Releases: lewie9021/node-compiler
Releases · lewie9021/node-compiler
- Fixed a bug with plugin logging. This was due to a recent fix when a profile isn't in concatenation mode. When the file was processed, the log will display the wrong file extension.
- Simplified error logging since the attempt to parse some errors from certain integrations.
- Moved Logger out of global scope to now be a part of each object's logger property.
- Fixed a bug with the logging of files when in non-concatenation mode. Their file extensions would simply mirror without taking into account the outputExtension property.
- Logs are now saved to the directory specified at the root of the configuration object.
- Created a GitHub wiki to explain the compiler in more detail.
- Fixed a bug caused by an undefined plugin name for a target.
- Added validation for target directories. An error will be thrown if the directory is a file rather than a folder.
- Fixed a bug with a configured target directory that doesn't exist causing further problems when attempting to watch/compile.
- Added validation for the Sync plugin to ensure it's profile output path is a folder.