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Table of Contents

Developer Guide

This guide is aimed at developers wishing to modify or contribute to the program, and is designed to be accessible to programmers with basic to intermediate knowledge of Python.

Tip: If you experience any difficulties, you can check the Common Issues or create an issue on the dedicated page.

Main requirements

  • Python 3.6 or 3.7. Python 3.8 is not supported yet.
  • MATLAB Runtime, version R2019a (9.6). The runtime does not require a MATLAB license.

⚠️ Do not use a newer version of the MATLAB Runtime. MATLAB-packaged libraries are neither forwards nor backwards compatible.

Note: Scientific distributions of Python are not officially supported, but may be compatible. Python 3.8 will not be supported until MATLAB R2020a R2020b launches.

Additional requirements

To develop the program, you may need to install additional tools:

  • Git is required to download the code, save and upload your changes.
  • Qt Designer is required to edit the layout files.

Downloading the code

To download the code, see the section below for collaborators or non-collaborators.

Note: To start running the code, see preparing to run.


If you are registered as a collaborator, you can clone the repository using one of the following commands:

# SSH method.
git clone [email protected]:luphysics/PyMODA.git

# HTTPS method.
git clone

Developers are encouraged to use their own development branches (e.g. dev followed by an identifier) for making changes. If working as the main developer on the project, you may merge your branch directly into master; otherwise, pull requests are usually a better approach.

Tip: It is safe to rebase parts of your branch which are ahead of master, and force-push your branch, before merging into master.


If you are not registered as a collaborator, you should fork the repository. You can then clone your fork to download the code.

When you make changes, you can open a pull request targeting PyMODA's master branch.

Preparing to run

When the code is downloaded and Python is installed, you'll need to install the dependencies.

Open a terminal in the PyMODA folder and run python packages/ When prompted, you will then need to press the Enter key to proceed.

⚠️ For security reasons, do not run this command with elevated permissions.

Running PyMODA

To start PyMODA, run python src/ in the PyMODA folder.

Installing Git hooks

Git hooks are used to automatically perform tasks when a commit is made. PyMODA uses doctoc to add the table of contents to markdown files, and black to format Python files to follow a consistent style.

Commit your current work, if there are changes. Then open a terminal in the PyMODA folder and run:

pip install pre-commit --user   # Installs the pre-commit tool.
pre-commit install              # Adds the Git hooks to the repository.

On Windows, also run git config core.safecrlf false in the PyMODA folder. This prevents a circular problem where Git cannot commit because it converts line endings to CRLF but doctoc converts line endings back to LF.

Now that the Git hooks are installed, they will automatically run every time a commit changes relevant files.

⚠️ When a hook changes a file, you'll need to add the files and commit again.

Here is an example of committing with the hooks installed. Black formats a Python file, so the commit must be run again. (Note that the -am flag stages currently tracked, modified, files before committing.)

Screenshot demonstrating Git hooks.

Note: If absolutely necessary, hooks can be skipped by adding --no-verify to the git commit command.

Tip: If pre-commit is not a valid command after installing, try python -m pre-commit instead.

Command-line arguments

PyMODA has several command-line arguments, which can make development easier.

Note: Use of the -runtime argument should no longer be required.

-runtime is used to specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the MATLAB Runtime. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is shown by the Runtime installer after installation, and should be saved but not be added to the environment variables manually.

Here is an example of PyMODA being run on Linux:

python3 src/ -runtime "/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v96/runtime/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v96/bin/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v96/sys/os/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v96/extern/bin/glnxa64"

Tip: You can add command-line arguments like -runtime to your PyCharm configuration.

Below is a table listing the other command-line arguments.

Argument Use case Example
--python-wt Specifies that PyMODA should use the Python implementation of the wavelet transform, instead of the MATLAB implementation. python src/ --python-wt
--no-maximise Prevents windows from opening in a maximised state, allowing easier viewing of console output. python src/ --no-maximise
--debug Disables error handling. python src/ --debug
-freq Specifies the sampling frequency to use. This frequency will be automatically selected in dialogs. python src/ -freq 10
-file Specifies a data file to use. This file will be automatically selected in dialogs. Only designed for data files in the res/data folder, and the file name should be prefixed by data:. python -file "data:many_signal.csv"

Command-line arguments can be specified in PyCharm configurations.

Tip: Create multiple PyCharm configurations with different -file and -freq args to easily test different datasets.

