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Add TLA+ specification for future M3DB version-based flushing (#1223)
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richardartoul authored Jan 16, 2019
1 parent 3fff6ca commit 36c653d
Showing 1 changed file with 253 additions and 0 deletions.
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions specs/dbnode/flush/FlushVersion.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
---------------------------- MODULE FlushVersion ----------------------------

\* Constants used to limit the potential search space when
\* running the TLC model checker.
CONSTANT maxNumWrites
CONSTANT maxNumFlushes
CONSTANT maxNumTicks

\* This specification models the version-based flushing/ticking of series
\* buffer buckets that is required for the warm/cold write feature. The
\* specification models the system by running three different processes:
\* 1. One process responsible for beginning and ending the flush process.
\* This process will begin a flush by looping through all the BucketsInMemory
\* and setting their LastSuccessfulFlushVersion to whatever the
\* CurrentLastSuccessfulFlushVersion is. It also models both flush
\* successes and flush failures.
\* Flush Success: Copy all the BucketsInMemory whose
|* LastSuccessfulFlushVersion is smaller than
\* or equal to the CurrentLastSuccessfulFlushVersion (I.E those
\* we could have conceivably known about at flush start time) into
\* the set of PersistedBuckets, and then increment the
\* CurrentLastSuccessfulFlushVersion.
\* Flush Failure: Nothing happens and the CurrentLastSuccessfulFlushVersion stays the same.
\* 2. One process responsible for creating new buckets by issuing "writes". It does
\* this by storing them in the BucketsInMemory set, as well as in the
\* WrittenBuckets set (so we can keep track of them independently of the eviction
\* from memory process).
\* 3. One process responsible for the "Ticking" process that will periodically evict
\* every bucket from the BucketsInMemory set whose LastSuccessfulFlushVersion is >=
\* CurrentLastSuccessfulFlushVersion and also > 0 (because version zero is the bucket
\* for unflushed writes).
\* The specification verifies the system by allowing all of these processes to run
\* concurrently (as they do in M3DB) and asserting that the invariant that we can
\* always read every bucket that has been written from the combination of the
\* BucketsInMemory and PersistedBuckets holds true at every step (meaning we never
\* lose data due to the Tick evicting data that hasn't been flushed yet.)
--algorithm FlushVersion

\* BucketsInMemory, WrittenBuckets, and Persisted buckets are all sets that
\* store records in the form:
\* 1. ID (int)
\* 2. LastSuccessfulFlushVersion (int)
\* BucketsInMemory stores all the buckets that are currently in the M3DB
\* process's memory, WrittenBuckets stores all the buckets that the client
\* ever issued (to serve as a source of truth for checking invariants), and
\* PersistedBuckets stores all the buckets that have been flushed successfully.
BucketsInMemory = {[ID |-> 0, FlushVersion |-> 0]};
WrittenBuckets = {[ID |-> 0, FlushVersion |-> 0]};
PersistedBuckets = {};
\* The last version that was successfully flushed to disk.
LastSuccessfulFlushVersion = 0;

\* Simulate background flushes which either succeed, copy buckets to the
\* PersistedBuckets set and then increment the flush version, or fail and
\* leave everything as is.
process Flush = 0
CurrentIndex = 0;
\* Whether a flush is currently ongoing.
FlushInProgress = FALSE;
flush_loop: while CurrentIndex < maxNumFlushes do
await FlushInProgress = TRUE;
\* Flush success
\* Move all BucketsInMemory that have been flushed (according to
\* their flush version) to the PersistedBuckets set but keep them,
\* around in memory for now.
PersistedBuckets := PersistedBuckets \union {
x \in BucketsInMemory:
x.FlushVersion <= LastSuccessfulFlushVersion + 1 /\
x.FlushVersion > 0};
LastSuccessfulFlushVersion := LastSuccessfulFlushVersion + 1;
\* Flush failure - No-op
LastSuccessfulFlushVersion := LastSuccessfulFlushVersion;
end either;
FlushInProgress := FALSE;
await FlushInProgress = FALSE;
\* Update the flush version of all BucketsInMemory in memory to the
\* current value + 1 since that is what the (possibly partially complete)
\* flush could have done to them.
BucketsInMemory := {
[ID |-> x.ID, FlushVersion |-> LastSuccessfulFlushVersion + 1]:
x \in BucketsInMemory};
FlushInProgress := TRUE;
end either;
CurrentIndex := CurrentIndex+1;
end while
end process

