To improve the efficiency of Monte Carlo estimation, practitioners are turning to biased Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures that trade off asymptotic exactness for computational speed. The reasoning is sound: a reduction in variance due to more rapid sampling can outweigh the bias introduced. However, the inexactness creates new challenges for sampler and parameter selection, since standard measures of sample quality like effective sample size do not account for asymptotic bias. To address these challenges, we introduced new computable quality measures, based on Stein's method, that quantify the maximum discrepancy between sample and target expectations over large classes of test functions. We call these measures Stein discrepancies.
For a more detailed explanation, take a peek at the latest papers:
Measuring Sample Quality with Diffusions, Measuring Sample Quality with Kernels.
These build on previous work from
Measuring Sample Quality with Stein's Method
and its companion paper
Multivariate Stein Factors for a Class of Strongly Log-concave Distributions.
These latter two papers are a more gentle introduction describing how the Stein discrepancy bounds standard probability metrics like the Wasserstein distance.
Since its introduction in Measuring Sample Quality with Stein's Method, the Stein discrepancy has been incorporated into a variety of applications including:
- Hypothesis testing
- Variational inference
- Importance sampling
- Training generative adversarial networks (GANs)
- Training variational autoencoders (VAEs)
- Sample quality measurement
This software has been tested on Julia v0.5. This release implements two classes of Stein discrepancies: graph Stein discrepancies and kernel Stein discrepancies.
Computing the graph Stein discrepancy requires solving a linear program (LP), and thus you'll need some kind of LP solver installed to use this software. We use JuMP (Julia for Mathematical Programming) to interface with these solvers; any of the supported JuMP LP solvers with do just fine.
Once you have an LP solver installed, computing our measure is easy. Below we'll first show how to compute the Langevin graph Stein discrepancy for a univariate Gaussian target:
# import the gsd function (graph Stein discrepancy)
using SteinDiscrepancy: gsd
# define the grad log density of univariate Gaussian (we always expect vector inputs!)
function gradlogp(x::Array{Float64,1})
# generates 100 points from N(0,1)
X = randn(100)
# can be a string or a JuMP solver
solver = "clp"
result = gsd(points=X, gradlogdensity=gradlogp, solver=solver)
graph_stein_discrepancy = result.objectivevalue[1]
Here's another example that will compute the Langevin graph Stein discrepancy for a bivariate uniform sample (notice this target distribution has a bounded support so these bounds become part of the input parameters):
# do the necessary imports
using SteinDiscrepancy: gsd
# define the grad log density of bivariate uniform target
function gradlogp(x::Array{Float64,1})
# generates 100 points from Unif([0,1]^2)
X = rand(100,2)
# can be a string or a JuMP solver
solver = "clp"
result = gsd(points=X,
discrepancy = vec(result.objectivevalue)
The variable discrepancy
here will encode the Stein discrepancy along each
dimension. The final discrepancy is just the sum of this vector.
Computing the kernel Stein discrepancies does not require a LP solver. In
lieu of a solver, you will need to specify a kernel function. Many common
kernels are already implemented in src/kernels
, but if yours is not there
for some reason, feel free to inherit from the SteinKernel
type and roll
your own.
With a kernel in hand, computing the kernel Stein discrepancy is easy:
# import the kernel stein discrepancy function and kernel to use
using SteinDiscrepancy: SteinInverseMultiquadricKernel, ksd
# define the grad log density of standard normal target
function gradlogp(x::Array{Float64,1})
# grab sample
X = randn(500, 3)
# create the kernel instance
kernel = SteinInverseMultiquadricKernel()
# compute the KSD2
result = ksd(points=X, gradlogdensity=gradlogp, kernel=kernel)
# get the final ksd
kernel_stein_discrepancy = sqrt(result.discrepancy2)
We should note that in order to compute the KSD for a target with a compact
support, one must define a SteinKernel which imposes this property (and not
use the supportlowerbounds
and supportupperbounds
arguments). See
in the src/kernels
code directory
for an example.
All code is available in the src directory of the repo. Many examples for computing the stein_discrepancy are in the test directory.
- discrepancy - Code for computing Stein discrepancy
- kernels - Commonly used kernels
Our C++ code should be compiled automatically when the package is
built. However, if this doesn't work for some reason, you can issue the
following commands to compile the code in src/discrepancy/spanner
cd <PACKAGE_DIR>/src/discrepancy/spanner
make clean
The last step isn't necessary, but it will remove some superfluous files. If you want to kill everything made in the build process, just run
make distclean