Un repositorio con ejemplos y material para aprender a usar Postman Para correr el curso es necesario tener la version 1.0 de .NET core disponible en https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/core Posteriormente, dentro del directorio de PostmanAPI correr los siguientes comandos:
dotnet restore
dotnet run
Una vez iniciado, es posible acceder a la pagina de ayuda a traves de la url http://localhost:5000/swagger
What is Postman and how can it help me do my job?
Postman basics
Installing postman [x]
Sending simple requests [x] * GET http://google.com * GET http://postmanapi.com/api/basic/simple
Understanding responses [x] * GET http://postmanapi.com/api/basic/simplejson * GET http://postmanapi.com/api/basic/simplexml
History & Tabs [x]
Settings [x]
Advanced request/response manipulation
Working with headers [x] * GET http://postmanapi.com/api/manipulation/echoheaders
Working with cookies [x] * GET http://postmanapi.com/api/manipulation/echocookies
Request methods [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/manipulation/resource/1 * POST localhost:5000/api/manipulation/resource * PUT localhost:5000/api/manipulation/resource/1 * DELETE localhost:5000/api/manipulation/resource/1
Sending request parameters [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/manipulation/echoparameters
Sending request body [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/manipulation/echobody
Saving responses [x] * GET google.com
Postman advanced
Exporting/Importing a request [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/advanced/importexport?sampleId=10
Creating a collection [x]
Exporting/Importing a collection [x]
Requests as code snippets [x]
Postman for automation
Creating an environment [x]
Using variables [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/echovariable/{{myvar}}
Setting a variable for a request [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/echovariable/{{myvar}}
Extracting data from a response [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/responsedata
Chaining requests [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/firstchained * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/secondchained
Advanced postman testing
Writing tests [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/testing/simpletest * PUT localhost:5000/api/testing/complextest/2
Running a collection multiple times [x] * PUT localhost:5000/api/testing/randomerror
Setting workflows [x] * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/workflowstate * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/firstworkflow * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/secondworkflow * GET localhost:5000/api/automation/thirdworkflow
Testing examples [x]