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feat: offset constraints support for the grind tactic (#6603)
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This PR implements support for offset constraints in the `grind` tactic.
Several features are still missing, such as constraint propagation and
support for offset equalities, but `grind` can already solve examples
like the following:

example (a b c : Nat) : a ≤ b → b + 2 ≤ c → a + 1 ≤ c := by
example (a b c : Nat) : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c := by
example (a b c : Nat) : a + 1 ≤ b → b + 1 ≤ c → a + 2 ≤ c := by
example (a b c : Nat) : a + 1 ≤ b → b + 1 ≤ c → a + 1 ≤ c := by
example (a b c : Nat) : a + 1 ≤ b → b ≤ c + 2 → a ≤ c + 1 := by
example (a b c : Nat) : a + 2 ≤ b → b ≤ c + 2 → a ≤ c := by


Co-authored-by: Kim Morrison <>
  • Loading branch information
leodemoura and kim-em authored Jan 12, 2025
1 parent 0da3624 commit c7939cf
Showing 19 changed files with 859 additions and 212 deletions.
197 changes: 41 additions & 156 deletions src/Init/Grind/Offset.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,159 +7,44 @@ prelude
import Init.Core
import Init.Omega

namespace Lean.Grind.Offset

abbrev Var := Nat
abbrev Context := Lean.RArray Nat

def fixedVar := 100000000 -- Any big number should work here

def Var.denote (ctx : Context) (v : Var) : Nat :=
bif v == fixedVar then 1 else ctx.get v

structure Cnstr where
x : Var
y : Var
k : Nat := 0
l : Bool := true
deriving Repr, DecidableEq, Inhabited

def Cnstr.denote (c : Cnstr) (ctx : Context) : Prop :=
if c.l then
c.x.denote ctx + c.k ≤ c.y.denote ctx
c.x.denote ctx ≤ c.y.denote ctx + c.k

def trivialCnstr : Cnstr := { x := 0, y := 0, k := 0, l := true }

@[simp] theorem denote_trivial (ctx : Context) : trivialCnstr.denote ctx := by
simp [Cnstr.denote, trivialCnstr]

def Cnstr.trans (c₁ c₂ : Cnstr) : Cnstr :=
if c₁.y = c₂.x then
let { x, k := k₁, l := l₁, .. } := c₁
let { y, k := k₂, l := l₂, .. } := c₂
match l₁, l₂ with
| false, false =>
{ x, y, k := k₁ + k₂, l := false }
| false, true =>
if k₁ < k₂ then
{ x, y, k := k₂ - k₁, l := true }
{ x, y, k := k₁ - k₂, l := false }
| true, false =>
if k₁ < k₂ then
{ x, y, k := k₂ - k₁, l := false }
{ x, y, k := k₁ - k₂, l := true }
| true, true =>
{ x, y, k := k₁ + k₂, l := true }

@[simp] theorem Cnstr.denote_trans_easy (ctx : Context) (c₁ c₂ : Cnstr) (h : c₁.y ≠ c₂.x) : (c₁.trans c₂).denote ctx := by
simp [*, Cnstr.trans]

@[simp] theorem Cnstr.denote_trans (ctx : Context) (c₁ c₂ : Cnstr) : c₁.denote ctx → c₂.denote ctx → (c₁.trans c₂).denote ctx := by
by_cases c₁.y = c₂.x
case neg => simp [*]
simp [trans, *]
let { x, k := k₁, l := l₁, .. } := c₁
let { y, k := k₂, l := l₂, .. } := c₂
simp_all; split
· simp [denote]; omega
· split <;> simp [denote] <;> omega
· split <;> simp [denote] <;> omega
· simp [denote]; omega

def Cnstr.isTrivial (c : Cnstr) : Bool := c.x == c.y && c.k == 0

theorem Cnstr.of_isTrivial (ctx : Context) (c : Cnstr) : c.isTrivial = true → c.denote ctx := by
cases c; simp [isTrivial]; intros; simp [*, denote]

