It's a CSS and JS Library, inspired by Bootstrap, TailwindCSS and Bulma. We try to get the best of those libraries and framework.
Add those line in your html page:
<link href="https://overconsulting.tech/utils.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Available on: overconsulting.tech to see it online.
Available on overconsulting.tech
Installation of the tools to generate the minified file. I used uglifycss and uglifyjs. You can installe it with npm.
$ npm install uglifycss -g
$ npm install uglify-js -g
To generate the min.css files from the multiple css files.
$ git clone https://github.com/ldandoy/Utils-CSS-JS.git
$ cd Utils-CSS
$ uglifycss ./src/css/*.css > ./dist/utils.min.css
$ uglifyjs ./src/js/*.js > ./dist/utils.min.js
After runngin this commande, you will found the min.css and min.js in the dist folder.
First install sass on you system. If you need more information go to: SASS Website
$ npm install -g sass
And know to generate css files
$ sass src/stylesheets/index.scss dist/index.css
- Add the disabled for the button
- Add the different pointer
- Render active link for the navbar
- Add hover for the navbar
- Responsive global
- Add outlined to the button
- Add size to the button
- Add a grid with quarter, half and tiers
- Add Hero section
- Add class rounded sur les élements
- Add some menu
- Add disabled for all the form field
- Responsive de la navbar
- Faire un rounded global
- Add Js part
- Modify the doc to be React compatible
- Finish the documentation
- Add container to the navbar
- Complete menu part
- Add color in input
- Integration of Dark mode
- Integration of SASS