Dotfiles and some setup instructions.
Some useful links here
Use the Jetbrains Mono font.
Install oh-my-zsh.
Install the powerlevel10k theme. Remember to install the fonts.
Install fzf.
Install ripgrep. There's a setting on .zshrc
for using this instead of the default find
on fzf
Use the .zshrc
from this repository.
Install diff-so-fancy for better diffs.
An alternative for diff-so-fancy
is diff-highlight
which comes bundled with git, but diff-so-fancy
looks nicer.
Use the .gitconfig
from this repository.
Install vim-plug.
User the .vimrc
from this repository.
TODO: I need to revisit this
I use a combination of apps, because no single app does exactly what I want.
On my linux computer I install phockup and the default photos app from ElementaryOS.
The photos app is just a convenient way to periodically import photos from cameras and phones into a temporary folder. I use ~/Pictures
After importing I make sure to delete the ones I don't want and I run phockup to organize them into a folder structure:
phockup ~/Pictures /media/bigdisk/photos --timestamp -m -d YYYY/MM-M
I mount the synology drive by adding this line to /etc/fstab
# Synology NAS /media/synbackup nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
I have a cron job that rsyncs that folder to my Synology NAS:
0 * * * * rsync -aXzbP --backup-dir=old_`date +%F` --delete --exclude=old_* /media/bigdisk/photos/ /media/synbackup/photos/
The NAS has a Hyper Backup setup into an Amazon Drive. It also synchonizes photos to Google Drive so I have them available on Google Photos. Unfortunately there's no uploader client for Linux so those uploads count to my Google Drive quota, which I easily exceed. So I have to pay for it.
- Spotify:
sudo snap install spotify
- TLDR pages