def Cnstr.isFalse (c : Cnstr) : Bool := c.x == c.y && c.k != 0 && c.l == true

theorem Cnstr.of_isFalse (ctx : Context) {c : Cnstr} : c.isFalse = true → ¬c.denote ctx := by
cases c; simp [isFalse]; intros; simp [*, denote]; omega

def Cnstrs := List Cnstr

def Cnstrs.denoteAnd' (ctx : Context) (c₁ : Cnstr) (c₂ : Cnstrs) : Prop :=
match c₂ with
| [] => c₁.denote ctx
| c::cs => c₁.denote ctx ∧ Cnstrs.denoteAnd' ctx c cs

theorem Cnstrs.denote'_trans (ctx : Context) (c₁ c : Cnstr) (cs : Cnstrs) : c₁.denote ctx → denoteAnd' ctx c cs → denoteAnd' ctx (c₁.trans c) cs := by
induction cs
next => simp [denoteAnd', *]; apply Cnstr.denote_trans
next c cs ih => simp [denoteAnd']; intros; simp [*]

def Cnstrs.trans' (c₁ : Cnstr) (c₂ : Cnstrs) : Cnstr :=
match c₂ with
| [] => c₁
| c::c₂ => trans' (c₁.trans c) c₂

@[simp] theorem Cnstrs.denote'_trans' (ctx : Context) (c₁ : Cnstr) (c₂ : Cnstrs) : denoteAnd' ctx c₁ c₂ → (trans' c₁ c₂).denote ctx := by
induction c₂ generalizing c₁
next => intros; simp_all [trans', denoteAnd']
next c cs ih => simp [denoteAnd']; intros; simp [trans']; apply ih; apply denote'_trans <;> assumption

def Cnstrs.denoteAnd (ctx : Context) (c : Cnstrs) : Prop :=
match c with
| [] => True
| c::cs => denoteAnd' ctx c cs

def Cnstrs.trans (c : Cnstrs) : Cnstr :=
match c with
| [] => trivialCnstr
| c::cs => trans' c cs

theorem Cnstrs.of_denoteAnd_trans {ctx : Context} {c : Cnstrs} : c.denoteAnd ctx → c.trans.denote ctx := by
cases c <;> simp [*, trans, denoteAnd] <;> intros <;> simp [*]

def Cnstrs.isFalse (c : Cnstrs) : Bool :=

theorem Cnstrs.unsat' (ctx : Context) (c : Cnstrs) : c.isFalse = true → ¬ c.denoteAnd ctx := by
simp [isFalse]; intro h₁ h₂
have := of_denoteAnd_trans h₂
have := Cnstr.of_isFalse ctx h₁

/-- `denote ctx [c_1, ..., c_n] C` is `c_1.denote ctx → ... → c_n.denote ctx → C` -/
def Cnstrs.denote (ctx : Context) (cs : Cnstrs) (C : Prop) : Prop :=
match cs with
| [] => C
| c::cs => c.denote ctx → denote ctx cs C

theorem Cnstrs.not_denoteAnd'_eq (ctx : Context) (c : Cnstr) (cs : Cnstrs) (C : Prop) : (denoteAnd' ctx c cs → C) = denote ctx (c::cs) C := by
simp [denote]
induction cs generalizing c
next => simp [denoteAnd', denote]
next c' cs ih =>
simp [denoteAnd', denote, *]

theorem Cnstrs.not_denoteAnd_eq (ctx : Context) (cs : Cnstrs) (C : Prop) : (denoteAnd ctx cs → C) = denote ctx cs C := by
cases cs
next => simp [denoteAnd, denote]
next c cs => apply not_denoteAnd'_eq

def Cnstr.isImpliedBy (cs : Cnstrs) (c : Cnstr) : Bool :=
cs.trans == c

/-! Main theorems used by `grind`. -/

/-- Auxiliary theorem used by `grind` to prove that a system of offset inequalities is unsatisfiable. -/
theorem Cnstrs.unsat (ctx : Context) (cs : Cnstrs) : cs.isFalse = true → cs.denote ctx False := by
intro h
rw [← not_denoteAnd_eq]
apply unsat'

