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PatrickMassot committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent 57a652c commit 2a87489
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270 changes: 239 additions & 31 deletions SphereEversion/Global/Gromov.lean
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,215 @@ variable {EM : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup EM] [NormedSpace ℝ EM] [FiniteDimen

local notation "J¹" => OneJetBundle IM M IX X

-- TODO: cleanup the following awful mess
lemma OpenEmbedding.homeomorph {X Y : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace Y]
{f : X → Y} (hf : OpenEmbedding f) : Homeomorph X (range f) where
toFun := rangeFactorization f
invFun := Function.surjInv surjective_onto_range
left_inv := by
apply Function.leftInverse_surjInv
exact ⟨fun x x' h ↦ hf.inj <| by simpa [rangeFactorization] using h, surjective_onto_range⟩
right_inv := Function.rightInverse_surjInv surjective_onto_range
continuous_toFun := continuous_induced_rng.mpr hf.continuous
continuous_invFun := by
refine continuous_def.mpr ?_
intro U U_op
rw [← image_eq_preimage_of_inverse]
apply Function.leftInverse_surjInv
exact ⟨fun x x' h ↦ hf.inj <| by simpa [rangeFactorization] using h, surjective_onto_range⟩
rw [isOpen_induced_iff]
use f '' U, hf.isOpenMap U U_op
ext ⟨y, x, rfl⟩
apply exists_congr
intro x'
apply and_congr Iff.rfl
conv_lhs => rw [← rangeFactorization_eq (f := f)]
erw [Subtype.val_inj]
exact Function.rightInverse_surjInv surjective_onto_range

lemma OpenEmbedding.isCompact_preimage {X Y : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace Y]
{f : X → Y} (hf : OpenEmbedding f) {K : Set Y} (K_cpct: IsCompact K) (Kf : K ⊆ range f) :
IsCompact (f ⁻¹' K) := by

let K' : Set (range f) := {x | (x : Y) ∈ K}
have K'_cpct : IsCompact K':= by
refine Subtype.isCompact_iff.mpr ?_
convert K_cpct
change Subtype.val '' (Subtype.val ⁻¹' K) = K
convert hf.homeomorph.isCompact_preimage.mpr K'_cpct
ext x
change f x ∈ K ↔ ↑(hf.homeomorph x) ∈ K
unfold OpenEmbedding.homeomorph
simp only [Homeomorph.homeomorph_mk_coe, Equiv.coe_fn_mk, rangeFactorization_coe]

theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrinciple' (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R) (hA : IsClosed A)
(hδ_pos : ∀ x, 0 < δ x) (hδ_cont : Continuous δ) : R.SatisfiesHPrinciple A δ := by
borelize EX
letI := manifoldMetric IM M
haveI := locally_compact_manifold IM M
haveI := locally_compact_manifold IX X
refine' RelMfld.satisfiesHPrinciple_of_weak hA _
clear! A
intro A hA 𝓕₀ h𝓕₀
cases' isEmpty_or_nonempty M with hM hM
· refine' ⟨emptyHtpyFormalSol R, _, _, _, _⟩
all_goals try apply eventually_of_forall _
all_goals try intro
all_goals try intro
| apply empty_htpy_formal_sol_eq
| apply (IsEmpty.false ‹M›).elim
cases' isEmpty_or_nonempty X with hX hX
· exfalso
inhabit M
exact (IsEmpty.false <| 𝓕₀.bs default).elim
-- We now start the main proof under the assumption that `M` and `X` are nonempty.
have cont : Continuous 𝓕₀.bs := 𝓕₀.smooth_bs.continuous
rcases exists_stability_dist IM IX cont with ⟨ε, ε_pos, ε_cont, hε⟩
let τ := fun x : M ↦ min (δ x) (ε x)
have τ_pos : ∀ x, 0 < τ x := fun x ↦ lt_min (hδ_pos x) (ε_pos x)
have τ_cont : Continuous τ := hδ_cont.min ε_cont
have := fun (x : M) (F' : Germ (𝓝 x) J¹) ↦ F'.value = 𝓕₀ x
let P₀ : ∀ x : M, Germ (𝓝 x) J¹ → Prop := fun x F ↦
F.value.1.1 = x ∧
F.value ∈ R ∧
F.ContMDiffAt' IM (( IX).prod 𝓘(ℝ, EM →L[ℝ] EX)) ∞ ∧
RestrictGermPredicate (fun x F' ↦ F'.value = 𝓕₀ x) A x F ∧
dist F.value.1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x) < τ x
let P₁ : ∀ x : M, Germ (𝓝 x) J¹ → Prop := fun x F ↦ IsHolonomicGerm F
let P₂ : ∀ p : ℝ × M, Germ (𝓝 p) J¹ → Prop := fun p F ↦
F.ContMDiffAt' (𝓘(ℝ).prod IM) (( IX).prod 𝓘(ℝ, EM →L[ℝ] EX)) ∞
have hP₂ : ∀ (a b : ℝ) (p : ℝ × M) (f : ℝ × M → J¹),
P₂ (a * p.1 + b, p.2) f → P₂ p fun p : ℝ × M ↦ f (a * p.1 + b, p.2) := by
sorry/- rintro a b ⟨t, x⟩ f h
change ContMDiffAt _ _ _ (f ∘ fun p : ℝ × M ↦ (a * p.1 + b, p.2)) (t, x)
change ContMDiffAt _ _ _ f ((fun p : ℝ × M ↦ (a * p.1 + b, p.2)) (t, x)) at h
have :
ContMDiffAt (𝓘(ℝ, ℝ).prod IM) (𝓘(ℝ, ℝ).prod IM) ∞ (fun p : ℝ × M ↦ (a * p.1 + b, p.2))
(t, x) :=
haveI h₁ : ContMDiffAt 𝓘(ℝ, ℝ) 𝓘(ℝ, ℝ) ∞ (fun t ↦ a * t + b) t :=
(((contDiffAt_id : ContDiffAt ℝ ∞ id t).const_smul a).add contDiffAt_const)
h₁.prod_map contMDiffAt_id
exact h.comp (t, x) this -/
have init : ∀ x : M, P₀ x (𝓕₀ : M → J¹) :=
refine' fun x ↦ ⟨rfl, 𝓕₀.is_sol x, 𝓕₀.smooth x, _, _⟩
· revert x
exact forall_restrictGermPredicate_of_forall fun x ↦ rfl
· erw [dist_self]
exact τ_pos x
have hP₂' : ∀ (t : ℝ) (x : M) (f : M → J¹), P₀ x f → P₂ (t, x) fun p : ℝ × M ↦ f p.2 :=

have ind : ∀ m : M,
∃ V ∈ 𝓝 m, ∀ K₁ ⊆ V, ∀ K₀ ⊆ interior K₁, IsCompact K₀ → IsCompact K₁ → ∀ (C : Set M) (f : M → J¹),
IsClosed C → (∀ x, P₀ x f) → (∀ᶠ x in 𝓝ˢ C, P₁ x f) →
∃ F : ℝ → M → J¹, (∀ t x, P₀ x (F t)) ∧
(∀ᶠ x in 𝓝ˢ (C ∪ K₀), P₁ x (F 1)) ∧
(∀ (p : ℝ × M), P₂ p ↿F) ∧
(∀ t, ∀ x ∉ K₁, F t x = f x) ∧
(∀ᶠ t in 𝓝ˢ (Iic 0), F t = f) ∧
∀ᶠ t in 𝓝ˢ (Ici 1), F t = F 1 := by
intro m
rcases hε m with ⟨φ, ψ, ⟨e, rfl⟩, hφψ⟩
have : φ '' ball e 1 ∈ 𝓝 (φ e) := by
rw [← φ.openEmbedding.map_nhds_eq]
exact image_mem_map (ball_mem_nhds e zero_lt_one)
use φ '' (ball e 1), this ; clear this
intro K₁ hK₁ K₀ K₀K₁ K₀_cpct K₁_cpct C f C_closed P₀f fC
replace K₀_cpct : IsCompact (φ ⁻¹' K₀) := by
have := φ.openEmbedding
refine isCompact_of_isClosed_isBounded ?hc ?hb
replace K₁_cpct : IsCompact (φ ⁻¹' K₁) := sorry
have K₀K₁' : φ ⁻¹' K₀ ⊆ interior (φ ⁻¹' K₁) := sorry
sorry/- simp only [P₀, forall_and] at P₀f
rcases P₀f with ⟨hf_sec, hf_sol, hf_smooth, hf_A, hf_dist⟩
rw [forall_restrictGermPredicate_iff] at hf_A
let F : FormalSol R := mkFormalSol f hf_sec hf_sol hf_smooth
have hFAC : ∀ᶠ x near A ∪ C, F.IsHolonomicAt x :=
rw [eventually_nhdsSet_union]
refine' ⟨_, fC⟩
apply (hf_A.and h𝓕₀).eventually_nhdsSet.mono fun x hx ↦ ?_
rw [eventually_and] at hx
apply hx.2.self_of_nhds.congr
apply hx.1.mono fun x' hx' ↦ ?_
simp [F]
exact hx'.symm
have hFφψ : '' (range φ) ⊆ range ψ := by
rw [← range_comp]
apply hφψ
intro x
dist ( x) (𝓕₀.bs x) = dist (f x).1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x) := by simp only [F, mkFormalSol_bs_apply]
_ < τ x := (hf_dist x)
_ ≤ ε x := min_le_right _ _
let η : M → ℝ := fun x ↦ τ x - dist (f x).1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x)
have η_pos : ∀ x, 0 < η x := fun x ↦ sub_pos.mpr (hf_dist x)
have η_cont : Continuous η :=
have : ContMDiff IM (( IX).prod 𝓘(ℝ, EM →L[] EX)) ∞ f := fun x ↦ hf_smooth x
apply τ_cont.sub
exact (one_jet_bundle_proj_continuous.comp this.continuous).snd.dist 𝓕₀.smooth_bs.continuous
rcases φ.improve_formalSol ψ hRample hRopen (hA.union C_closed) η_pos η_cont hFφψ hFAC K₀_cpct
K₁_cpct K₀K₁' with
⟨F', hF'₀, hF'₁, hF'AC, hF'K₁, hF'η, hF'hol⟩
refine' ⟨fun t x ↦ F' t x, _, _, _, _, _, _⟩ ; all_goals beta_reduce
· refine' fun t x ↦ ⟨rfl, F'.is_sol, (F' t).smooth x, _, _⟩
· revert x
rw [forall_restrictGermPredicate_iff]
rw [eventually_nhdsSet_union] at hF'AC
apply (hF'AC.1.and hf_A).mono
rintro x ⟨hx, hx'⟩
change F' t x = _
rw [hx t, ← hx', mkFormalSol_apply]
· calc
dist (F' t x).1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x) ≤ dist (F' t x).1.2 ( x) + dist ( x) (𝓕₀.bs x) :=
dist_triangle _ _ _
_ < η x + dist ( x) (𝓕₀.bs x) := (add_lt_add_right (hF'η t x) _)
_ = τ x := by simp [η]
· have : K₀ ⊆ range φ := K₀K₁.trans interior_subset |>.trans <| SurjOn.subset_range hK₁
rw [union_assoc, eventually_nhdsSet_union, image_preimage_eq_of_subset this] at hF'hol
exact hF'hol.2
· exact F'.smooth
· intro t x hx
replace hx : x ∉ φ '' (φ ⁻¹' K₁) := by
rwa [image_preimage_eq_of_subset (SurjOn.subset_range hK₁)]
simpa using hF'K₁ t x hx
· apply hF'₀.mono fun x hx ↦ ?_
erw [hx]
ext1 y
simp [F]
· apply hF'₁.mono fun x hx ↦ ?_
rw [hx] -/

/- rcases inductive_htpy_construction' P₀ P₁ P₂ hP₂ hP₂' init ind with ⟨F, hF₀, hFP₀, hFP₁, hFP₂⟩
simp only [P₀, forall₂_and_distrib] at hFP₀
rcases hFP₀ with ⟨hF_sec, hF_sol, _hF_smooth, hF_A, hF_dist⟩
refine' ⟨mkHtpyFormalSol F hF_sec hF_sol hFP₂, _, _, _, _⟩
· intro x
rw [mkHtpyFormalSol_apply, hF₀]
· exact hFP₁
· intro x hx t
rw [mkHtpyFormalSol_apply]
exact ( <| hF_A t).on_set x hx
· intro t x
change dist (mkHtpyFormalSol F hF_sec hF_sol hFP₂ t x).1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x) ≤ δ x
rw [mkHtpyFormalSol_apply]
exact (hF_dist t x).le.trans (min_le_left _ _) -/

theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrinciple (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R) (hA : IsClosed A)
(hδ_pos : ∀ x, 0 < δ x) (hδ_cont : Continuous δ) : R.SatisfiesHPrinciple A δ := by
borelize EX
Expand All @@ -57,43 +266,43 @@ theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrinciple (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R
-- We now start the main proof under the assumption that `M` and `X` are nonempty.
have cont : Continuous 𝓕₀.bs := 𝓕₀.smooth_bs.continuous
let L : LocalisationData IM IX 𝓕₀.bs := stdLocalisationData EM IM EX IX cont
let K : IndexType L.N → Set M := fun i => L.φ i '' closedBall (0 : EM) 1
let U : IndexType L.N → Set M := fun i => range (L.φ i)
let K : IndexType L.N → Set M := fun i L.φ i '' closedBall (0 : EM) 1
let U : IndexType L.N → Set M := fun i range (L.φ i)
have K_cover : (⋃ i, K i) = univ :=
eq_univ_of_subset (iUnion_mono fun i => image_subset _ ball_subset_closedBall) L.h₁
let τ := fun x : M => min (δ x) (L.ε x)
have τ_pos : ∀ x, 0 < τ x := fun x => lt_min (hδ_pos x) (L.ε_pos x)
eq_univ_of_subset (iUnion_mono fun i image_subset _ ball_subset_closedBall) L.h₁
let τ := fun x : M min (δ x) (L.ε x)
have τ_pos : ∀ x, 0 < τ x := fun x lt_min (hδ_pos x) (L.ε_pos x)
have τ_cont : Continuous τ := hδ_cont.min L.ε_cont
have := fun (x : M) (F' : Germ (𝓝 x) J¹) => F'.value = 𝓕₀ x
let P₀ : ∀ x : M, Germ (𝓝 x) J¹ → Prop := fun x F =>
have := fun (x : M) (F' : Germ (𝓝 x) J¹) F'.value = 𝓕₀ x
let P₀ : ∀ x : M, Germ (𝓝 x) J¹ → Prop := fun x F
F.value.1.1 = x ∧
F.value ∈ R ∧
F.ContMDiffAt' IM (( IX).prod 𝓘(ℝ, EM →L[ℝ] EX)) ∞ ∧
RestrictGermPredicate (fun x F' => F'.value = 𝓕₀ x) A x F ∧
RestrictGermPredicate (fun x F' F'.value = 𝓕₀ x) A x F ∧
dist F.value.1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x) < τ x
let P₁ : ∀ x : M, Germ (𝓝 x) J¹ → Prop := fun x F => IsHolonomicGerm F
let P₂ : ∀ p : ℝ × M, Germ (𝓝 p) J¹ → Prop := fun p F =>
let P₁ : ∀ x : M, Germ (𝓝 x) J¹ → Prop := fun x F IsHolonomicGerm F
let P₂ : ∀ p : ℝ × M, Germ (𝓝 p) J¹ → Prop := fun p F
F.ContMDiffAt' (𝓘(ℝ).prod IM) (( IX).prod 𝓘(ℝ, EM →L[ℝ] EX)) ∞
have hP₂ :
∀ (a b : ℝ) (p : ℝ × M) (f : ℝ × M → OneJetBundle IM M IX X),
P₂ (a * p.1 + b, p.2) f → P₂ p fun p : ℝ × M => f (a * p.1 + b, p.2) :=
P₂ (a * p.1 + b, p.2) f → P₂ p fun p : ℝ × M f (a * p.1 + b, p.2) :=
rintro a b ⟨t, x⟩ f h
change ContMDiffAt _ _ _ (f ∘ fun p : ℝ × M => (a * p.1 + b, p.2)) (t, x)
change ContMDiffAt _ _ _ f ((fun p : ℝ × M => (a * p.1 + b, p.2)) (t, x)) at h
change ContMDiffAt _ _ _ (f ∘ fun p : ℝ × M (a * p.1 + b, p.2)) (t, x)
change ContMDiffAt _ _ _ f ((fun p : ℝ × M (a * p.1 + b, p.2)) (t, x)) at h
have :
ContMDiffAt (𝓘(ℝ, ℝ).prod IM) (𝓘(ℝ, ℝ).prod IM) ∞ (fun p : ℝ × M => (a * p.1 + b, p.2))
ContMDiffAt (𝓘(ℝ, ℝ).prod IM) (𝓘(ℝ, ℝ).prod IM) ∞ (fun p : ℝ × M (a * p.1 + b, p.2))
(t, x) :=
haveI h₁ : ContMDiffAt 𝓘(ℝ, ℝ) 𝓘(ℝ, ℝ) ∞ (fun t => a * t + b) t :=
haveI h₁ : ContMDiffAt 𝓘(ℝ, ℝ) 𝓘(ℝ, ℝ) ∞ (fun t a * t + b) t :=
(((contDiffAt_id : ContDiffAt ℝ ∞ id t).const_smul a).add contDiffAt_const)
h₁.prod_map contMDiffAt_id
exact h.comp (t, x) this
have init : ∀ x : M, P₀ x (𝓕₀ : M → J¹) :=
refine' fun x => ⟨rfl, 𝓕₀.is_sol x, 𝓕₀.smooth x, _, _⟩
refine' fun x ⟨rfl, 𝓕₀.is_sol x, 𝓕₀.smooth x, _, _⟩
· revert x
exact forall_restrictGermPredicate_of_forall fun x => rfl
exact forall_restrictGermPredicate_of_forall fun x rfl
· erw [dist_self]
exact τ_pos x
have ind :
Expand All @@ -119,7 +328,7 @@ theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrinciple (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R
let C := ⋃ j < i, L.φ j '' closedBall 0 1
have hC :
IsClosed C :=-- TODO: rewrite localization_data.is_closed_Union to match this.
(finite_Iio _).isClosed_biUnion fun j _hj => (hK₀.image <| (L.φ j).continuous).isClosed
(finite_Iio _).isClosed_biUnion fun j _hj (hK₀.image <| (L.φ j).continuous).isClosed
simp only [P₀, forall_and] at hf₀
rcases hf₀ with ⟨hf_sec, hf_sol, hf_smooth, hf_A, hf_dist⟩
rw [forall_restrictGermPredicate_iff] at hf_A
Expand All @@ -128,10 +337,10 @@ theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrinciple (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R
rw [eventually_nhdsSet_union]
refine' ⟨_, hf₁⟩
apply (hf_A.and h𝓕₀).eventually_nhdsSet.mono fun x hx => ?_
apply (hf_A.and h𝓕₀).eventually_nhdsSet.mono fun x hx ?_
rw [eventually_and] at hx
apply hx.2.self_of_nhds.congr
apply hx.1.mono fun x' hx' => ?_
apply hx.1.mono fun x' hx' ?_
simp [F]
exact hx'.symm
have hFφψ : '' (range <| L.φ i) ⊆ range (L.ψj i) :=
Expand All @@ -143,18 +352,18 @@ theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrinciple (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R
dist ( x) (𝓕₀.bs x) = dist (f x).1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x) := by simp only [F, mkFormalSol_bs_apply]
_ < τ x := (hf_dist x)
_ ≤ L.ε x := min_le_right _ _
let η : M → ℝ := fun x => τ x - dist (f x).1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x)
have η_pos : ∀ x, 0 < η x := fun x => sub_pos.mpr (hf_dist x)
let η : M → ℝ := fun x τ x - dist (f x).1.2 (𝓕₀.bs x)
have η_pos : ∀ x, 0 < η x := fun x sub_pos.mpr (hf_dist x)
have η_cont : Continuous η :=
