ReST API Performance Test: Java vs Node.js
Rumors are: Node.js is slow, because programming model is single thread, blabla
I tested the two!
My minimalistic (don't call it "micro") ReST Serice:
- HelloWorld GET service with one URL query-parameter
- similar simple POST API service with some not-too-complex marshaling involved
Tried to make the code as comparable as I can get:
- Java uses newest version of SpringBoot
- Node.js uses Express.js
...both on Alpine Docker, both w/o any hacks to make it faster
Also some kind of surprise for me!
- Java has more files, more folders, more descriptors, hundreds LoC (= complexity)
- Node.js requires ONE file with 24 lines of code to do the same + package.json (14 lines)
- Java has slower round tips (code/compile/restart)
- Both run smoothly on Docker
- Java + Springboot + Gradle is hungry: 900 MB RAM (for this tiny service!!) - I can reduce it to 400 MB w/o Gradle, buut ...
- Node.js is tiny: 6 MB at startup, 30 MB during load test
If you have lot micro-services on Kubernetes, this will cost you 30x more RAM! In my AKS clusters the scale is because of RAM (CPU is more than enough): So if you plan a HelloWorld cloud farm, Kubernetes cloud costs are x30 with Java!
Total (Avg):
- Node.js was able to process 2x more request per sec, than Java!! (each running alone on same server)
- Node.js serves 3x more GET requests than Java can do
- Java has faster response time
- Node.js and Java have similar requests/sec doing POST requests
- both Node.js and Java serves GET is 2x faster than POST: No surprise, GET-example it is a simpler request, transfers less data and has easier marshaling
Java and Node.js flood all CPU Cores with high load (against the rumors: N ode.js is single threaded and can't use multiprocessing, details see also here:
Good news (both): 0% Errors
REMARK: In JMeter you can to change the Port (8080 vs 8090, in both(!!) WebTests) to toggle between the two services.
- Servicess: 4 Core Server, Docker
- JMeter: separate 4 Core Server, running lot minutes (to eliminate ramp up etc.), even during test lot free RAM
- JMeter was configured to run 100 Threads GET and POST mixed
Both running Ubuntu 18 LTS
To simulate bad networks, I recommend home WIFI, pls aks your kids to stream some videos :-D