Tools used to manage and evaluate the Hyperledger Community
This lab will contain tools that can be used to manage and evaluate the Hyperledger Community, including:
- project reporting tools
- contributor statistic tools
- contributor diversity tools
All tools will be documented fully so that anyone in the community can run them. In addition, all tools will contain a --help
option to provide help from the command line.
Github IDs for the set of initial committers.
- christo4ferris - Chris Ferris
- davidwboswell - David Boswell
- esplinr - Richard Esplin
- ryjones - Ry Jones
- tkuhrt - Tracy Kuhrt
- Vipin Bharathan (Github: vipinsun, Email: [email protected]), Chair of the Identity working group
- Project Reports - generates a health assessment report for each project within Hyperledger, as well as other projects that might be of interest.
- Project Report Requirements specifies the proposed content
- Project Report README provides details on how to run
- get_contributors - generates a comma-separated file containing a list of contributors.
- get_lines_of_code - generates a comma-separated file containing a list of repositories, the number of files, and the lines of code.
- create_tarballs - creates tarballs of the latest source in the specified repositories