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chore: Give mem_omega only [h1, ... hn] control
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In the next step, this will allow simp_mem to filter hypotheses it sends over to mem_omega.

This lays out the full scope of control we'll implement for `simp_mem`.
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bollu committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent eca1315 commit 21ce773
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Showing 3 changed files with 235 additions and 13 deletions.
138 changes: 127 additions & 11 deletions Arm/Memory/MemOmega.lean
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Lean
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Rewrite
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Rewrites
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Conv
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Simp
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Conv.Basic
import Tactics.Simp
import Tactics.BvOmegaBench
Expand All @@ -27,6 +28,22 @@ open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Memory

namespace MemOmega

A user given hypothesis for mem_omega, which we process as either a hypothesis (FVarId),
or a term that is added into the user's context.
inductive UserHyp
| hyp : FVarId → UserHyp
| expr : Expr → UserHyp

namespace UserHyp
def toExpr : UserHyp → Expr
| .hyp fvarId => Expr.fvar fvarId
| .expr e => e
end UserHyp

structure Config where
If true, then MemOmega will explode uses of pairwiseSeparate [mem₁, ... memₙ]
Expand All @@ -42,6 +59,11 @@ def Config.mkBang (c : Config) : Config :=
structure Context where
/-- User configurable options for `simp_mem`. -/
cfg : Config
If we are using `mem_omega only [...]`, then we will have `some` plus the hyps.
If we are using `mem_omega`, then we will get `none`.
userHyps? : Option (Array UserHyp)
/-- Cache of `bv_toNat` simp context. -/
bvToNatSimpCtx : Simp.Context
/-- Cache of `bv_toNat` simprocs. -/
Expand All @@ -50,7 +72,7 @@ structure Context where

namespace Context

def init (cfg : Config) : MetaM Context := do
def init (cfg : Config) (userHyps? : Option (Array UserHyp)) : MetaM Context := do
let (bvToNatSimpCtx, bvToNatSimprocs) ←
(config := {failIfUnchanged := false})
Expand All @@ -59,7 +81,7 @@ def init (cfg : Config) : MetaM Context := do
-- (thms := #[``mem_legal'.iff_omega, ``mem_subset'.iff_omega, ``mem_separate'.iff_omega])
(simp_attrs := #[`bv_toNat])
(useDefaultSimprocs := false)
return {cfg, bvToNatSimpCtx, bvToNatSimprocs}
return {cfg, bvToNatSimpCtx, bvToNatSimprocs, userHyps? }
end Context

abbrev MemOmegaM := (ReaderT Context MetaM)
Expand All @@ -68,7 +90,30 @@ namespace MemOmegaM
def run (ctx : Context) (x : MemOmegaM α) : MetaM α := x ctx
end MemOmegaM

def memOmega (g : MVarId) : MemOmegaM Unit := do
Given the user hypotheses, build a more focusedd MVarId that contains only those hypotheses.
This makes `omega` focus only on those hypotheses, since omega by default crawls the entire goal state.
This is arguably a workaround to having to plumb the hypotheses through the full layers of code, but it works,
and should be a cheap solution.
def mkGoalWithOnlyUserHyps (g : MVarId) (userHyps? : Option (Array UserHyp)) : MetaM <| MVarId :=
match userHyps? with
| none => pure g
| some userHyps => do
g.withContext do
let mut keepHyps : Std.HashSet FVarId := ∅
for h in userHyps do
if let .hyp fvar := h then
keepHyps := keepHyps.insert fvar
let hyps ← g.getNondepPropHyps
let mut g := g
for h in hyps do
if !keepHyps.contains h then
g ← g.clear h
return g

def memOmega' (g : MVarId) : MemOmegaM Unit := do
g.withContext do
/- We need to explode all pairwise separate hyps -/
let rawHyps ← getLocalHyps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,36 +141,107 @@ def memOmega (g : MVarId) : MemOmegaM Unit := do
catch e =>
trace[] "{crossEmoji} `omega` failed with error:\n{e.toMessageData}"

def memOmega (g : MVarId) : MemOmegaM Unit := do
let g ← mkGoalWithOnlyUserHyps g (← readThe Context).userHyps?
g.withContext do
let rawHyps ← getLocalHyps
let mut hyps := #[]
-- extract out structed values for all hyps.
for h in rawHyps do
hyps ← hypothesisOfExpr h hyps

