This repository contains a collection of configuration files that I currently use. It was customized and designed with the idea of creating a minimalistic development environment with Arch and Bspwm but it can be easily adapted to any linux distro as long as it installs the required dependencies.
- Modern look with transparency effects
- Polybar with informative and interactive modules
- Verbose system of notifications using dunst. (battery, music, bluetooth, volume, brightness, calendar)
- Lightweight system can consume on average 430MB of RAM or less after boot. (Depends on the distro used as a base)
- Improved productivity with VI keyboard shortcuts and less frequent mouse use.
- Settings using picom to provide rounded corners and blur effect.
- Added support for multiple screens in bspwm configuration file
- WM: Bspwm
- Hotkey daemon: sxhkd
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Terminal: kitty
- Notification daemon: dunst
- IDE: neovim
- IDE: (optional but recommended) lunarvim
- Launcher: rofi
- UI for git: LazyGit
- Monitor of resources: btop or bashtop
- bar: polybar
- Compositor: picom (ftlabs fork)
- Audio: pulseaudio
- Player Control: playerctl
- Music: ncmpcpp
- Music: (ncmpcpp dependency): mpd
- Music: (mpd dependency): mpc
- Music: (optional): mocp
- Visualizer: Cava
- File manager: ranger
- File manager (optional): Thunar
- Images: (ranger dependency): ueberzug
- Images: pqiv
- Images (optional): sxiv
- Images: (To set backgrounds) feh
- bluetooth: bluez-utils
- Night Light: (optional): redshift
- Lock screen: betterlockscreen
- Shell: Zsh
- Install dependencies according to your Linux distribution. As said, I took Arch as a base, but you can consult the documentation of your favorite distribution and adapt it according to your needs.
$ yay -Sy bspwm sxhkd polybar alacritty rofi picom dunst playerctl mpc ffmpeg bluez bluez-utils blueberry alsa pulseaudio pulsemixer feh mpd ncmpcpp pqiv ranger ueberzug
- Install LunarVim following the steps can be seen in its official repository.
- clone this repository to the current user's home directory or /tmp.
$ git clone /tmp && cd /tmp/dotfiles
- copy or move their contents to their respective directories.
$ cp -r . $HOME
Btop, Calendar Notification, Rofi Search Menu and Ranger File Manager |
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NCMPCPP, Termux and music notification |
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NeoVim, Tmux and cava | btop, Neovi and Ranger |
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Polybar with rounded corners and LunarVim with Lunar color scheme | Visual Studio Code with Winter is Coming theme |
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Some scripts were used as the basis for rofi bluetooth menu and rofi wifi and deserve credit.
- Rofi Wifi: Rofi-Scripts
- Bluetooth menu: rofi-bluetooth