This repo contains a set of Dockerfiles for creating Moodle development environment:
- docker-moodle-apache-dev This frontend image provides Apache with PHP libraries required for Moodle as well as clamav and optional unoconv service.
- docker-moodle-cron-dev This cron image provides PHP libraries required for Moodle and corresponding cronjob according to Moodle requirements.
The actual Moodle code needs to be mounted as host directory data volume. This approach allows developer working with the code locally, but serving content via Docker containers.
It is assumed that you have container for the database within the same Docker bridge network, so that all containers in the dev environment can access it. For PostgreSQL I suggest using official image. To create database you can either create container, access it via command line and create required user and database inside, which you will then use in Moodle config.php (I prefer this menthod, as you may need to create more than one DB for dev purposes, e.g one for different version), or you may setup database and users using env variables when Postgres container is created. It is a good idea to keep Postgres data directory on the separate data volume, so that destroying container will not destroy the data.
There are no rules here, pick the strategy that fits your needs and development habits.
See README inside each image directory or refer to image documentation on Docker hub. It is advised to use Compose to simplify dev environment setup and containers running.
The enclosed compose file example is for running dev environment from the
current directory. docker-compose.yml
is providing the base settings to
run dev environment and using Docker hub images. You need to override it,
using docker-compose.override.yml
file and adjust to your needs; at the
very least, change the Moodle code path to your location
is used in example). You can also instruct
compose to build images from subdirs rather using Docker hub images. You
may use docker-compose.override-example.yml
to start with, just copy it
can name docker-compose.override.yml
(gitignore is aware of this file).
Also, two data volumes are required: moodledata
(for Moodle data) and
(for Postgresql data) to make containers ephemeral. You need to
pre-create them before using compose file or adjust the file accordingly if
you are not using volumes.
To start environment using Docker compose in daemon mode use:
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "dockermoodledev_default" with the default driver
Creating dockermoodledev_postgres_9.4_1
Creating dockermoodledev_moodle_1
You may check the status of containers using ps command:
$ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
dockermoodledev_moodle_1 /usr/bin/supervisord -n Up>443/tcp, 80/tcp
dockermoodledev_postgres_9.4_1 / postgres Up>5432/tcp
For more details on compose command please refer to its documentaiton.
As there are some speed issues when host filesystem is mounted to container, it is recommended to use docker-sync to speed up your containers.
This repo includes docker-sync-example.yml
file that needs to
be copied as docker-sync.yml
(also git-ignored for convenience) and
adjusted for your needs (path to your local Moodle code repo at least).
Also, included docker-moodle-dev-compose-sync_example.yml
shows how to adjust
compose file for docker-sync use.
Basically, the idea of docker-sync is continious syncing of your code changes
with the Docker volume created for this purposes (moodlecode
in our example)
using isolated container. To initiate sync, use docker-sync start
command. Once
sync has started, you may start development environment defined in
using Compose, which will mount the volume-in-sync as Moodle
code containing directory (/var/www/moodle
). You may monitor synced changes
in the console output where docker-sync
is running.