Go implementation of the sr25519 signature algorithm (schnorr over ristretto25519). The existing rust implementation is here.
This library is currently able to create sr25519 keys, import sr25519 keys, and sign and verify messages. It is interoperable with the rust implementation.
The BIP39 implementation in this library is compatible with the rust substrate-bip39 implementation. Note that this is not a standard bip39 implementation.
go 1.13
Example: key generation, signing, and verification
package main
import (
schnorrkel "github.com/ChainSafe/go-schnorrkel"
func main() {
msg := []byte("hello friends")
signingCtx := []byte("example")
signingTranscript := schnorrkel.NewSigningContext(signingCtx, msg)
verifyTranscript := schnorrkel.NewSigningContext(signingCtx, msg)
priv, pub, err := schnorrkel.GenerateKeypair()
if err != nil {
sig, err := priv.Sign(signingTranscript)
if err != nil {
ok := pub.Verify(sig, verifyTranscript)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("did not verify :(")