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liesnikov committed Dec 12, 2019
1 parent 6e58352 commit 2d3f9c8
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 22 deletions.
62 changes: 40 additions & 22 deletions subterm.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
Require Import MetaCoq.Template.All.
Require Import List String.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import List String Relation_Operators.
Import ListNotations MonadNotation.

(* Require Import sigma. *)

Definition filteri {A: Type} (f : nat -> A -> bool) (l:list A) : list A :=
let go := fix go n l := match l with
| nil => nil
Expand All @@ -19,8 +20,8 @@ Definition opt_nil {A : Type} (x : option A) : list A := match x with Some a =>
Definition clift0 (n : nat) (t : context_decl) : context_decl :=
{| decl_name := t.(decl_name);
decl_body := match t.(decl_body) with
| Some q => Some (lift0 n q)
| None => None
| Some q => Some (lift0 n q)
| None => None
decl_type := lift0 n t.(decl_type)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,10 +87,12 @@ Definition subterm_for_ind
:= let (pai, sort) := decompose_prod_assum [] ind.(ind_type) in
let inds := List.firstn (List.length pai - npars) pai in
let leni := List.length inds in
let aptype1 := tApp ref ((map (lift0 (2 * leni)) (to_extended_list pars)) ++
(map (lift0 leni) (to_extended_list inds))) in
let aptype2 := tApp ref ((map (lift0 (1 + 2 * leni)) (to_extended_list pars)) ++
(map (lift0 1) (to_extended_list inds))) in
let aptype1 :=
tApp ref ((map (lift0 (2 * leni)) (to_extended_list pars)) ++
(map (lift0 leni) (to_extended_list inds))) in
let aptype2 :=
tApp ref ((map (lift0 (1 + 2 * leni)) (to_extended_list pars)) ++
(map (lift0 1) (to_extended_list inds))) in
let renamer name i := (name ++ "_subterm" ++ (string_of_nat i))%string in
{| ind_name := (ind.(ind_name) ++ "_direct_subterm")%string;
(* type_for_direct_subterm npars *)
Expand All @@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ Definition subterm_for_ind
ind_projs := [] |}.

Definition subterm_for_mutual_ind
Definition direct_subterm_for_mutual_ind
(mind : mutual_inductive_body)
(ind0 : inductive) (* internal metacoq representation of inductive, part of tInd *)
(ref : term) (* reference term for the inductive type, like (tInd {| inductive_mind := "Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat"; inductive_ind := 0 |} []) *)
Expand All @@ -123,31 +126,46 @@ Definition subterm_for_mutual_ind

Inductive nnat (A : Type) : Type :=
n_zero : nnat A
| n_one : (nat -> nnat (list A)) -> nnat A.

Polymorphic Definition subterm (tm : Ast.term)
: TemplateMonad unit
:= match tm with
| tInd ind0 _ =>
(* ge_ <- tmQuoteRec tm;; *)
decl <- tmQuoteInductive (inductive_mind ind0);;
let subt := subterm_for_mutual_ind decl ind0 tm in
v <- tmEval cbv subt;;
tmPrint v;;
(* tmPrint (print_term (fst ge_, decl.(ind_universes)) [] true v) *)
tmMkInductive' v
let direct_subterm := direct_subterm_for_mutual_ind decl ind0 tm in
tmMkInductive' direct_subterm
(* v <- tmEval direct_subterm;;
tmPrint v;; *)
| _ => tmPrint tm;; tmFail "is not an inductive"

Inductive finn (A : Type) : nat -> Set :=
F1n : forall n : nat, finn A (S n)
| FSn : forall n : nat, finn A n -> finn A (S n).

Inductive fin : nat -> Set :=
F1 : forall n : nat, fin (S n)
Inductive fin : nat -> Type :=
F1 : forall n : nat, fin (let x := S n in x)
| FS : forall n : nat, fin n -> fin (S n).

Run TemplateProgram (subterm <%finn%>).
Run TemplateProgram (subterm <%list%>).
Print list_direct_subterm.

Definition scope := nat.
Inductive scope_le : scope -> scope -> Set :=
| scope_le_n : forall {n m}, n = m -> scope_le n m
| scope_le_S : forall {n m}, scope_le n m -> scope_le n (S m)
| scope_le_map : forall {n m}, scope_le n m -> scope_le (S n) (S m)

Run TemplateProgram (subterm <%scope_le%>).

: forall H H0 H1 H2 : scope, scope_le H H0 -> scope_le H1 H2 -> Set :=
scope_le_S_subterm0 : forall (n m : scope) (H : scope_le n m),
scope_le_direct_subterm n m n (S m) H (scope_le_S H)
| scope_le_map_subterm0 : forall (n m : scope) (H : scope_le n m),
scope_le_direct_subterm n m
(S n) (S m) H (scope_le_map H)

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