Create a docker with debian 8, epics base 3.15.5 and medm 3.1.13
To use medm it is necessary some configuration:
- Before run container execute:
xhost localhost
- Command to run :
docker container run -v "$HOME:/root/host/" --env="DISPLAY" -it --rm --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" --net=host lnlssol/docker-medm bash
- Run medm:
- Normally to run medm it is necessary to use .adl files, and macros. For this could be necessary copy .adl to docker and pass macros as argument, like this:
./medm -x -macro "P=mcaTest:,R=Amptek1:, M=mca1" Amptek.adl &
On newer systems there is no .Xauthority under $HOME. In this case try:
docker container run -v "$HOME:/root/host/" --env="DISPLAY" -it --net=host --privileged lnlssol/docker-medm bash