-- only enable pairwise constraints if it is enabled.
let isPairwiseEnabled := (← readThe Context).cfg.explodePairwiseSeparate
hyps := hyps.filter (!·.isPairwiseSeparate || isPairwiseEnabled)

-- used specialized procedure that doesn't unfold everything for the easy case.
if ← closeMemSideCondition g (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimpCtx (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimprocs hyps then
return ()
-- in the bad case, just rip through everything.
let (_, g) ← Hypothesis.addOmegaFactsOfHyps g hyps.toList #[]

TacticM.withTraceNode' m!"Reducion to omega" do
TacticM.traceLargeMsg m!"goal (Note: can be large)" m!"{g}"
omega g (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimpCtx (← readThe Context).bvToNatSimprocs
trace[] "{checkEmoji} `omega` succeeded."
catch e =>
trace[] "{crossEmoji} `omega` failed with error:\n{e.toMessageData}"

-- syntax memOmegaRule := term

Allow elaboration of `MemOmegaConfig` arguments to tactics.
declare_config_elab elabMemOmegaConfig MemOmega.Config

syntax memOmegaWith := &"with" "[" withoutPosition(term,*,?) "]"

Implement the `mem_omega` tactic, which unfolds information about memory
in terms of
Implement the `mem_omega` tactic, which unfolds information about memory and then closes the goal state using `omega`.
syntax (name := mem_omega) "mem_omega" (Lean.Parser.Tactic.config)? : tactic
syntax (name := mem_omega) "mem_omega" (Lean.Parser.Tactic.config)? (memOmegaWith)? : tactic

Implement the `mem_omega` tactic frontend.
syntax (name := mem_omega_bang) "mem_omega!" (Lean.Parser.Tactic.config)? : tactic
syntax (name := mem_omega_bang) "mem_omega!" (memOmegaWith)? : tactic

-- /-- Since we have
-- syntax memOmegaRule := term
-- it is safe to coerce a UserHyp into a `term`.
-- -/
-- def UserHyp.toTermSyntax (t : TSyntax ``MemOmega.memOmegaRule) : TSyntax `term :=
-- t.raw

build a `UserHyp` from the raw syntax.
This supports using fars, using CDot notation to partially apply theorems, and to use terms.
Adapted from Lean.Elab.Tactic.Rw.WithRWRulesSeq, Lean.Elab.Tactic.Simp.resolveSimpIdTheorem, Lean.Elab.Tactic.Simp.addSimpTheorem
def UserHyp.ofSyntax (t : TSyntax `term) : TacticM UserHyp := do
-- See if we can interpret `id` as a hypothesis first.
if let .some fvarId ← optional <| getFVarId t then
return .hyp fvarId
else if let some e ← Term.elabCDotFunctionAlias? t then
return .expr e
let e ← Term.elabTerm t none
Term.synthesizeSyntheticMVars (postpone := .no) (ignoreStuckTC := true)
let e ← instantiateMVars e
let e := e.eta
if e.hasMVar then
throwErrorAt t "found metavariables when elaborating rule, giving up."
return .expr e

-- Adapted from WithRWRulesSeq.
def elabMemOmegaWith : TSyntax ``MemOmega.memOmegaWith → TacticM (Array UserHyp)
| `(memOmegaWith| with [ $[ $rules],* ]) => do
rules.mapM UserHyp.ofSyntax
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

open Lean.Parser.Tactic in
@[tactic mem_omega]
def evalMemOmega : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| mem_omega $[$cfg]?) => do
def evalMemOmega : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| mem_omega $[$cfg:config]? $[$v:memOmegaWith]?) => do
let cfg ← elabMemOmegaConfig (mkOptionalNode cfg)
let memOmegaRules? := ← v.mapM elabMemOmegaWith
liftMetaFinishingTactic fun g => do
memOmega g |>.run (← Context.init cfg)
memOmega g |>.run (← Context.init cfg memOmegaRules?)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

