This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
- Deployment instructions
# Make sure Rails is installed
ruby -v
# If you see Ruby and Rails version then you are good to start, other wise Setup Ruby On Rails on Ubuntu
rails -v
# Clone respected git repository
git clone
# Install all dependencies
bundle install
# Create db and migrate schema
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
# Now run your application
rails s
- CarrierWave + Mini Magick - For image uploads and optimization
- Devise - User authentication and roles
- Guard - Doing work to files as they change - A task runner of sorts
- Guard Livereload - Reloads the browser when files change combined with the Live Reload extension on your favorite browser.
- Better Errors - Displays better errors during development.
- Simple Form - Simpler forms in Rails
- Bulma Rails - My favorite CSS framework as of late based on Flexbox.
- Impressionist - We use this to get view counts on shots
- Gravatar Image Tag - Easy way to grab a user's gravatar image based on their account email
- Acts As Votable - Like and unlike shots