This code represents a Quasar UI layout with an animated sidebar and a section for displaying video templates. The layout features a header, a drawer (sidebar), a page container, and a footer. The sidebar includes tabs for different sections like templates, elements, uploads, text, photos, and more. The main content area is designed to showcase video templates in a grid layout with pagination.
Animated Sidebar: The layout includes a drawer (sidebar) that can be toggled between mini and expanded states. The drawer expands and collapses smoothly with animation effects. Tabbed Interface: The sidebar features a tabbed interface with icons and labels for different sections like templates, elements, uploads, text, photos, and more. Video Template Gallery: The main content area is dedicated to displaying video templates in a grid layout. The templates are organized into different categories accessible through tabs. Video Preview: Each video template in the grid includes a video player for previewing the content. Search and Filters: The templates section includes a search input field and a filter button for finding and filtering video templates. Pagination: The video template gallery supports pagination, allowing users to navigate through multiple pages of templates. Header and Footer: The layout includes a header and a footer with various buttons and controls for additional functionality. Responsive Design: The layout is designed to be responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices. Dark Mode: The overall theme of the layout follows a dark color scheme, providing a visually appealing and modern look.
The project is available under the MIT License.