have : ContMDiff IM (( IX).prod 𝓘(ℝ, EM →L[ℝ] EX)) ∞ f := fun x => hf_smooth x
have : ContMDiff IM (( IX).prod 𝓘(ℝ, EM →L[ℝ] EX)) ∞ f := fun x hf_smooth x
apply τ_cont.sub
exact (one_jet_bundle_proj_continuous.comp this.continuous).snd.dist 𝓕₀.smooth_bs.continuous
rcases(L.φ i).improve_formalSol (L.ψj i) hRample hRopen (hA.union hC) η_pos η_cont hFφψ hFAC hK₀
hK₁ hK₀K₁ with
⟨F', hF'₀, hF'₁, hF'AC, hF'K₁, hF'η, hF'hol⟩
refine' ⟨fun t x => F' t x, _, _, _, _, _, _⟩ ; all_goals beta_reduce
· refine' fun t x => ⟨rfl, F'.is_sol, (F' t).smooth x, _, _⟩
refine' ⟨fun t x F' t x, _, _, _, _, _, _⟩ ; all_goals beta_reduce
· refine' fun t x ⟨rfl, F'.is_sol, (F' t).smooth x, _, _⟩
· revert x
rw [forall_restrictGermPredicate_iff]
rw [eventually_nhdsSet_union] at hF'AC
Expand All @@ -177,11 +386,11 @@ theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrinciple (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R
· intro t x hx
rw [hF'K₁ t x ((mem_range_of_mem_image _ _).mt hx)]
simp [F]
· apply hF'₀.mono fun x hx => ?_
· apply hF'₀.mono fun x hx ?_
erw [hx]
ext1 y
simp [F]
· apply hF'₁.mono fun x hx => ?_
· apply hF'₁.mono fun x hx ?_
rw [hx]
rcases inductive_htpy_construction P₀ P₁ P₂ hP₂ L.lf_φ K_cover init (𝓕₀.smooth.comp contMDiff_snd)
ind with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,10 +423,9 @@ which ensures the ampleness assumption survives this reduction.
/-- **Gromov's Theorem** -/
theorem RelMfld.Ample.satisfiesHPrincipleWith (hRample : R.Ample) (hRopen : IsOpen R)
(hC : IsClosed C) (hδ_pos : ∀ x, 0 < δ x) (hδ_cont : Continuous δ) :
R.SatisfiesHPrincipleWith IP C δ :=
have hδ_pos' : ∀ x : P × M, 0 < δ x.2 := fun x : P × M => hδ_pos x.snd
have hδ_cont' : Continuous fun x : P × M => δ x.2 := hδ_cont.comp continuous_snd
R.SatisfiesHPrincipleWith IP C δ := by
have hδ_pos' : ∀ x : P × M, 0 < δ x.2 := fun x : P × M ↦ hδ_pos x.snd
have hδ_cont' : Continuous fun x : P × M ↦ δ x.2 := hδ_cont.comp continuous_snd
have is_op : IsOpen (RelMfld.relativize IP P R) := R.isOpen_relativize hRopen
apply RelMfld.SatisfiesHPrinciple.satisfiesHPrincipleWith
exact (hRample.relativize IP P).satisfiesHPrinciple is_op hC hδ_pos' hδ_cont'
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions SphereEversion/Global/LocalisationData.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,8 +155,10 @@ theorem ε_spec (ld : LocalisationData I I' f) :
range (g ∘ ld.φ i) ⊆ range (ld.ψj i) :=
(localisation_stability ld).choose_spec.choose_spec.choose_spec

theorem exists_stability_dist {f : M → M'} (hf : Continuous f) :
∃ ε > (0 : M → ℝ), Continuous ε ∧
variable (I I')

theorem _root_.exists_stability_dist {f : M → M'} (hf : Continuous f) :
∃ ε : M → ℝ, (∀ m, 0 < ε m) ∧ Continuous ε ∧
∀ x : M,
∃ φ : OpenSmoothEmbedding 𝓘(ℝ, E) E I M,
∃ ψ : OpenSmoothEmbedding 𝓘(ℝ, E') E' I' M',
Expand Down

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