- The editor comes up by default (requires PyQt4)
- ./flo-run
- Run a flow
- ./flo-run --execute=FILE
- Mathieu Leplatre <[email protected]>
- GNU Public License
Notes about extracting and compiling translations
- Extract
pylupdate4 -verbose florun/gui.py -ts florun/locale/fr_FR/gui.ts
- Compile
lrelease florun/locale/fr_FR/gui.ts
- Extract
xgettext -k_ -o florun/locale/florun.pot .py florun/.py
- Init lang
msginit -i florun/locale/florun.pot -o fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/florun.po
- or
- msgmerge -U fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/florun.po florun/locale/florun.pot
- Compile
msgfmt florun/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/florun.po -o florun/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/florun.mo
- Bug #152: Drop position of items is not centered under mouse
- Bug #264: Fix flag itemChange() introduced in 4.6
- Bug #265: Catch keyboard interrupt in editor
- Feature #128: Export flow to image
- Feature #129: Editor Preferences system
- Feature #145: Distinguish start nodes from other in GUI
- Feature #148: Arrows on connectors
- Feature #155: ParameterEditor : press enter in field should apply changes
- Feature #157: Flow readonly while process running
- Feature #228: Allow to run unsaved flow
- Refactoring #267: Write some tests, at last !
- Bug #110: constraints on splitview
- Bug #112: z-order on node titles
- Bug #130: segfault when activate/desactivate slot parameter
- Bug #131: Use prefix when running python florun.py
- Bug #132: Prevent start unsaved flow
- Bug #133: Cross stays when leaving slot without passing over node
- Bug #134: Icon missing on ParameterEditor buttons
- Bug #135: Run modified flow after accepting to save
- Bug #136: sometimes connectors are not removed when node deleted
- Bug #137: Prevent adding twice the same connector
- Bug #138: Slot sometimes appears purple whereas it has no connectors
- Bug #139: NoneType error on connector remove
- Bug #142: Unload ParameterEditor when unselect item
- Bug #147: Prevent scrollbars on view when unnecessary
- Bug #149: ParameterEditor : hide/show slot does not enables Apply/Undo
- Bug #150: ParameterEditor : discard changes does not restore slots
- Bug #151: ParameterEditor : don't ask to apply on Cancel
- Bug #156: clear console and switch to editor when open Flow
- Bug #158: Prevent start when no flow loaded
- Bug #159: Cannot interrupt running flow with Ctrl+C
- Bug #160: Cannot run command "grep toto" in Process nodes
- Feature #108: disable save when no change
- Feature #109: show star when changed
- Feature #111: style wrapper for stock icons
- Feature #116: Args field on console if flow contains CLIParamValue
- Feature #119: add title + icon + description for node in parametereditor
- Feature #122: prevent loosing changes in ParameterEditor
- Feature #125: Locales initialization
- Feature #141: Tooltips on Items slots with interfaces description
- Feature #143: Move execution of QProcess to a thread
- Feature #144: order nodes by flow sequence
- Refactoring #127: Log levels
- Initial base code