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Checklist for better sleep - a demo


This simple Flutter app has been over-engineered to demonstrate important commercial development capabilities of Greg Lorriman to prospective employers.

It includes :

  • MvvM design pattern

  • Abstracted/pluggable backend (eg to allow easier replacement of Firestore)

  • Abstracted repository/databasing, to allow easy backend data refactoring and data versioning

  • basic Unit and integration tests (see /test and /integration_test)

The plumbing includes:

It doesn't include (among other things) :

  • extensive use of factories and dependency injection
  • accessibility/Semantic widgets
  • internationalisation
  • comprehensive documentation
  • comprehensive unit and integration tests
  • flavours
  • CI/CD
  • firestore transactions (as they fail for offline/PWA-style usage)
  • Full app functionality (eg, the statistics/tracking tab is a placeholder)
  • the polish expected of a fully released app
  • testing on anything except android and Firebase emulator
  • adherence to Material design guidelines
  • adherence to Apple guidelines (the final app will have this, but not this demo)

These latter are excluded since they are not as high priority for a simple demo from a single developer. And also because I intend to fully develope and release the app but as closed-source.

It has not been UXed.


Underlying structure and Cupertino tabs adapted from Andrea Bozzito code at github:, copyrights duly noted in the source, and some annotations for changes I've made.

Structure guide

The code includes the following:

Widgets<=>ViewModel stream (fed with data model streams)<=>Database/Repository<=>Backend Service

The Backend Service is what calls the Firestore libraries.

Eg, app/.../checklistitems_page.dart :

ChecklistItemsPage=>ChecklistItemsViewModel=>Repository=>FirestoreService(wrapper around Firestore libs)

Todos (notes to self) :

sort out ListItemsBuilderV2 and ListItemsBuilderV1
ReorderableListView issues
Initial items
Stats tab - currently unimplemented
Splash screen
Semantic widgets
Expand on Unit and integration tests
Firebase assets instead of local assets
Prettyfication and animated tab transitions
Export/backup xls (maybe also import)
Implement Apple design specs (avoid Apple Store rejection)
signingConfig to release keys in app:build.gradle

Deploy notes

configuring web deploy google-sign-in (ClientId!=null)

required this: and must be launched for debug from an exactly matching url (port-wise) as configuered on the auth page above eg eg, as the docs say, and in Android Studio specify in Run->debug-configurations additional paramters --web-port=7357

difficulty web debugging

chrome->developer-tools->settings turn off source maps and css

web deploy

In the AndroidStudio terminal run "flutter build web" Then run the CLI executable firebase-tools-instant-win from 'downloads' In the CLI cd to the project root folder then run "firebase deploy"


A demo Flutter app for sleep aid






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