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alexjbest committed Nov 29, 2023
2 parents 8f4d4fc + b1a18a1 commit b7f822b
Showing 1 changed file with 120 additions and 5 deletions.
125 changes: 120 additions & 5 deletions FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean
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Expand Up @@ -32,21 +32,97 @@ structure systemOfUnits (r : ℕ) [Module A G]
units : Fin r → G
linearIndependent : LinearIndependent A units

instance {r} [Module A G] (sys : systemOfUnits p G σ r) : Fintype (G ⧸ Submodule.span A (Set.range sys.units)) := sorry
instance systemOfUnits.instFintype {r}
[Module A G] -- [IsScalarTower ℤ A G]
(sys : systemOfUnits (G := G) p σ r) : Fintype (G ⧸ Submodule.span A (Set.range sys.units)) := sorry

def systemOfUnits.index [Module A G] (sys : systemOfUnits p G σ r) :=
Fintype.card (G ⧸ Submodule.span A (Set.range sys.units))

def systemOfUnits.IsFundamental [Module A G] (h : systemOfUnits p G σ r) :=
∀ s : systemOfUnits p G σ r, h.index ≤ s.index

lemma systemOfUnits.IsFundamental.maximal' [Module A G] (S : systemOfUnits p G σ r)
(hs : S.IsFundamental) (a : systemOfUnits p G σ r) :
(Submodule.span A (Set.range S.units)).toAddSubgroup.index ≤
(Submodule.span A (Set.range a.units)).toAddSubgroup.index := by
convert hs a <;> symm <;> exact Nat.card_eq_fintype_card.symm

theorem Finsupp.prod_congr' {α M N} [Zero M] [CommMonoid N] {f₁ f₂ : α →₀ M} {g1 g2 : α → M → N}
(h : ∀ x, g1 x (f₁ x) = g2 x (f₂ x)) (hg1 : ∀ i, g1 i 0 = 1) (hg2 : ∀ i, g2 i 0 = 1) :
f₁.prod g1 = f₂.prod g2 := by
rw [f₁.prod_of_support_subset (Finset.subset_union_left _ f₂.support) _ (fun i _ ↦ hg1 i),
f₂.prod_of_support_subset (Finset.subset_union_right f₁.support _) _ (fun i _ ↦ hg2 i)]
exact Finset.prod_congr rfl (fun x _ ↦ h x)

lemma LinearIndependent.update {ι} [DecidableEq ι] {R} [CommRing R] [Module R G]
(f : ι → G) (i : ι) (g : G) (σ : R)
(hσ : σ ∈ nonZeroDivisors R) (hg : σ • g = f i) (hf : LinearIndependent R f):
LinearIndependent R (Function.update f i g) := by
rw [linearIndependent_iff] at hf ⊢
intros l hl
have : ( ι G R f) (Finsupp.update (σ • l) i (l i)) = 0
· rw [← smul_zero σ, ← hl, Finsupp.total_apply, Finsupp.total_apply, Finsupp.smul_sum]
apply Finsupp.sum_congr'
· intro x
simp only [Finsupp.coe_update, Finsupp.coe_smul, Function.update_apply, ite_smul, smul_ite]
rw [smul_smul, mul_comm σ, ← smul_smul, hg, Pi.smul_apply, smul_eq_mul, ← smul_smul]
split <;> simp [*]
· simp
· simp
ext j
have := FunLike.congr_fun (hf (Finsupp.update (σ • l) i (l i)) this) j
simp only [Finsupp.coe_update, Finsupp.coe_smul, ne_eq, Function.update_apply, Finsupp.coe_zero,
Pi.zero_apply] at this
split_ifs at this with hij
· exact hij ▸ this
· exact hσ (l j) ((mul_comm _ _).trans this)

lemma Subgroup.index_mono {G : Type*} [Group G] {H₁ H₂ : Subgroup G} (h : H₁ < H₂)
[h₁ : Fintype (G ⧸ H₁)] :
H₂.index < H₁.index := sorry

namespace systemOfUnits

lemma nontrivial (hr : r ≠ 0) : Nontrivial G := by
by_contra' h
rw [not_nontrivial_iff_subsingleton] at h
rw [FiniteDimensional.finrank_zero_of_subsingleton] at hf
simp only [ge_iff_le, zero_eq_mul, tsub_eq_zero_iff_le] at hf
cases hf with
| inl h => exact hr h
| inr h => simpa [Nat.lt_succ_iff, h] using not_lt.2 (Nat.prime_def_lt.1 hp).1

lemma bezout [Module A G] {a : A} (ha : a ≠ 0) : ∃ (f : A) (n : ℤ),
f * a = n := sorry

lemma existence0 [Module A G] : Nonempty (systemOfUnits p G σ 0) := by
refine ⟨⟨fun _ => 0, linearIndependent_empty_type⟩⟩
exact ⟨⟨fun _ => 0, linearIndependent_empty_type⟩⟩

lemma ex_not_mem [Module A G] {R : ℕ} (S : systemOfUnits p G σ R) (hR : R < r) :
∃ g, ∀ (k : ℤ), ¬(k • g ∈ Submodule.span A (Set.range S.units)) := by
by_contra' h

