We are excited to welcome you our take home assignment!
This assignment is part of application for the data engineering position at healthplusAI
Your task is to load data from MSSQL database, analyze medical data present and plot your findings in the dataset.
The code has to be written in Python, data processing part should be ideally dockerized and solution should be published on public github account. Clone or fork this project and modify it to your liking. All components and instructions are made on unix system, and so should be the assigment.
When you are happy with your solution share a git link to your solution.
There is a docker-compose.yaml file present, to be able to run the database you will need docker and docker-compose installed
For connecting to the MSSQL you will need to install ODBC Driver
Starting MSSQL:
docker-compose up -d mssql
Example connection string can be found and tested using:
python connect.py
Please explore the data structure, there are 5 different tables:
Every table has the following schema:
datetime-based feature
and other features
- explore the data and present your findings using visualizations (jupyter notebook with plots please)
- create a timeseries dataset, where each record is a timeline for each patient based on datetime feature in all tables - this should ideally be runnable as docker container
- extract features from all tables and combine them into a single feature vector, indexed by patient_id and datetime feature - this should ideally be runnable as docker container
We do not expect that you will complete everything. That's perfectly OK! But, please, make sure to acompany your code with comments as you go, commit often with commit messages. If you get stuck on something, write down your intentions and how you would solve the rest of the tasks. Answer what, why and how you would like to accomplish. We want to understand your thought process!
Analysis of records of all the tables is done in Patient Record Analysis.ipynb.
We created a timeseries dataset of each patient based on records of all tables. create_timeserie_data.py. It is changed to runnable docker container.