- Project Aloha is our first project which aims to apply our learnings in html,css and javascript.
- The goal of this project is to be able to create a simple homepage that demonstate the basic funtion of html, css and javascript in a website environment.
- Visual Studio Code - for coding html file, css file and javascript file
- Github - for repository purposes.
- Google Chrome- used for inspecting elements such as checking error and and displaying the html file.
- CSS Resets
- W3C - CSS Validator
- Use basic HTML elements including headings, paragraphs, links, lists and forms.
- Use of HTML5 doctype and elements to semantically structure a web page.
- Mark-up language and its function in website.
- Write a well-structured HTML.
- Use of HTML elements such as headings, tags, elements and attribbutes.
- Create a mobile first screen html
- Class selectors
- Properties
- Values
- Use of media queries for responsive website by creating a mobile first screen.
- Use of functions,loops,let,const,loops