Naming conventions and code style

PyMODA code should follow the standard guidelines and naming conventions for Python. To ensure that the codebase uses a similar style, Git hooks will automatically format code with Black when it is committed.

Window names

PyMODA consists of 7 main windows, whose names are abbreviated in the codebase. The abbreviations are as follows:

Name Abbreviation Example class
Time-Frequency Analysis TF TFWindow
Detecting Harmonics DH DHWindow
Wavelet Phase Coherence PC PCWindow
Group Phase Coherence GC GCWindow
Ridge Extraction and Filtering RE REWindow
Wavelet Bispectrum Analysis BA BAWindow
Dynamical Bayesian Inference DB DBWindow

Type hints

Type hints are used throughout PyMODA. While not required for local variables, they should be used for most function parameters and all return types (including functions which return None).

They serve multiple purposes:

  • The intent of a function is much easier to interpret.
  • The input parameters and output of a function are much easier to interpret.
  • The auto-completion in the IDE is much better. This is especially useful for member variables.


All main windows inherit from a ViewProperties class. The only purpose of the ViewProperties class is to provide the names and types of member variables which will be instantiated when the GUI is created from the .ui file, greatly improving the auto-completion in PyCharm.

Since the constructor of a ViewProperties is called before the GUI is created, it can safely initialize values to None.

class SampleViewProperties(ViewProperties):

  def __init__(self):
    self.btn: QPushButton = None
    self.lbl: QLabel = None

Float and int decorators

When a function returns a value from the GUI, it is necessary to validate the value and convert to the correct type. This is when the @floaty decorator is useful; it ensures that a value is returned as a float if it can be interpreted as a float, or None if it cannot.

class Window:

  def get_fmin(self) -> Optional[float]:
    Returns the minimum frequency from the GUI as either a float, 
    if it can be interpreted as such, or `None`.
    fmin: str = self.lineedit_fmin.text()
    return fmin # Return as a string; the decorator will take care of the conversion.

The @inty decorator is identical to the @floaty decorator, except it returns an int or None instead of a float or None.

Update system

PyMODA's update system is able to perform seamless updates with zero downtime.


PyMODA is installed in a folder within what we shall define as the pymoda folder. The pymoda folder is equivalent to the following location:

OS Location
Windows C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\PyMODA
macOS/Linux ~/.pymoda

Inside the pymoda folder resides the PyMODA launcher. The launcher is an simple executable which opens the latest version of PyMODA, passing any command-line arguments which were supplied to it.

The update system works as follows:

  1. PyMODA downloads the newest release, and extracts it into its own folder inside the pymoda folder.
  2. PyMODA writes an empty file, latest-X, to the pymoda folder to specify which version the PyMODA launcher should run.
  3. Next time the PyMODA launcher is executed, it runs the PyMODA executable from the X folder, specified by the latest-X file.

Since the creation of the latest-X file is the last stage of the update process, there is no risk of a corrupted installation if PyMODA is terminated while performing an update.

Publishing updates

When a tag is pushed to GitHub, Travis and AppVeyor will automatically create standalone builds for all platforms and publish them as a release. PyMODA installations will automatically update to the new version.

To publish a new release with tag vX.Y.Z, run the script from the root of the repository:

python X.Y.Z --push

MATLAB packages

Using MATLAB's Library Compiler, MATLAB functions can be packaged as Python libraries which use the MATLAB Runtime. Most of the algorithms in PyMODA use MATLAB libraries from MODA.

Linux support

MATLAB causes a library collision which prevents PyQt from functioning while the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is set according to its documentation. To solve this, MATLAB-packaged code must always be called from a separate process and the process must call the function setup_matlab_runtime(), which sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the process, before importing MATLAB packages.

Note: The process decorator can now be used instead of calling setup_matlab_runtime(). See process.

Data types

MATLAB can only handle certain Python data types (see documentation).

Numpy can convert MATLAB arrays to Numpy arrays, but Numpy arrays must be converted to Python lists before being converted to MATLAB arrays with matlab.double(). MATLAB arrays should be converted back to Numpy arrays using PyMODA's matlab_to_numpy(), which may be faster than np.asarray() in some cases. A tuple of MATLAB arrays can be converted to a tuple of Numpy arrays using multi_matlab_to_numpy().

Although MATLAB can convert single complex numbers, it seems unable to convert a list of complex numbers. Instead of passing a list of complex numbers, a list of the real parts and a list of the complex parts can be passed separately as MATLAB arrays and then combined in the MATLAB code.

