External Archive Data Access: small pieces of code to query/retrieve (astronomical) data within the VO framework.
-> conesearch.py : (CLI) script to search for sources in a set of catalogs (option '--list') given a position (ra,dec) and a radius
-> conesearch.py : depends on 'numpy (1.8.0)', 'astropy (0.3)' and 'pyvo (0.0beta2)'
[] chb
Code to compute and correct for reddening the flux given a magnitude value in one of the bands -- U, B, V, R, I, J, H, K -- between near-UV and IR. The code uses the reddening law of Cardelli et al. 1989 (published ApJ, 354, 245).
The code uses only built-in python (2.7.6) modules -- argparse, logging, math.