Assignment codes for Introduction to Numerical Analysis (2020), in Applied Mathematics course at Getulio Vargas Foundation.
- List 0: Computer Arithmetic
- List 1: Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Equations
- Jacobi method
- Seidel method
- SOR method
- Conjugated Gradient method
- List 2: Numerical Solution of Non-Linear Equations:
- Bisection method
- Regula falsi
- Fixed-point iteration
- Newton's method
- List 3: Interpolation
- Polynomial interpolation
- Cubic splines
- Newton's divided differences interpolation polynomial
- Lagrange polynomial
- Runge's phenomenon
- Chebyshev polynomials
- List 4: Numerical Solution for ODE
- (Forward) Euler method
- Backward Euler method
- Trapezoidal rule
- Heun's method
- Runge-Kutta
- Taylor method
- A-stability
- List 5: Numerical Solution for PDE
- BTCS, FTCS and CTCS methods
- Crank-Nicolson method
- Wave, heat and Poisson equations
This is an example of a numerical solution (CTCS) for a specific wave equation: