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This is a library created for the esp8266 using NTPClient to create a time based scheduled events.
To use the library you need to create a Scheduler object (ex Scheduler scheduler), then call in the setup function scheduler.begin(); and in the loop function scheduler.update();.
To add a new schedule you can add them in the setup like this:
bool days[7] = {false, true, true, true, true, true, false};
scheduler.add(ScheduleTask("Task1 (repeatable only in working days)", days, 1604127570 ,task));
scheduler.add(ScheduleTask("Task3 (nonrepeatable)", 1604130753 ,task,false));
/* using lambda functions to call multiple functions*/
String _name = "";
int _a = 11;
int _b = 21;
ScheduleTask task = ScheduleTask("Task1", days, 1605310201,