Command line interface to access to a vault encrypted with Cryptomator
If you find this project useful, consider donating to CRYPTOMATOR
- Access Cryptomator encrypted vaults opened with a Java command line on a platform compatible with FUSE
- Create a Debian package containing the application and a minimum JRE
This project requires Maven 3.9.5 (or more) and a JDK version 21.
The created package may be smaller if the build is made with the community version of Azul, Zulu.
The command dpkg-deb
is necessary to create the Debian package.
The command /opt/cryfsmount/bin/cryfsmount
can create a new vault or migrate an old vault to the latest format.
Stop the process to close the vault.
Note: fuse v3 is required.
If the mount point is not set, a new temporary directory is created.
The passphrase of the vault can be typed, set in a file or in an environment variable.
WARNING: when the passphrase is set in a file, make sure there is no trailing end-of-line. For the string My pass
, create the file with
echo -n "My pass" > pass.txt
WARNING: the command cryfsumount
stops ALL the running cryfsmount
You may experience slowness due to the generation of random numbers. In this case, haveged should be installed (Linux kernel before 5.6).