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Term 1 Lab 8 (Optional) by Luke Schoen for Udacity Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree (AIND)

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  • Exercise implementing the Simulated Annealing algorithm in a Jupyter Notebook App (acronym for first set of targeted languages Julia, Python, and R) that combines code and rich text elements for data science analysis in real-time, and includes an IPython kernel back-end. Apply the implementation to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) between US state capitals.

  • Guide on Jupiter Notebook


  • Install Jupyter Notebook App with Miniconda

    pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
    pip3 install jupyter
    pip3 install json copy numpy matplotlib sys math
  • Launch Jupyter Notebook App jupyter notebook AIND-Simulated_Annealing.ipynb

  • Run code:

    • Click any section containing a code snippet and go to menu: Cells > Run All, then view the outputs shown below the code snippets


Part I: Add to bottom of Overview code snippet

# show Python version being used
import sys
!pip3 install math
import math
# show Python 2.7 and 3.6 executable directories
!which pip
!which pip3
# show jupyter config paths
!jupyter --paths

Part II: Add to bottom of Part II code snippet

!pip3 install math
import math

min_T = 1e-10            # 0.0000000001
ct = 1                   # iteration
current_state = problem  # initial problem state
delta_E = 0              # represents change in the score E

def random_pick_for_probability(states, probabilities):
    x = random.uniform(0, 1)
    cumulative_probability = 0.0
    for item, item_probability in zip(states, probabilities):
        cumulative_probability += item_probability
        if x < cumulative_probability: break
    return item

while True:
    T = schedule(ct)

    # as temperature approaches 0 return early when temperature
    # falls below termination condition value
    # (since temperature reaching 0 gives undefined answer)
    if T < min_T:
        return current_state

    successors = problem.successors()

    # select positions randomly from neighboring region
    next_index = random.randint(0, len(successors))
    next_state = successors[next_index]
    delta_E = next_state.get_value() - current_state.get_value()

    # if new random position improves score E (up the gradient)
    # then select it (up the gradient)
    if delta_E > 0:
        current_state = next_state

    # if new random position lessons score E (down the gradient)
    # then select it based on a probability
    # reference:
        prob = math.exp(delta_E/T)
        current_state = random_pick_for_probability( \
                        [current_state, next_state], [1-prob, prob])
    ct += 1

Part III: Add to bottom of successors() function in code snippet

successor_problems = []
current_path = self.path
path_length = len(current_path)

for i in range(0, path_length):
    new_path = copy.deepcopy(self.path)
    new_path[i], new_path[(i + 1) % path_length] = new_path[(i + 1) % path_length], new_path[i]

return successor_problems

Part III: Add to bottom of get_value() function in code snippet

current_path = self.path
path_length = len(current_path)
cost_total = 0

for i in range(0, path_length):
    current_city_coords = np.array(current_path[i % path_length][1])
    next_city_coords = np.array(current_path[(i + 1) % path_length][1])
    cost_total += np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(current_city_coords - next_city_coords)))
    # Alternative #1:
    # x1, y1 = self.coords[i]
    # x2, y2 = self.coords[(i + 1) % path_length]
    # cost_total += math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
# Alternative #2:
# coords = zip(self.coords, self.coords[1:] + self.coords[0:1])
# for c1, c2 in coords:
#    x1, y1 = c1
#    x2, y2 = c2
#    cost_total += np.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2)

return -1 * cost_total

Part IV:

  • Merge all code snippets into single code snippet to overcome error