V 2.2.1
This is a bare bones set up for a website using Codeigniter and HTML5 boilerplate. Contains a simple controller for a static site.
- Avenirer's Codeigniter MY Model https://github.com/avenirer/CodeIgniter-MY_Model
- Bourbon http://http://bourbon.io/, Bitters http://bitters.bourbon.io/ and Neat http://neat.bourbon.io/.
- Browser Sync https://www.browsersync.io/
- Codeigniter 3 http://www.codeigniter.com
- Composer https://getcomposer.org/
- HTML5 Boilerplate https://html5boilerplate.com/
- Ion Auth http://benedmunds.com/ion_auth/
- Gulp.js http://gulpjs.com/
- Kenjis Codeigniter Twig https://github.com/kenjis/codeigniter-ss-twig
- Modernizr http://modernizr.com/
- Normalize.css https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
- SASS http://sass-lang.com/
- SMACSS https://smacss.com/
- Twig https://twig.sensiolabs.org/
- Yarn http://yarnpkg.com/
Avenirer's MY Model for CodeIgniter
This template uses Bourbon http://http://bourbon.io/, Bitters http://bitters.bourbon.io/ and Neat http://neat.bourbon.io/ as a base for the SASS.
Bourbon, Neat and Bitters are stored in node_modules
- SASS files live in /assets/sass
- Added some extra variables in /assets/base/_variables.scss for headings.
- Added heading size variables to /assets/base/_typography.scss
- Commented out resets in /assets/base/_lists.scss
Browser sync to reload browser after any changes to CSS.
There is a bare bones Codeigniter installation to handle the backend.
Composer is set up for extra PHP pagackages
There is a Docker set up for an old version of PHP (5.5.9). This version is no longer supported and should not be used for production.
It is advisable to replace this with a more modern PHP 7 implementation.
Used as a starter for the html template
Ben Edmonds' Ion Auth authentication library to keep the bad guys away from sensitive areas.
This still uses Gulp 3. Gulp 4 is the latest stable version. Upgrading to Gulp 4 requires a rewrite of gulpfile.js
- Compiles SASS
- Adds browser prefixes.
- Compresses image files and places them in assets/build/images folder.
- Outputs display using browsersync
The same version that comes with HTML5 Boilerplate. You may want to get a custom build from Modernir.
It uses normalize.css as the reset.
You can use Gulp to compile the SASS.
Based on Mina Markham's old V1 Sassy Starter. She has a new version based on atomic design. https://github.com/minamarkham/sassy-starter
Added Twig templating
Yarn is used to manage packages. See http://yarnpkg.com/ for installation instrunctions.
mkdir application/cache
mkdir application/cache/twig
touch application/cache/index.html
touch application/cache/twig/index.html
chmod 777 application/cache
chmod 777 application/cache/twig
composer update
php vendor/kenjis/codeigniter-ss-twig/install.php
Update these to reflect your new location.
docker-compose up -d
-- cache
-- config
-- controllers
-- core
-- helpers
-- hooks
-- languages
-- libraries
-- logs
-- migrations
-- models
-- sql
-- third_party
-- views
-- build
-- css
-- images
-- js
-- sass
-- svgs