Note: None cannot be passed to MATLAB.

Unspecific errors

Errors referencing map::at, lacking any useful context, appear to be caused by MATLAB being unable to convert Python types to MATLAB types or vice versa. Some MODA algorithms were copied and slightly modified to avoid errors when packaged for PyMODA. This is why bispecWavPython exists alongside bispecWavNew in MODA; the former is packaged as a Python library.

Function parameters

MATLAB functions can take optional parameters, adding them to the cell array varargin. varargin must be dealt with manually, but in MATLAB a common approach is to take optional parameters as alternating strings and values. For example, WT(sig, fs, "fmin", 0.1, "fmax", 5) is equivalent to WT(sig, fs, fmin=0.1, fmax=5) in Python.

To use varargin, a Python dictionary is passed to the MATLAB function. Provided that all the keys are strings and the values can be converted to MATLAB types, this will work correctly.

Performance issues

There is a large performance overhead due to the conversion of Numpy arrays to lists and then the conversion of lists to MATLAB arrays. Additionally, the conversion of the returned data to Numpy arrays is extremely inefficient.


The maths.algorithms.matlabwrappers package contains files which form wrappers around the MATLAB code. Since these files import MATLAB functions, they must also not be imported in the main process.

"Params" classes, such as TFParams, exist to simplify passing optional parameters to MATLAB functions. Params objects have a get() method which returns a dictionary with all the None values removed, so that it can safely be passed to MATLAB.



PyMODA uses multiprocess, asyncio, qasync and AsyncProcessScheduler.


Python offers multiprocessing, which allows a program to create multiple processes which operate like independent programs. Data cannot be directly passed between processes, but it is possible to pass data via a Queue.

Multiprocessing is used in PyMODA for several reasons:

  • Long calculations can run without freezing the GUI.
  • Calculations for multiple signals can be executed simultaneously on different CPU cores, greatly improving performance.
  • A critical issue on Linux - caused by conflicting libraries used by PyQt5 and the MATLAB Runtime - can be mitigated.

While multithreading could be used to solve the first problem, it would not be ideal for the second due to CPython's infamous Global Interpreter Lock. The third problem can only be solved by using multiple processes.

PyMODA uses the multiprocess library rather than the standard library's multiprocessing, due to problems with the latter's serialization in Windows. multiprocess has the same API as multiprocessing, so all documentation and tutorials are still directly applicable; the only changes required are the import statements.

Note: from multiprocess import Process, Queue is falsely reported as an error in PyCharm.


asyncio is part of the standard library. asyncio adds coroutines, which provide the ability to run asynchronous code on the main thread.

Coroutines shouldn't be used to run intensive code on the main thread, because it will still be blocked. However, they are very useful for lightweight tasks.

Note: Names of async functions, and functions designed to be used in coroutines, are usually prefixed by coro_ in PyMODA.


qasync is a library which allows the asyncio event loop to be set to a Qt event loop. Coroutines running on this event loop are able to safely interact with the GUI.


AsyncProcessScheduler is a library which contains the Scheduler and Task classes. Scheduler provides an easy way to execute and receive results from multiple processes, returning results directly in a coroutine instead of using a callback-based system. See the documentation for more details.


Most of PyMODA's concurrency is provided via the MPHandler class. Functions which will be run as separate processes are implemented in maths.algoritms.multiprocessing, and must be decorated with @process from processes.mp_utils.


@process is a simple decorator with 3 purposes:

  • It clearly marks a function as the entry-point of a separate process.
  • It calls setup_matlab_runtime() to prevent errors with LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux.

Example usage:

def start_process() -> None:
    """Function which starts a process running `long_calculation`."""
    q = Queue()
    process = Process(target=long_calculation, args=(q,))
    ### [Use process.] ### 

def long_calculation(queue: Queue, input: ndarray) -> None:
    ### [Long calculation which produces x, y.] ###


MPHandler is an intermediary between GUI code and Scheduler. It contains functions which create a Scheduler and use it to run mathematical operations in a coroutine.

⚠️ A reference to an MPHandler must be stored in GUI-related code to prevent it from being garbage-collected, and allow the processes to be terminated.


This diagram demonstrates how the GUI code in TFPresenter, the class controlling the time-frequency window, interacts with MPHandler and Scheduler. TFPresenter runs coro_calculate() as a coroutine on the main thread, which then waits for the results using await and shows them in the GUI.

Diagram demonstrating how TFPresenter, MPHandler and Scheduler interact.