/-- Auxiliary theorem used by `grind` to prove an implied offset inequality. -/
theorem Cnstrs.imp (ctx : Context) (cs : Cnstrs) (c : Cnstr) (h : c.isImpliedBy cs = true) : cs.denote ctx (c.denote ctx) := by
rw [← eq_of_beq h]
rw [← not_denoteAnd_eq]
apply of_denoteAnd_trans

end Lean.Grind.Offset
namespace Lean.Grind
def isLt (x y : Nat) : Bool := x < y

theorem Nat.le_ro (u w v k : Nat) : u ≤ w → w ≤ v + k → u ≤ v + k := by
theorem Nat.le_lo (u w v k : Nat) : u ≤ w → w + k ≤ v → u + k ≤ v := by
theorem Nat.lo_le (u w v k : Nat) : u + k ≤ w → w ≤ v → u + k ≤ v := by
theorem Nat.lo_lo (u w v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : u + k₁ ≤ w → w + k₂ ≤ v → u + (k₁ + k₂) ≤ v := by
theorem Nat.lo_ro_1 (u w v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : isLt k₂ k₁ = true → u + k₁ ≤ w → w ≤ v + k₂ → u + (k₁ - k₂) ≤ v := by
simp [isLt]; omega
theorem Nat.lo_ro_2 (u w v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : u + k₁ ≤ w → w ≤ v + k₂ → u ≤ v + (k₂ - k₁) := by
theorem Nat.ro_le (u w v k : Nat) : u ≤ w + k → w ≤ v → u ≤ v + k := by
theorem Nat.ro_lo_1 (u w v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : u ≤ w + k₁ → w + k₂ ≤ v → u ≤ v + (k₁ - k₂) := by
theorem Nat.ro_lo_2 (u w v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : isLt k₁ k₂ = true → u ≤ w + k₁ → w + k₂ ≤ v → u + (k₂ - k₁) ≤ v := by
simp [isLt]; omega
theorem Nat.ro_ro (u w v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : u ≤ w + k₁ → w ≤ v + k₂ → u ≤ v + (k₁ + k₂) := by

theorem Nat.of_le_eq_false (u v : Nat) : ((u ≤ v) = False) → v + 1 ≤ u := by
simp; omega
theorem Nat.of_lo_eq_false_1 (u v : Nat) : ((u + 1 ≤ v) = False) → v ≤ u := by
simp; omega
theorem Nat.of_lo_eq_false (u v k : Nat) : ((u + k ≤ v) = False) → v ≤ u + (k-1) := by
simp; omega
theorem Nat.of_ro_eq_false (u v k : Nat) : ((u ≤ v + k) = False) → v + (k+1) ≤ u := by
simp; omega

theorem Nat.unsat_le_lo (u v k : Nat) : isLt 0 k = true → u ≤ v → v + k ≤ u → False := by
simp [isLt]; omega
theorem Nat.unsat_lo_lo (u v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : isLt 0 (k₁+k₂) = true → u + k₁ ≤ v → v + k₂ ≤ u → False := by
simp [isLt]; omega
theorem Nat.unsat_lo_ro (u v k₁ k₂ : Nat) : isLt k₂ k₁ = true → u + k₁ ≤ v → v ≤ u + k₂ → False := by
simp [isLt]; omega

end Lean.Grind
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/Lean/Data/AssocList.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ abbrev empty : AssocList α β :=

instance : EmptyCollection (AssocList α β) := ⟨empty⟩

abbrev insert (m : AssocList α β) (k : α) (v : β) : AssocList α β :=
abbrev insertNew (m : AssocList α β) (k : α) (v : β) : AssocList α β :=
m.cons k v

def isEmpty : AssocList α β → Bool
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ def replace [BEq α] (a : α) (b : β) : AssocList α β → AssocList α β
| true => cons a b es
| false => cons k v (replace a b es)

def insert [BEq α] (m : AssocList α β) (k : α) (v : β) : AssocList α β :=
if m.contains k then
m.replace k v
m.insertNew k v

def erase [BEq α] (a : α) : AssocList α β → AssocList α β
| nil => nil
| cons k v es => match k == a with
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/Lean/Meta/AppBuilder.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -569,12 +569,16 @@ def mkLetBodyCongr (a h : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=
mkAppM ``let_body_congr #[a, h]

