This is a short description of the Streamlet project.
Below you will find a list of tools used for local setup.
Docker. We use docker-compose to set up containers. Install Docker following the instructions on the Docker website.
Pipreqs. Auto-generate the requirements file for the project based on actual imports, not on installed packages. Install with pip install pipreqs
Requirements from containers. For IDEs without Docker debug capabilities (e.g. PyCharm CE), requirements can be satisfied by running pip install -r requirements.txt
Pre-commit. Perform pre-commit code reformatting and checks. Install with pip install pre-commit
. A full list of pre-commit hooks is specified in the .pre-commit-config.yaml
file. In particular, we use:
- Mypy for static type checking.
- isort for grouping and sorting imports.
- Black for code formatting.
- flake8 for non-style checks.
pytest. Handle tests. Can be installed via pip install pytest
. Tests are not included in pre-commit hooks and should be run manually.