\* Simulate a process that is writing by putting new buckets into BucketsInMemory.
process Write = 1
CurrentIndex = 0;
NextBucketID = 1;
write_loop: while CurrentIndex < maxNumWrites do
\* Write a new bucket. Note that the FlushVersion is always zero for a new bucket.
BucketsInMemory := BucketsInMemory \union {[ID |-> NextBucketID, FlushVersion |-> 0]};
WrittenBuckets := WrittenBuckets \union {[ID |-> NextBucketID, FlushVersion |-> 0]};
NextBucketID := NextBucketID + 1;
CurrentIndex := CurrentIndex+1;
end while
end process

process Tick = 2
variable CurrentIndex = 0;
tick_loop: while CurrentIndex < maxNumTicks do
\* Evict from memory any block whose flush version is smaller than or equal to the
\* current flush version.
BucketsInMemory := BucketsInMemory \ {
x \in BucketsInMemory:
x.FlushVersion <= LastSuccessfulFlushVersion /\
x.FlushVersion > 0};
end while
end process

end algorithm
\* Process variable CurrentIndex of process Flush at line 66 col 9 changed to CurrentIndex_
\* Process variable CurrentIndex of process Write at line 114 col 9 changed to CurrentIndex_W
VARIABLES BucketsInMemory, WrittenBuckets, PersistedBuckets,
LastSuccessfulFlushVersion, pc, CurrentIndex_, FlushInProgress,
CurrentIndex_W, NextBucketID, CurrentIndex

vars == << BucketsInMemory, WrittenBuckets, PersistedBuckets,
LastSuccessfulFlushVersion, pc, CurrentIndex_, FlushInProgress,
CurrentIndex_W, NextBucketID, CurrentIndex >>

ProcSet == {0} \cup {1} \cup {2}

Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ BucketsInMemory = {[ID |-> 0, FlushVersion |-> 0]}
/\ WrittenBuckets = {[ID |-> 0, FlushVersion |-> 0]}
/\ PersistedBuckets = {}
/\ LastSuccessfulFlushVersion = 0
(* Process Flush *)
/\ CurrentIndex_ = 0
/\ FlushInProgress = FALSE
(* Process Write *)
/\ CurrentIndex_W = 0
/\ NextBucketID = 1
(* Process Tick *)
/\ CurrentIndex = 0
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = 0 -> "flush_loop"
[] self = 1 -> "write_loop"
[] self = 2 -> "tick_loop"]

flush_loop == /\ pc[0] = "flush_loop"
/\ IF CurrentIndex_ < maxNumFlushes
THEN /\ \/ /\ FlushInProgress = TRUE
/\ \/ /\ PersistedBuckets' = ( PersistedBuckets \union {
x \in BucketsInMemory:
x.FlushVersion <= LastSuccessfulFlushVersion + 1 /\
x.FlushVersion > 0})
/\ LastSuccessfulFlushVersion' = LastSuccessfulFlushVersion + 1
\/ /\ LastSuccessfulFlushVersion' = LastSuccessfulFlushVersion
/\ UNCHANGED PersistedBuckets
/\ FlushInProgress' = FALSE
/\ UNCHANGED BucketsInMemory
\/ /\ FlushInProgress = FALSE
/\ BucketsInMemory' = {
[ID |-> x.ID, FlushVersion |-> LastSuccessfulFlushVersion + 1]:
x \in BucketsInMemory}
/\ FlushInProgress' = TRUE
/\ UNCHANGED <<PersistedBuckets, LastSuccessfulFlushVersion>>
/\ CurrentIndex_' = CurrentIndex_+1
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![0] = "flush_loop"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![0] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << BucketsInMemory, PersistedBuckets,
CurrentIndex_, FlushInProgress >>
/\ UNCHANGED << WrittenBuckets, CurrentIndex_W, NextBucketID,
CurrentIndex >>

Flush == flush_loop

write_loop == /\ pc[1] = "write_loop"
/\ IF CurrentIndex_W < maxNumWrites
THEN /\ BucketsInMemory' = (BucketsInMemory \union {[ID |-> NextBucketID, FlushVersion |-> 0]})
/\ WrittenBuckets' = (WrittenBuckets \union {[ID |-> NextBucketID, FlushVersion |-> 0]})
/\ NextBucketID' = NextBucketID + 1
/\ CurrentIndex_W' = CurrentIndex_W+1
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![1] = "write_loop"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![1] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << BucketsInMemory, WrittenBuckets,
CurrentIndex_W, NextBucketID >>
/\ UNCHANGED << PersistedBuckets, LastSuccessfulFlushVersion,
CurrentIndex_, FlushInProgress, CurrentIndex >>

Write == write_loop

tick_loop == /\ pc[2] = "tick_loop"
/\ IF CurrentIndex < maxNumTicks
THEN /\ BucketsInMemory' = BucketsInMemory \ {
x \in BucketsInMemory:
x.FlushVersion <= LastSuccessfulFlushVersion /\
x.FlushVersion > 0}
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![2] = "tick_loop"]
ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![2] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED BucketsInMemory
/\ UNCHANGED << WrittenBuckets, PersistedBuckets,
LastSuccessfulFlushVersion, CurrentIndex_,
FlushInProgress, CurrentIndex_W, NextBucketID,
CurrentIndex >>

Tick == tick_loop

Next == Flush \/ Write \/ Tick
\/ (* Disjunct to prevent deadlock on termination *)
((\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done") /\ UNCHANGED vars)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars

Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")


\* Invariants, include these when running the model checker.
WrittenIDs == {x.ID: x \in WrittenBuckets}
ReadableIDs == {x.ID: x \in (BucketsInMemory \union PersistedBuckets)}
DoesNotLoseData == WrittenIDs \subseteq ReadableIDs

\* Modification History
\* Last modified Fri Nov 30 19:08:55 EST 2018 by richardartoul
\* Created Fri Nov 30 15:08:04 EST 2018 by richardartoul

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