/-- Return `of_eq_true h` -/
def mkOfEqTrue (h : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=
mkAppM ``of_eq_true #[h]
def mkOfEqTrue (h : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
match_expr h with
| eq_true _ h => return h
| _ => mkAppM ``of_eq_true #[h]

/-- Return `eq_true h` -/
def mkEqTrue (h : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=
mkAppM ``eq_true #[h]
def mkEqTrue (h : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
match_expr h with
| of_eq_true _ h => return h
| _ => return mkApp2 (mkConst ``eq_true) (← inferType h) h

Return `eq_false h`
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/FVarSubst.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def insert (s : FVarSubst) (fvarId : FVarId) (v : Expr) : FVarSubst :=
if s.contains fvarId then s
let map := fun e => e.replaceFVarId fvarId v;
{ map := map.insert fvarId v }
{ map := map.insertNew fvarId v }

def erase (s : FVarSubst) (fvarId : FVarId) : FVarSubst :=
{ map := fvarId }
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Grind.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.EMatchTheorem
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.EMatch
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Main
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.CasesMatch
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith

namespace Lean

@@ -42,6 +43,10 @@ builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.simp
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.split
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.split.candidate
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.split.resolved
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.offset
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.offset.dist
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.offset.internalize
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.offset.internalize.term (inherited := true)

/-! Trace options for `grind` developers -/
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.debug
@@ -54,4 +59,6 @@ builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.debug.forallPropagator
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.debug.split
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.debug.offset
builtin_initialize registerTraceClass `grind.debug.offset.proof
end Lean
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Grind/Arith.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Copyright (c) 2025, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith.Util
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith.Types
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith.Offset
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith.Main
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Grind/Arith/Internalize.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Copyright (c) 2025, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith.Offset

namespace Lean.Meta.Grind.Arith

namespace Offset

def internalizeTerm (_e : Expr) (_a : Expr) (_k : Nat) : GoalM Unit := do
return ()

def internalizeCnstr (e : Expr) : GoalM Unit := do
let some c := isNatOffsetCnstr? e | return ()
let c := { c with
a := (← mkNode c.a)
b := (← mkNode c.b)
trace[grind.offset.internalize] "{e} ↦ {c}"
modify' fun s => { s with
cnstrs := s.cnstrs.insert { expr := e } c

end Offset

def internalize (e : Expr) : GoalM Unit := do
Offset.internalizeCnstr e

end Lean.Meta.Grind.Arith
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Grind/Arith/Inv.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Copyright (c) 2025, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith.Offset

namespace Lean.Meta.Grind.Arith

def checkInvariants : GoalM Unit :=

end Lean.Meta.Grind.Arith
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Grind/Arith/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Copyright (c) 2025, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.PropagatorAttr
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Grind.Arith.Offset

namespace Lean.Meta.Grind.Arith

namespace Offset
def isCnstr? (e : Expr) : GoalM (Option (Cnstr NodeId)) :=
return (← get).arith.offset.cnstrs.find? { expr := e }

def assertTrue (c : Cnstr NodeId) (p : Expr) : GoalM Unit := do
addEdge c.a c.b c.k (← mkOfEqTrue p)

def assertFalse (c : Cnstr NodeId) (p : Expr) : GoalM Unit := do
let p := mkOfNegEqFalse (← get').nodes c p
let c := c.neg
addEdge c.a c.b c.k p

end Offset

builtin_grind_propagator propagateLE ↓LE.le := fun e => do
if (← isEqTrue e) then
if let some c ← Offset.isCnstr? e then
Offset.assertTrue c (← mkEqTrueProof e)
if (← isEqFalse e) then
if let some c ← Offset.isCnstr? e then
Offset.assertFalse c (← mkEqFalseProof e)

end Lean.Meta.Grind.Arith

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