Welcome to my dotfiles. Follow the instructions below to clone the repo and stow configuration for various applications. Obvious pre-requisite is installation of git
and stow
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/lioncahir/dotfiles.git .dotfiles cd .dotfiles
Use GNU stow to create symlinks for selected application (use -v option for verbose output)
stow -v mpv stow -v vim
- do not stow Scripts
- do not stow firefox, it contains file user.js which should be symlinked to ~/.mozilla/firefox/profileXXX/
- it is recommended to install (or run first time) the applications (mpv, vim, lf etc.) after stowing their dotfiles
This has been tested on EndeavourOS.
Install minimal (base) EndeavourOs. Do NOT select i3wm in the installer
Install git:
sudo pacman -S git
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/lioncahir/dotfiles.git .dotfiles cd .dotfiles
from Scripts directory and select option Install and configure i3wmcd Scripts ./neweos.sh