Building a Banking System with Python part of the DIO bootcamp
Sure, here is a GitHub repository description in Markdown for the provided code:
# Simple Banking System
A Python program for a simple banking system that allows users to perform deposit, withdrawal, and check their account balance. This program uses global variables to manage account balance, transaction history, and withdrawal limits.
## Features
- Deposit funds into your account.
- Withdraw funds, with limits and withdrawal tracking.
- Display your account balance and transaction history.
- Easy-to-use command-line interface.
## Usage
1. Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd simple-banking-system
Run the program:
Follow the on-screen prompts to perform banking operations.
[d] Deposit
[w] Withdraw
[b] Balance
[q] Quit
=> d
Enter the deposit amount: 100
Deposit successful.
[d] Deposit
[w] Withdraw
[b] Balance
[q] Quit
=> w
Enter the withdrawal amount: 50
Withdrawal successful.
[d] Deposit
[w] Withdraw
[b] Balance
[q] Quit
=> b
================ STATEMENT ================
Deposit: $ 100.00
Withdrawal: $ 50.00
Balance: $ 50.00
[d] Deposit
[w] Withdraw
[b] Balance
[q] Quit
=> q
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
You can use this Markdown description for your GitHub repository to provide an overview of your simple banking system and guide users on how to use it.