Angular 2 0 and NativeScript​ - Sebastian Witalec
- Angular 2 Data Flow – Jeff Cross, Rob Wormald and Alex Rickabaugh
- Iterative version upgrade strategies for large Angular applications – Jen Bourey
- Debugging Angular 2 Apps with Batarangle – Yuri Takhteyev and Igor Krivanov
- Building apps with Firebase and Angular 2 - Sara Robinson
- Better concepts, less code in Angular 2 - Victor Savkin and Tobias Bosch
- Modularity and Packaging for Angular2 Applications – Pawel Kozlowski
- Creating realtime apps with Angular 2 and Meteor - Uri Goldshtein
- Angular 2 Data Flow – Jeff Cross, Rob Wormald and Alex Rickabaugh
- ng-book 2
- Become a ninja with Angular 2
Ninja Squad
- Angular 2 Development with TypeScript
- Angular 2 in Action
Manning Publications
Victor Savkin
- Developing a tabs component in Angular 2
- Developing a zippy component in Angular 2
- Resolving Service Dependencies in Angular 2
- Forward references in Angular 2
- Host and Visibility in Angular 2's Dependency Injection
- Dependency Injection in Angular 2
- Routing in Angular 2
- Angular 2 Template Syntax Demystified - Part 1
- View Encapsulation in Angular 2
- Styling Angular 2 components
- Even better ES5 code for Angular 2
- Writing Angular 2 code in ES5
- The difference between Annotations and Decorators
- Axponents: of Accessible Web Components (Dylan Barrell)
- ng2-bootstrap Native Angular2 Bootstrap 3&4 components
- ng2-charts Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js
- ng2-dragula Drag and Drop so simple it hurts!
- ng2-file-upload Easy to use file upload directives
- ng2-handsontable Excel-like data grid / spreadsheet
- ng2-select Angular2 based replacement for select boxes
- ng2-table Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps
- ng2-bs Experiments with Angular 2 directives for Bootstrap.
- ag-grid Advanced Datagrid for Pure Javascript / AngularJS 1.x / AngularJS 2 / Web Components
- angular2-jwt Library for sending authenticated HTTP requests and decoding JWTs
- angular2-google-maps Angular2 directives for Google Maps
- Node.js
- Dart
- Stagehand
Universal (isomorphic) javascript support for Angular 2
- universal-starter - Angular 2 Universal starter kit by @Angular-Class
TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- TypeScript Official Website for TypeScript
- REPL Official TypeScript REPL that runs entirely in your browser
- TypeScript Repository (GitHub) Official GitHub Repo for TypeScript
- TSD TypeScript Definition manager for DefinitelyTyped
- DefinitelyTyped Repository (GitHub) The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
- Angular 2 Webpack Starter - An Angular 2 Webpack Starter kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, TypeScript, and Webpack by @Angular-Class
- Angular 2 Seed Seed project for Angular 2 apps
- ng2-play A minimal Angular2 playground using TypeScript and SystemJS loader
- NG2 Lab A simple Angular 2 setup using TypeScript, SystemJS and Firebase that also includes a few examples of unit testing and CI with Travis and Saucelabs.
- Angular2Go Angular 2 Go !
- Angular 2 Samples Angular 2.0 sample components
- Todo app with Firebase, OAuth, and Immutable
- Spring Boot and Angular2 tutorial Angular2 practical example based on Rails tutorial.
- Angular 2 Goldilocks seed - A seed project for Angular 2 and TypeScript that is not too simple, yet not too complex. In fact it's just right!
- Angular 2 Starter - Simple Angular 2 Starter with Gulp workflow and Travis CI
- Angular 2 Leaflet Starter - A map application starter based on Angular 2 and Leaflet
- Angular 2 reconnecting websockets quickstart - Simple counter using 2-way or 1-way reconnecting websockets communication
- {{ add_your_repo }}
Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.
- Dart Official Website for Dart
- Dartpad Dartpad lets play with Dart on-line, in a zero-install, zero configuration environment.
- Dart Organization (GitHub) Official GitHub Organization for Dart
- Pub Repository of packages of software for the Dart programming language.
- Dartisans The Official Dart Google+ community
- Dart Slack Channel The Official Dart Slack channel.
- Angular 2 Dart Quickstart A minimal quick start project.
- Angular 2 Samples Angular 2 for Dart demos and samples from the community.
- Pipes Examples of Pipes in Angular 2 for Dart.
- Hackernews App A HackerNews application made with Angular 2 for Dart
- Router Demo A basic example of Angular 2 router.
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Traceur is a compiler
- Traceur Repository (GitHub) Official GitHub Repo for Traceur
The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- Babel Official Website for Babel
- REPL Official Babel REPL that runs entirely in your browser
- Babel Repository (GitHub) Official GitHub Repo for Babel
- babel-angular2-app A skeleton Angular 2 app built with Babel and Browserify.
- angular2-fullstack-starter A full stack skeleton Angular 2 app built with Webpack/Babel.
- angular2-es6-starter A skeleton Angular 2 ES6 application built with Babel, Webpack, Gulp.
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- angular2-es6-todomvc Angular 2 TodoMVC implementation with ES6.
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- babel-plugin-angular2-annotations An experimental babel transformer plugin for Angular 2 annotations
- babel-plugin-type-assertion An experimental babel transformer plugin for rtts_assert
An ECMAScript language that includes structured, dynamic, functional, and prototype-based features.
Ionic is the beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with web technologies.
- Ionic Framework Official Website for Ionic Framework
- Ionic Documentation Official for Ionic Framework
Build Realtime Web and Mobile Apps With Angular and Meteor
- Angular Meteor Official Website for Angular Meteor
- Angular 2 Meteor
Build truly native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps with Javascript and CSS. Try NativeScript open-source framework for cross-platform development.
- NativeScript Official Website for NativeScript
React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript
- React Native Official Website for React Native
Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language.
- angular2haxe Haxe Language Bindings for Angular 2
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General purpose language; multiparadigm (object-oriented, functional, concurrent elements); statically typed, type-safe; focus: Web services.