A WSGI app for viewing the test employees database provided by MySQL ( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/employee/en/index.html).
Use a virtual environment so that your system doesn't get polluted. Make sure virtualenv is installed on your sytem.
[~/work] virtualenv emptest
[~/work] . emptest/bin/activate
Also make sure setuptools (or pip) is installed.
The package can be installed using the "standard" installation mechanisms - one of:
(emptest)[~/work/Employees-0.1] python ./setup.py install
easy_install Employees-0.1.tar.gz
easy_install Employees-0.1
If pip is installed:
pip install Employees-0.1.tar.gz
pip install Employees-0.1
Also make sure the DB driver you plan to use is installed.
- development.ini: lots of verbose output, don't need to restart if templates are modified. Suitable for development.
- production.ini faster than development, no debug output. Need to restart if anything changes.
NOTE: the "sqlalchemy.url" config MUST be modified to point to the appropriate DB. Due to resource constraints, the application has been tested only (on linux) with with only a fraction of the mysql database entries (124 employees).
The application has been tested against Sqlite3 as well.
pserve development.ini
pserve production.ini
Login is any user's Firstname.Lastname Password is the user's employee number
This software uses:
- Python (of course)
- Pyramid
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- "Jasny Bootstrap" from Arnold Daniels (https://github.com/jasny/bootstrap/) for the "row link" plugin
- An magnifying glass icon from https://openclipart.org/detail/78163/office-glass-magnify-by-sheikh_tuhin
- A modified cancel icon from https://openclipart.org/detail/34729/architetto----tasto-8-by-anonymous