set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 0 in
lemma existence' [Module A G] {R : ℕ} (S : systemOfUnits p G σ R) (hR : R < r) :
Nonempty (systemOfUnits p G σ (R + 1)) := sorry
Nonempty (systemOfUnits p G σ (R + 1)) := by
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := ex_not_mem p G σ r S hR
refine ⟨⟨Fin.cases g S.units, ?_⟩⟩
refine LinearIndependent.fin_cons' g S.units S.linearIndependent (fun a y hy ↦ ?_)
by_contra' ha
obtain ⟨f, n, Hf⟩ := bezout p G σ ha
replace hy := congr_arg (f • ·) hy
simp only at hy
let mon : Monoid A := inferInstance
rw [smul_zero, smul_add, smul_smul, Hf, ← eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero, intCast_smul] at hy
apply hg n
rw [hy]
exact Submodule.neg_mem _ (Submodule.smul_mem _ _ y.2)

lemma existence'' [Module A G] {R : ℕ} (hR : R ≤ r) : Nonempty (systemOfUnits p G σ R) := by
induction R with
Expand All @@ -57,11 +133,17 @@ lemma existence'' [Module A G] {R : ℕ} (hR : R ≤ r) : Nonempty (systemOfUni

lemma existence (r) [Module A G] : Nonempty (systemOfUnits p G σ r) := existence'' p G σ r rfl.le

end systemOfUnits

abbrev σA : A := MonoidAlgebra.of ℤ H σ

lemma one_sub_σA_mem : 1 - σA p σ ∈ A⁰ := sorry

lemma one_sub_σA_mem_nonunit : ¬ IsUnit (1 - σA p σ) := sorry

lemma isCoprime_one_sub_σA (n : ℤ) (hn : ¬ (p : ℤ) ∣ n): IsCoprime (1 - σA p σ) n := sorry

namespace fundamentalSystemOfUnits
lemma existence [Module A G] : ∃ S : systemOfUnits p G σ r, S.IsFundamental := by
obtain ⟨S⟩ := systemOfUnits.existence p G σ r
Expand All @@ -74,7 +156,40 @@ lemma existence [Module A G] : ∃ S : systemOfUnits p G σ r, S.IsFundamental :
use a'

lemma lemma2 [Module A G] (S : systemOfUnits p G σ r) (hs : S.IsFundamental) (i : Fin r) :
∀ g : G, (1 - σA p σ) • g ≠ S.units i := sorry
∀ g : G, (1 - σA p σ) • g ≠ S.units i := by
intro g hg
let S' : systemOfUnits p G σ r := ⟨Function.update S.units i g,
LinearIndependent.update (hσ := one_sub_σA_mem p σ) (hg := hg) S.linearIndependent⟩
suffices : Submodule.span A (Set.range S.units) < Submodule.span A (Set.range S'.units)
· exact (hs.maximal' S').not_lt (AddSubgroup.index_mono (h₁ := S.instFintype) this)
rw [SetLike.lt_iff_le_and_exists]
· rw [Submodule.span_le]
rintro _ ⟨j, rfl⟩
by_cases hij : i = j
· rw [← hij, ← hg]
exact Submodule.smul_mem _ _ (Submodule.subset_span ⟨i, Function.update_same _ _ _⟩)
· exact Submodule.subset_span ⟨j, Function.update_noteq (Ne.symm hij) _ _⟩
· refine ⟨g, Submodule.subset_span ⟨i, Function.update_same _ _ _⟩, ?_⟩
rw [← Finsupp.range_total]
rintro ⟨l, rfl⟩
letI := ( A).toModule
letI : SMulZeroClass A A := SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass
letI : Module A (Fin r →₀ A) := Finsupp.module (Fin r) A
rw [← ( _ _ _ _).map_smul, ← one_smul A (S.units i),
← Finsupp.total_single A (v := S.units), ← sub_eq_zero,
← ( (Fin r) G A S.units).map_sub] at hg
have := FunLike.congr_fun ( S.linearIndependent _ hg) i
simp only [Finsupp.coe_sub, Pi.sub_apply, Finsupp.single_eq_same] at this
exact one_sub_σA_mem_nonunit p σ (isUnit_of_mul_eq_one _ _ ( this))

lemma lemma2' [Module A G] (S : systemOfUnits p G σ r) (hs : S.IsFundamental) (i : Fin r) (a : ℤ)
(ha : ¬ (p : ℤ) ∣ a) : ∀ g : G, (1 - σA p σ) • g ≠ a • (S.units i) := by
intro g hg
obtain ⟨x, y, e⟩ := isCoprime_one_sub_σA p σ a ha
apply lemma2 p G σ S hs i (x • (S.units i) + y • g)
conv_rhs => rw [← one_smul A (S.units i), ← e, add_smul, ← smul_smul y, intCast_smul, ← hg]
rw [smul_add, smul_smul, smul_smul, smul_smul, mul_comm x, mul_comm y]

lemma corollary [Module A G] (S : systemOfUnits p G σ r) (hs : S.IsFundamental) (a : Fin r → ℤ)
(ha : ∃ i , ¬ (p : ℤ) ∣ a i) :
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