####an R package for pretty timeline creation
Create timelines or Gantt charts, offline and interactive, that are usable in the 'RStudio' viewer pane, in 'R Markdown' documents and in 'Shiny' apps using 'plotly.js', a high-level, declarative charting library. Hover the mouse pointer over a point or task to show details or drag a rectangle to zoom in. Timelines (and the data behind them) can be manipulated using 'plotly_build()' or, once uploaded to a 'plotly' account, viewed and modified in a web browser.
Feedback welcome: [email protected]
To install the package from CRAN (v0.3.0):
To install the development version (v0.4.0, most recent fixes and improvements, but not released on CRAN yet, see NEWS), run the following code in an R console:
vistime(data, start = "start", end = "end", groups = "group", events = "event", colors = "color",
fontcolors = "fontcolor", tooltips = "tooltip", title = NULL)
data | data.frame that contains the data to be visualised |
start | (optional) the column name in data that contains start dates. Default: start. |
end | (optional) the column name in data that contains end dates. Default: end. |
groups | (optional) the column name in data to be used for grouping. Default: group. |
events | (optional) the column name in data that contains event names. Default: event. |
colors | (optional) the column name in data that contains colors for events. Default: color, if not present, colors are chosen via RColorBrewer. |
fontcolors | (optional) the column name in data that contains the font color for event labels. Default: fontcolor, if not present, color will be black. |
tooltips | (optional) the column name in data that contains the mouseover tooltips for the events. Default: tooltip, if not present, then tooltips are build from event name and date. Basic HTML is allowed. |
title | (optional) the title to be shown on top of the timeline |
returns an object of class "plotly
" and "htmlwidget
dat <- data.frame(Position=rep(c("President", "Vice"), each = 3),
Name = c("Washington", rep(c("Adams", "Jefferson"), 2), "Burr"),
start = c("1789-03-29", "1797-02-03", "1801-02-03"),
end = c("1797-02-03", "1801-02-03", "1809-02-03"),
color = c('#cbb69d', '#603913', '#c69c6e'),
fontcolor = c("black", "white", "black"))
vistime(dat, events="Position", groups="Name", title="Presidents of the USA")
data <- read.csv(text="event,group,start,end,color
Phase 1,Project,2016-12-22,2016-12-23,#c8e6c9
Phase 2,Project,2016-12-23,2016-12-29,#a5d6a7
Phase 3,Project,2016-12-29,2017-01-06,#fb8c00
Phase 4,Project,2017-01-06,2017-02-02,#DD4B39
today (after 32 days),Start/today,2017-01-23,2017-01-24,#DD4B39
1-217.0,category 2,2016-12-27,2016-12-27,#90caf9
3-200,category 1,2016-12-25,2016-12-25,#1565c0
3-330,category 1,2016-12-25,2016-12-25,#1565c0
3-223,category 1,2016-12-28,2016-12-28,#1565c0
3-225,category 1,2016-12-28,2016-12-28,#1565c0
3-226,category 1,2016-12-28,2016-12-28,#1565c0
3-226,category 1,2017-01-19,2017-01-19,#1565c0
3-330,category 1,2017-01-19,2017-01-19,#1565c0
4-399.7,moon rising,2017-01-13,2017-01-13,#f44336
8-831.0,sundowner drink,2017-01-17,2017-01-17,#8d6e63
9-984.1,birthday party,2016-12-22,2016-12-22,#90a4ae
Room 334,Team 1,2016-12-22,2016-12-28,#DEEBF7
Room 335,Team 1,2016-12-28,2017-01-05,#C6DBEF
Room 335,Team 1,2017-01-05,2017-01-23,#9ECAE1
Group 1,Team 2,2016-12-22,2016-12-28,#E5F5E0
Group 2,Team 2,2016-12-28,2017-01-23,#C7E9C0")