To build the AppImage, you basically just have to:
- Build the base docker image
docker pull centos:6.10
docker build <path/to/this_directory_containing_the_Dockerfile>
Building the image will take several hours at least.
- Create a container from image and open a shell
docker images (should show the image ID of the newly created image)
docker run -t -i --name kdevelopappimagecreator <image id>
- Copy the script and patches into the docker container
docker cp kdevelopappimagecreator:/
for p in *.patch ; do docker cp $p kdevelopappimagecreator:/ ; done
- Run the script in the interactive shell of the container
Running the script will also take quite a while the first time you do it, so it is advisable to always re-use the same container.
- Copy the resulting AppImage out of the container
docker cp kdevelopappimagecreator:/out/KDevelop-git-x86_64.AppImage .