A Discord bot that can be used to test semantic kernel https://github.com/microsoft/semantic-kernel
Create a Discord bot and get the token
Go to in solution folder and run
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Add secrets to DiscordBot
"Completion:Key": "OPENAI_API_KEY",
"TextCompletion:Key": "OPENAI_API_KEY",
"Embedding:Key": "OPENAI_API_KEY",
"Twitter:ConsumerKey": "CONSUMER_KEY",
"Twitter:ConsumerSecret ": "CONSUMER_SECRETS",
"Twitter:AccessKey ": "API_TWITTER",
"Twitter:AccessSecret ": "API_TWITTER"
get pong
perform a goal with ActionPlanner
perform a goal with SequentialPlanner
open a new web page to authenticate with Twitter and get pin to use in /twitter-pin
authenticate with Twitter using pin from /twitter-auth