@[tactic mem_omega_bang]
def evalMemOmegaBang : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| mem_omega! $[$cfg]?) => do
let cfg ← elabMemOmegaConfig (mkOptionalNode cfg)
liftMetaFinishingTactic fun g => do
memOmega g |>.run (← Context.init cfg.mkBang)
memOmega g |>.run (← Context.init cfg.mkBang .none)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

end MemOmega
49 changes: 47 additions & 2 deletions Arm/Memory/SeparateAutomation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import Tactics.Simp
import Tactics.BvOmegaBench
import Arm.Memory.Common
import Arm.Memory.MemOmega
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Location
import Init.Tactics

open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Memory

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,10 +384,53 @@ Allow elaboration of `SimpMemConfig` arguments to tactics.
declare_config_elab elabSimpMemConfig SeparateAutomation.SimpMemConfig

This allows users to supply a list of hypotheses that simp_mem should use.
Modeled after `rwRule`.
syntax simpMemRule := term

The kind of simplification that must be performed. If we are told
that we must simplify a separation, a subset, or a read of a write,
we perform this kind of simplification.
syntax simpMemSimplificationKind := "⟂" <|> "⊂w" <|> "⊂r" (term)?

open Lean.Parser.Tactic in
Implement the simp_mem tactic frontend.
The simp_mem tactic allows simplifying expressions of the form `Memory.read_bytes rbase rn (mem')`.
`simp_mem` attempts to discover the result of the expression by various heuristics,
which can be controlled by the end user:
- (a) If `mem' = Memory.write_bytes wbase wn mem` and we know that `(rbase, rn) ⟂ (wbase, wn)`, then we simplify to ` (rbase, rn)`.
- (b) If `mem' = Memory.write_bytes wbase wn wval mem` and we kow that `(rbase, rn) ⊆ (wbase, wn)`, then we simplify to `wval.extract (rbase, rn) (wbase, wn)`.
- (c) If we have a hypothesis `hr' : mem'.read_bytes rbase' rn' = rval`, and we know that `(rbase, rn) ⊆ (rbase', rn')`, then we simplify to `rval.extract (rbase, rn) (rbase', rn')`.
These simplifications are performed by reducing the problem to a problem that can be solved by a decision procedure (`omega`) to establish
which hypotheses are at play. `simp_mem` can be controlled along multiple axes:
1. The hypotheses that `simp_mem` will pass along to the decision procedure to discover overlapping reads (like `hr'`),
and hypotheses to establish memory (non-)interference, such as `(rbase, rn) ⟂ (wbase, wn)`.
+ simp_mem using []: try to perform the rewrite using no hypotheses.
+ simp_mem using [h₁, h₂]: try to perform the rewrite using h₁, h₂, as hypotheses.
2. The kind of rewrite that simp_mem should apply. By default, it explores all possible choices, which might be expensive due to repeated calls to the decision
procedure. The user can describe which of (a), (b), (c) above happen:
+ `simp_mem ⟂` : Only simplify when read is disjoint from write.
+ `simp_mem ⊂w` : Only simplify when read overlaps the write.
+ `simp_mem ⊂r hr` : Simplify when read overlaps with a known read `hr : mem.read_bytes baseaddr' n' = val`.
This is useful for static information such as lookup tables that are at a fixed location and never modified.
+ `simp_mem ⊂r` : Simplify when read overlaps with known read from hypothesis list.
3. The targets where the rewrite must be applied. (This needs some thought: does this even make sense?)
+ `simp_mem at ⊢`
+ `simp_mem at h₁, h₂, ⊢`
syntax (name := simp_mem) "simp_mem" (Lean.Parser.Tactic.config)? : tactic
syntax (name := simp_mem) "simp_mem" (Lean.Parser.Tactic.config)? (simpMemSimplificationKind)? ("using" "[" withoutPosition(simpMemRule,*,?) "]")? (location)? : tactic

@[tactic simp_mem]
def evalSimpMem : Tactic := fun
Expand Down

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