A simple academic personal website, built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js, focused on performance, a11y and privacy 🚀
- Built with:
- Next.js (Thereby, hosting on Vercel is recommended. FREE)
- Written in TypeScript
- Written in TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- Next.js (Thereby, hosting on Vercel is recommended. FREE)
- Easy customization - edit the data in components/data/*.json without altering the code.
- Accessible - follows WAI-ARIA.
- Responsive - uses latest CSS features and looks great on all devices.
- Optimized SEO
- Traffic tracking by Google Analytics
- For MacOS,
brew install NVM
or install by script (any OS) - Then
nvm install 20
installs Node.js v20; it comes with npm.
cd NextJSAcademicTheme/
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run in development mode
npm run dev
# Build for production
npm run build
- in components/data/personalInfo.json
- in components/data/publications.json
- in components/data/projects.json
- in components/data/teaching.json
- in .env
- in public/cv.pdf
- Option 1: deploy on Vercel via Vercel cli
npm i -g vercel
# preview
# production
vercel --prod
Option 2: push to your own Github repo then connect it to Vercel (CI/CD, i.e. every new commit to Github will reflect on Vercel automatically.)
After successful deployment on Vercel, it should be alive on
online. To use your own domain name, config the settings on Vercel here.
[Optional] Track your web traffic by connecting to Google Analytics
- Simply add your project tracking code, e.g. G-38LNZ3XXXX, in
- Inspired by https://kepinski.ch/
Code released under WTFPL